Dmax, if you look at the default slider setup, from low left to high right it stairsteps in a "straight" line. Yes its at an angle, sorry, was tired & should have used better terminoligy.
What I was suggesting was that if you took that imaginary line, from low left up to high right and gave it some slack. Now it "sags, and forms a curve. The curve hugs the bottom at first then rises fast to meet the top at the right.
This still gives you 100% max possible deflection, but you have to pull the stick all the way back to get it. It gives you MUCH more precise control closer to the center.
BTW you only want to do this for pitch.
You can leave roll alone, or even scale it up a bit.
Finding the right amount of deadband, and getting the sliders set right for you and your stick can make a huge difference.
Especially in gunnery and stall fighting.