I certainly haven't done any imperical measurements of the performance of the P47N.
In the few times I have flown it on line, I am still not sure if I like it or not as a MA ride.
My first fight in N was a disaster. I was at about 12K and ran into a LA7. I had almost 100% fuel as I dropped my DT when I saw him. And I forgot to jettision my 10 rockets. All in all not good.
It has a lot going for it, but in the MA a lot of subjective things count. Such as being able to outmaneuver what you can't out run. Cannons rate big in the style of fighting we mainly see in the MA. 1 on 1s are rare for most of us.
I consider myself to be a fairly average pilot. And I am not sure we are going to see droves of pilots of my caliber jumping on the N model Jug like we see them in LA7's or Doras' or Pony D's.
I may try out the Jug N with a 6 gun package and less ammooo, however, you then lose the real benifit of flying Jugs, and that is the 8 gun package.
All in all a real nice ride, but no LA7 fly a long shot at the altitudes of most MA fights.
But again this is only the opinion of an average pilot