Author Topic: P47N Perk Debate  (Read 5678 times)

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #30 on: July 03, 2005, 11:15:57 AM »
Originally posted by Wilbus
Can't seem to find whoever wrote your quote Savage but this is the way it's been more or less all along, combined with other factors. The P47-N will most likely need to be perked, one reason may be to force people to fly lesser planes, like it or not it's up to you.

It wasn't a direct quote.

If I want to fly it, I'll fly it, perked or not.

It simply doesn't appear that it has enough performance to rate perking. We have several rides that are better in any number of categories that are not perked. The fact that it is a 1944-45 plane by itself does not mean it needs to be perked.

The idea that no one will fly other P-47's unless it gets perked is not a valid reason either, otherwise we have to perk the 109G-10, the 190D-9, the P-51D, the LA-7, or any other number of planes, simply because a lesser model exists. We have the P-47D-40, but I see the 25 and the 11, so the arguement simply isn't valid.

I find it hilarious that the plane has not yet been introduced and we already have people insisting or demanding it be perked.:rofl
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Offline Pooface

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2005, 11:18:57 AM »
this is what i thought too, that it would be silly to perk a plane that many wont fly simply because of the skill needed, but it will be the sole 47 we see if we dont perk it just a little, but anything over 10 is silly

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #32 on: July 03, 2005, 11:38:50 AM »
Originally posted by Pooface
this is what i thought too, that it would be silly to perk a plane that many wont fly simply because of the skill needed, but it will be the sole 47 we see if we dont perk it just a little, but anything over 10 is silly

While we don't see tons of D-11 or D-25 P-47s, they are seen, and not terribly less often than the D-40.

There will likely never be enough P-47s of any variety flying to seriously affect MA balance, the plane requires too much patience, too much skill, and a different flying style. The N won't be so fast on the deck that nothing will catch it. I doubt it will carry more ordnance than the D-40. Remember that the big advantages of the P-47N will be seen above 10K.

The P-47N will probably be more of a threat to high altitude bombers and possibly the 262 more than anything else.

Given the current convoluted Bravo Sierra system we have now, where the LA7 is not perked but the TA-152 and the C Hog are, I'm sure those crying out for the P-47N to be perked have a good chance to get their wish.
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Offline Wilbus

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #33 on: July 03, 2005, 11:56:39 AM »
I find it hilarious that the plane has not yet been introduced and we already have people insisting or demanding it be perked.

This is the way AH works. I'm not insisting on anything, would love to see it unperked, wouldn't upset arena balance but it will never happen. I am quite certain HTC has already made up their mind on this and this discussion will lead to nothing but just that, a discussion.

Given the current convoluted Bravo Sierra system we have now, where the LA7 is not perked but the TA-152 and the C Hog are, I'm sure those crying out for the P-47N to be perked have a good chance to get their wish.

And once again there is the reason I think it will be perked. The Ta152 holds no advantage over an LA7, G10, P51. The Dora turns slightly worse but it's better in all other ways. You can even go down from the "top 5" speed planes and find the Yak and La5 easily outperforming the Ta152.

The P47-N will not be a worse plane then the Ta152, it will be better in pretty much every aspect, it will most likely be perked.

Not that I care that much, perks not an issue to me, but I know it is to many others.
Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson

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Offline Kev367th

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #34 on: July 03, 2005, 12:06:31 PM »
Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

It simply doesn't appear that it has enough performance to rate perking. We have several rides that are better in any number of categories that are not perked. The fact that it is a 1944-45 plane by itself does not mean it needs to be perked.

From the figures I've seen it may be about the fastest high alt (32k) plane in the game.

OK granted the majority of fights in the MA take place well below that, BUT one of the reasons for the Spit 14 and TA-152 perk is their high alt performance.

Add to that the P47N endurance (better than Spit 14 and TA-152), and ord carrying (better again), I can see it perked.

As has been pointed out in previous threads, if you unperk the Spit 14 and TA-152, watch the usage grow!!!! So yes planes are already perked to reduce usage. F4U1C is a prime example.

Mild perk should be enough, nothing drastic.
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Offline Morpheus

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #35 on: July 03, 2005, 12:16:48 PM »
Can someone show me the post where Hitech or Pyro said the new P47N was going to be perked.
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Offline culero

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #36 on: July 03, 2005, 12:19:00 PM »
I'm hoping that HTC takes a "wait and see" approach - introduce the new model, allow it to be used at will unperked, see what the results are, apply a perk value if/at what price the results seem to indicate its needed.

My rationale is that its hard to anticipate what players will actually do en masse. Taking this approach will define that, thus both assessing needs and allowing the subscriber base to understand why any actions taken (or not) are apprporiate.

