And so are those nasty Palestinians. After all the Israelies have held some of that land quite a while. It now belongs to people who have done nothing wrong to compensate people that haven't actually lost anything themselves.
Well, without sidetracking this even further, Palestinian claims to the whole of Israel are not recognised by many countries, Palestinian claims to the West Bank and Gaza are. The West Bank and Gaza have only been sparsely settled, against international law, mostly in the last 20 years.
Maybe someone should have asked the English that before they invaded Ireland.
Of course they should. But I thought we'd both agreed it was wrong? Difference is I don't want to "correct" an ancient wrong with a modern one.
And if it's "right" for the people of one part of Ireland to decide what happens to their neighbours on the island, it's just as "right" for the people of one part of the aerchipelago to decide what happens to their neighbours in the rest of the aerchipelago.
You can also expand that principle up to continents, even the whole world, if you like. What if the rest of the world decides on one world government, do they have the "right" to force the US to join?
No, to me it's like asking the people of the whole of Ireland if Ireland should be whole. Who better to ask?
The people of Britain if the British Isles should be whole? Ireland is one of the British Isles, after all.
What about the people of Europe if Europe should be whole? Why let those Norwegians, Swiss etc opt out if their neighbours don't want them to?
It was artificially united to begin with. IIRC, neither Scotland or Wales was all that eager to unite under the English throne either. Ireland has repeatedly shown their reluctance to be ruled by the English crown.
How do you artificially divide something that was artificially unified by force?
No-one asked the people of the various Irish kingdoms if they wanted to be united either, various kings and ivaders fought each other for centuries, and killed a lot of people, to do it.
See, if you're going back in history to a point before Ireland was united with Britain, why stop at any particular point? Why not go back to the various petty Irish kingdoms, and see if they want to unite? Then Ulster, as one of the kingdoms, gets a seperate vote from the rest.
There is nothing particulary "special" about Ireland, it's got the same sort of history as the rest of Europe, it's been invaded and used as a battleground for a long time, just like every other part of Europe. There's no particular "natural" rason for Ireland to be one country anymore than there is for Britain, or any other part of Europe.
Should the Serbs be asked whether Croatia is entitled to independence? Or Slovenia, Bosnia, etc? What about the Russians if they want to absorb Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia?
Yes; after all those are the "Irish".
Well, no. The majority of the population of Northern ireland consider themselves British, after all. They are descended more from the Scots (who are of course mainly descended from the Irish who ivaded Scotland long before that).
Who are you to tell them whether they are Irish or British. Can't they decide that for themselves?
What about them? Did they all vote when India sought independence?
No, but India is one of the British Isles, Ireland is.
Is any country being forced into the EU by invasion?
No. Should it be? I'd say no, but you are claiming the people of a larger entity should have the right to absorb people from smaller entities, eg the island of Ireland gets to decide the status of one of it's constituent countries. If so, why doesn't the contitent of Europe get to decide the status of it's constituent countries?
That would probably have to be done.
It certainly wouldn't. It's up to the Scots if they want independence, they don't have to ask permission from England.
And if you are claiming they do, then don't the people of England get a say about Ireland too?
India had to do it that way, right? Singapore, Malaya, Sarawak, North Borneo, Burma, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanganyika, Uganda, Kenya, Zanzibar, Gambia, Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland all had to aks didn't they
Ask who? their neighbours?
My principle is the fate of Botswana is up to the people of Botswana, the fate of Ireland up to the Irish, the fate of Northern Ireland up to the Northern Irish.