Levi, I was going to go bed but then I read this post. I went into AH2 and did what you recommended. Heres my finds:
I no longer have a bad nose bounce nor do I jerk about alot while in manuevers. I feel very precise with my handling, especially with pitch control!
Getting rid of tracers was something I had done before, but when I re-installed AH2 I was too lazy to change them back. When I did this time, I noticed that I had a "feel" for where the rounds would go, and while I didn't count, one sortie of mine I got two kills using nearly 1/4 of what I'd use with tracers.
I studied your flying and didn't use zoom. I used to be a zoom potato but now after forcing myself to not use it, I was able to mind where I was going and what was going on A LOT better.
Levi, thanks! Oh and btw, a very SIC film!!!