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Offline SkyRock

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #37 on: July 03, 2005, 12:37:29 PM »
perk schmerk!  I would imagine that perking any "jug" would be like perking a P-38.   Silly, I tell you, silly!  :rolleyes:

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Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #38 on: July 03, 2005, 01:21:37 PM »
Originally posted by Morpheus
Can someone show me the post where Hitech or Pyro said the new P47N was going to be perked.

I think what's driving this is the fact that many are insisting or demanding it be perked, and others are disagreeing. To my knowledge, no one from HTC has said it WILL be perked.
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Offline Morpheus

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #39 on: July 03, 2005, 01:40:07 PM »
LOL like little mini paparazzi.


And I bet they think they are going to make a difference.
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Offline Angus

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #40 on: July 03, 2005, 02:19:46 PM »
It sits a bit close to the Ta 152.
So, if no perk, then why on the Ta 152?
It's faster at alt than a Spit XIV.
Although now Hizookas are in the wings, 8x.050 make a lot
Ordnance is formidable.
Range is impressive.

Perk like the TA152, or F4U-4?

But as many have pointed out, most of the perk planes are too expensive. Maybe divide perks with 2 ?
It was very interesting to carry out the flight trials at Rechlin with the Spitfire and the Hurricane. Both types are very simple to fly compared to our aircraft, and childishly easy to take-off and land. (Werner Mölders)

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #41 on: July 03, 2005, 02:53:46 PM »
Originally posted by StarOfAfrica2
You obviously havent flown the AH version of the P47.  That "big bus" out turns everything but a spitfire down on the deck.  I hope they perk it like a 262 lol.

Hehe, sorry.  I just assumed this was an obvious enough exaggeration that folks would get a chuckle out of it and move on.  I had no idea whether or not a Jug gets perked would get people this worked up.  Jeeze.  Apologies if I pushed anyone's heart rate up into danger levels.

Personally, as far as I'm concerned, we should either perk ALL the planes to various degrees (except the early war stuff) and make trading up cost something, or remove the entire perk point system and make everything open to use.  Actually, my thought would be to limit bases the current perk rides are available from.  We have 3 different size fields, and there is no real difference whats available at them, just how many buildings it takes to knock them out.  Make 262s and F4U-4s and Ta-152s and such only available at large airfields, and spread out the large ones.  I really dont like the perk system myself.  Not that HTC ever asked me, or will.

Offline MOIL

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #42 on: July 03, 2005, 02:57:09 PM »
OK ok,

with all this "perk this" "perk that" it seems funny that any planes besides the 163 & 262 are "perked"
I know there are tons of guys with a million "perk" points, yet don't fly around in Temp's, 262's and 152's all day.
Seems weather their "perked" or not the same planes get flown everyday for the most part.

I realize I'm prob one of the worst {if not the worst} pilots in the game, I don't know ALL the facts and figures on every WW2 plane that rolled off the production line and I'm sure there are a few A/C that have a couple of advantages over another but lets get real. When's the last time anyone has seen a base attacked by a swarm of F4F's, B5N's or one of the slow 109's or Yak's for that matter??  Just doesn't happen, now YES people do fly these planes and quite well I might add, but go park your butt in a tower for 15  mins at any base that is getting attacked and you'll see the same exact planes show up time & time again.
You get the P51's, Spits, LA'7, P38's, Typh's, N1ki's, 190's, 109G10's, 110's and the normal bomber load-outs.
Can't prove me wrong can ya, so why do so many people worry bout "perk" planes?  Why does anyone with 1/2 a brain in their head care if the LA7 is "perked"  I see LA7's attacking our fields all the time, funny thing is 90% of the time they don't make it home.  As if it's some untouchable plane or has mystical powers.

Kind of strange how all these people love to inform me on how much of a "Flight Sim" this GAME is and how it's based on WW2 "air combat"
Of course I have to pick myself up off the floor after I fall out of my chair from laughing so hard.
I guess I just don't fully understand the whole whining thing about what plane is "perked" or not, or why it should be. Looking at all the numbers and planes avail it is just plain foolish IMO.

Now before someone jumps on me or gives me the right act lemme throw a few things out on the table so I don't get this thread turned into a "you wan't people to play YOUR way" and your mad about it thread.
Myself, I don't care what plane someone flies! nor do I care how good they are or how "perks" they have. I do not care what rank they are or how long they've been playing "flight sims" or that they could destroy me in the DA.  blah,blah,blah........
Because when it comes down to it, the same people are going to up the same planes over and over.
When's the last time you saw AKAK in an KI67 or a C202????  What about Shawk in his 190, or was that a Yak, hhmmmmm can't quite remember.
The "perked" plane does not change a damn thing, weather the LA7 or any other get's "perked" will not make a hill of beans differance. People will just do what people do naturally, go find another plane like the Typh or whatever and start using it. Then of course the the MA will {you guessed it} start complaining about the Typh and why it should be "perked"

I would love to see all planes "unperked" except for the 163 & 262 {for obvious reasons} and let everyone go at it. I honestly don't believe it will effect anything in the MA. For every action there's a counter-action.

