Author Topic: Typhoon drivers.. attitude check  (Read 1713 times)

Offline Laika

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Typhoon drivers.. attitude check
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2001, 09:42:00 PM »
He followed you into the ack ? He was a bit of a dweeb ehh ? Even more so for his comment.

Offline skernsk

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Typhoon drivers.. attitude check
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2001, 10:25:00 PM »
Deja......I like the thread and am also sick of the BS that happens after making a smart move.

That same Tiffie pilot usually extends when in trouble and when one of my squad shoots him/her down we hear....."let the whining commence" on RW.

Sure I hate when a guy runs for the ack.....but I hate it even more when Ifollow him!!!!!  

Offline Wilbus

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Typhoon drivers.. attitude check
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2001, 03:14:00 AM »
I really dislike ack runners my self, escpecially if the "runner" isn't outnumbered.
I have won many fights where I have had both energy and alt disadvantage, in my opinion you should allways atleast TRY to fight him, if it doesn't work, you run.
I flew with a wingman the other day, we were hunting at about 15k when we met a high Hawg.
He went for a HO (I asume it was a C) wich I avoided then he put his nose straight down to the fleet and dropped to 5k and bellow.
Ok, we went back, soon we found him up at 20k again and we turned back, this time CO alt as we had gained more alt. Again, he tried for a HO with me then went straight down at the deck to his acks. This just sucks in my opinion, if you're gonna fight, fight, don't run because you don't come from the enemies six.
If you run when you're outnumbered by 3-1 or more I would (I do) run too, that's just smart, to do it otherwise, or like the F4u did, is just plain boring.


Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson
III/JG5 "EisMeer"
Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson

Liberating Livestock since 1998, recently returned from a 5 year Sheep-care training camp.

Offline Animal

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Typhoon drivers.. attitude check
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2001, 06:39:00 AM »
A few days ago I went 1 on 1 with my P-38L against a Yak, we are exactly co-alt and co-speed. We had his port below us. After a lot of ACM, he decided he wasnt going to win and quickly just dove into the acks. I had no fuel so I said, what the heck, and followed in KNOWIN that the acks was going to kill me, wich it did.

I wasnt mad, I KNOW I won that fight and I actually was happy I won a 1 on 1 vs a good yak even if I didnt get the kill. I took a shot at him on channel one wich if I remember correctly was
"hehe, ackrunner, I won that fight anyways, learn to fly the yak"

Wich he replied in a burst

Wich I replied:
"Lol I'm not whinning just reminding you that you suck"

After that he went ballistic and started calling me things.
I still to this day question if I was the one whinning or its just that he was ashamed of what he did and tried to make me look bad to feel better.

Edited: I got a new desk, my posture is diferent so my typing sucks now

[This message has been edited by Animal (edited 02-25-2001).]

Offline Vulcan

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Typhoon drivers.. attitude check
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2001, 02:53:00 PM »
Don't think it was me, I can't remember diving headfirst into the fleet ack for at least 2 weeks   .

But in defence of the fellow tiffie lover, Deja: Chogs and Dhogs are very hard to distinguish when you got the pedal to the metal in a tiffie. Its just like 109s. Spits are easier to pick.

If it was me I don't test the waters for a HO, I only HO if I'm flat out of E on the deck or if you try to HO me so many times I get pissed off at ya.

Flying through CV ack isn't so bad, you just can't fly straight. Only problem is knife fiting in the stuff gets dangerous, especially if you do things in the vertical.

And to top it off, anytime someone dives headfirst into the ack from 15k I don't think its that hot. 15k is plenty enough altitude to sort something out before resorting to the ack weenies. What challenge is there in letting the ack dweebs do your killing?

Offline AKDejaVu

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Typhoon drivers.. attitude check
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2001, 03:09:00 PM »
And anytime someone follows someone down 17k into their ack.. its always the other guys fault and shoud be broadcast accordingly?

And does it matter what he was flying?.. or is it simply to placate an ego?


Offline Vulcan

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Typhoon drivers.. attitude check
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2001, 03:22:00 PM »
Yeah ok its a dumb move to follow someone into the CV ack. If it was me (comon fess was it me) then I was probably just pissed at myself as I was at you.

And as for what they were flying, would what you say... "nice ack dive World War II era plane"???

I still think blowing 15k to the ack is wussy. I'll call an ack run when theres no need, I'll call a HO whens theres no need, and I'll call a good fight when there is!

Deja (your handle is now AKDjV right?) you killed me plenty in the last couple of days, you don't need to run to the ack. You have the skills to engage.

I don't blame someone for running to the ack if they're slow on the deck, or getting gangbanged, or their planes banged up bad.

But 15k? And a slow descent... from 15k to 4k? Comon dude...

