All said and done with Spade. I could care less if it was direct in a harsh way or just something "pointed out".....
I never even seen that film that you did, and have had that soundtrack clip (which mine is only like the 2 minute one) on my computer for like a year now. I have just had no software to make any films, let alone my old computer could never run AH Film, always got the Error message.
If you ever want help on a film, let me know.... I don't get to fly with my squadmates alot. I am stationed in Italyin the Air Force, they all live in the states. All my footage is by solo runs and 9/10 times... I am on the short end of the stick!

So.... I am done with it, I give you a
on your films, sounds and I am not gonna burn any bridges over this with you or Fubar. Bullethead was making a point as well, that is all. And like you said Fubar, he was backing up a Squadmate. I will see you in the skies, and if you need someone to fly with....I make good bait!