This of course is just all observation, not saying any or all is right or wrong  play how you want, fly want you want.
Fact still remains, in WW2 more A/C were shot down by AA fire than another A/C !!!

Have a safe and Happy 4th:aok

Offline Ack-Ack

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #43 on: July 03, 2005, 03:09:30 PM »
Originally posted by Wilbus
Can't seem to find whoever wrote your quote Savage but this is the way it's been more or less all along, combined with other factors. The P47-N will most likely need to be perked, one reason may be to force people to fly lesser planes, like it or not it's up to you.

I really don't see why it would be perked.  According to HT, the only reason why planes are perked is that those planes unperked could possibly cause an unbalance in the game play.  I really don't see the P-47N meeting that criteria other than a few vocal whines to the contrary from certain players.

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Offline Pooface

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P47N Perk Debate
« Reply #44 on: July 03, 2005, 03:10:58 PM »
Originally posted by MOIL
OK ok,

with all this "perk this" "perk that" it seems funny that any planes besides the 163 & 262 are "perked"
I know there are tons of guys with a million "perk" points, yet don't fly around in Temp's, 262's and 152's all day.
Seems weather their "perked" or not the same planes get flown everyday for the most part.

I realize I'm prob one of the worst {if not the worst} pilots in the game, I don't know ALL the facts and figures on every WW2 plane that rolled off the production line and I'm sure there are a few A/C that have a couple of advantages over another but lets get real. When's the last time anyone has seen a base attacked by a swarm of F4F's, B5N's or one of the slow 109's or Yak's for that matter??  Just doesn't happen, now YES people do fly these planes and quite well I might add, but go park your butt in a tower for 15  mins at any base that is getting attacked and you'll see the same exact planes show up time & time again.
You get the P51's, Spits, LA'7, P38's, Typh's, N1ki's, 190's, 109G10's, 110's and the normal bomber load-outs.
Can't prove me wrong can ya, so why do so many people worry bout "perk" planes?  Why does anyone with 1/2 a brain in their head care if the LA7 is "perked"  I see LA7's attacking our fields all the time, funny thing is 90% of the time they don't make it home.  As if it's some untouchable plane or has mystical powers.

Kind of strange how all these people love to inform me on how much of a "Flight Sim" this GAME is and how it's based on WW2 "air combat"
Of course I have to pick myself up off the floor after I fall out of my chair from laughing so hard.
I guess I just don't fully understand the whole whining thing about what plane is "perked" or not, or why it should be. Looking at all the numbers and planes avail it is just plain foolish IMO.

Now before someone jumps on me or gives me the right act lemme throw a few things out on the table so I don't get this thread turned into a "you wan't people to play YOUR way" and your mad about it thread.
Myself, I don't care what plane someone flies! nor do I care how good they are or how "perks" they have. I do not care what rank they are or how long they've been playing "flight sims" or that they could destroy me in the DA.  blah,blah,blah........
Because when it comes down to it, the same people are going to up the same planes over and over.
When's the last time you saw AKAK in an KI67 or a C202????  What about Shawk in his 190, or was that a Yak, hhmmmmm can't quite remember.
The "perked" plane does not change a damn thing, weather the LA7 or any other get's "perked" will not make a hill of beans differance. People will just do what people do naturally, go find another plane like the Typh or whatever and start using it. Then of course the the MA will {you guessed it} start complaining about the Typh and why it should be "perked"

I would love to see all planes "unperked" except for the 163 & 262 {for obvious reasons} and let everyone go at it. I honestly don't believe it will effect anything in the MA. For every action there's a counter-action.

This of course is just all observation, not saying any or all is right or wrong  play how you want, fly want you want.
Fact still remains, in WW2 more A/C were shot down by AA fire than another A/C !!!

Have a safe and Happy 4th:aok

matey, u obviously havent read much have you. the 47 n is very quick, and has stats of a good perk ride, but we are trying to make sure that it ISNT perked. i personally dont want it to be, and dont think that it needs it. read the thread again. i started this post kind of for everyone to tell htc NOT to perk it. of course other people do want it perked, so its a discussion on what is suitable, not a damn whine, so until you understand whats going on, dont go making assumptions. this isnt like a 'i want the lala perked' its a i DONT want the 47 perked. it may have great stats, but its a hard plane to fly, and i dont think that many will fly it. they will as you say, go back to the 51's, nikis and spits, so i feel that perking it would be silly