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #22 on: February 25, 2001, 09:31:00 PM »
There was no need for an engagement.  If I engaged at 15k and lost.. the enemy Tiffy is still at 15k and nothing is gained.  If I drag the enemy low and then engage.. the enemy is now low and not as much of a threat to other planes in the area.  If I win.. cool.. if I lose, the Tiff is now below 5k.

The presence of ack below had little to do with the decision.. quite a bit to do with the outcome.


[This message has been edited by AKDejaVu (edited 02-25-2001).]

Offline Vulcan

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Typhoon drivers.. attitude check
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2001, 02:22:00 AM »
Different way of thinking bout it I spose. Guess we'll agree to disagree. If it was me, and it was 1 vs 1 I probably would have dragged away from the CV and gone 1 vs 1, I get more pleasure from the personal kill. But then again I make a shocking team player - so theres the difference :-)

And I think you'll find a tiffie at 5k is more lethal than a tiffie at 15k. What gives the tiffie the edge at low altitude is peoples perception rather than some miracle performance. All my best killing is done under 5k.

Now comon, please tell, was it me? I'm dying to know to feed my ego   - I know there are only a few of us obnoxious Tiffie pilots around. Comon I want my 15 seconds of fame damnit!

Offline Kieren

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Typhoon drivers.. attitude check
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2001, 07:19:00 AM »
Well, taking your stance gleaned from your posts I would say it was "you" even if it wasn't you.  

Offline Vermillion

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Typhoon drivers.. attitude check
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2001, 07:29:00 AM »
I wonder is this is the same Tiffie driver (they are a small community) that I had an "encounter" with on Friday night? Watched him work the furball around A40 for about 30 mins.

He had the most convient connection I have ever seen in my life. Clear and smooth as glass for the entire time, except when I caught him twice on the deck during his extensions. {Note its amazing what a Yak will do with a little alt advantage}.

He had a very predictable MO.

He would start to manuever hard. I would barrel roll up above and behind him (high six)  vertically by about 1k to wait for his floppy fish imitations to cease. He would be perfectly centered in my view and ...... *poof*.... he would disappear .....

One one thousand
Two one thousand
Three one thousand
Four one thousand
Five one thousand
Six one thousand

*poof* there he was exactly where he disappeared, with a very smooth connection again.

Very convient... yah right.

**MOL**, Men of Leisure

Offline AKDejaVu

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Typhoon drivers.. attitude check
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2001, 08:47:00 AM »
I had several engagements with Vulcan that night (Friday) and, while the opening move sounds identical to his, the rest did not.  I have most of them recorded and his connection was smooth the whole time.

I do know that later on, several people were warping.  I think a router was burping somewhere.  It wasn't hitting everyone, but a large percentage.

BTW.. almost everytime I notice someone warping severely, it is when they are in or near my sights.  Not sure how the code works in the game, but I see it with EVERYONE I notice to be warping.  I wouldn't put too much "he must be doing it on purpose" tone in the question.  I think there's more to it than that.



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Typhoon drivers.. attitude check
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2001, 12:41:00 PM »
Dito that....

I was saddled on Vulcans six for a few minutes waiting for a good solution...he was smooth as warps.

Good flying time I'll try not to inadvertantly hit the auto level on my throttle when I'm in a nose low turn at 250 ft...I was not happy

Cyas Up!


Offline Vulcan

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Typhoon drivers.. attitude check
« Reply #28 on: February 26, 2001, 01:12:00 PM »
Ahh sorry if I was warping bad verm.

Look at the address, if anyones gonna score warps it'll be me. Long distance sucks, my average ping is 250-320ms.

And it'd be hard to 'make' warps, my PC doesn't use a modem, it goes to another server which is running Router software and has the modem. So I'd have to phyiscally get up go and kick it, by which time I'd be dead.

But hey... I've had my 15 seconds of fame, I'm gonna get a box of tissues and clean this mess up  

Cyas up there!

Offline Vermillion

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Typhoon drivers.. attitude check
« Reply #29 on: February 26, 2001, 01:34:00 PM »
Guys, it wasn't Vulcan   And if Vulcan was named earlier in the thread, I apologize because I missed it.

The person who did it (no I won't name names), knows my opinon on it, because we discussed it on private.

I have flown for many many years, and I have seen the old "line squeezer" trick, more than I care too talk about. After a while, you get to where you can spot it a mile away. Its looks exactly the same as the old alt-tab cheat in WB's, and works the same way.

And like I said, if I see it once, I generally give people the benefit of the doubt and write it off to the problems of the net. But I watched this guy for almost 20 minutes, watching him extend off in the distance with one or two planes trailing him on the deck, only for them to die a few minutes later, and he would return. So I started hunting him, to get a feel of what was happening. So when the convient "warp" happened twice, in exactly the same manner, and at the same exact time during the bounce (ie just as he was about to get hosed), I become very suspicious.

Sorry Vulcan, I didn't mean to imply it was you.  

**MOL**, Men of Leisure