One MGFF cannon weights 28 kg. Each round weighs 134g. 120 rounds are, then, 16,08 kg.
The whole excepcional, impressive, and massive ammount of extra weight you load in a Fw190A5 by selecting the 4x20mm loadout is, so, 88,16 kg. In a plane which takeoff weight is something around 4400kg, we're taking a whooping extra 2% weight. WOOSAH!!!!.
There was no strenghtening needed of the wing. It already had the hardpoints to load the cannons from factory.
The ammo cans come within the weight of the weapon itself (but if you want to, go and add a couple of Kg to that enormous weight...sheesh, 90kg!!! enormous weight indeed!!!!!)
So wotan: when you load a 250kg in AH2 you load the bomb rack too (wich also weights on itself and affects handling). And carrying 250kg of external load is never equal to carrying that extra weight internally, as there are almost no aerodinamic penalties in an internal carrying configuration.
Not to mention... comparing the extra weight imposed by the extra MGFFs loadout with a 250kg bomb is a bit off-mark. (but just a bit

Anyway. He who flies Fw190A for it's acceleration and climbrate is wasting his time. Fw190A is a B'n'Z marvel but doesn't accelerate or climb any good (the D is another story against certain enemies).
Ho who flies Fw190s for anything other than snapshots is wasting his time too unless he's a real hot-stick and really knows his stuff.
To lose a rediculous ammount of acceleration and climbrate to win a 30% of firepower is a good trade. 190 lives for the snapshot most of the time. The more firepower you bring to bear in that half-a-second, the better. MGFFs may be crappy 20mm cannons, but THEY ARE 20mm cannons none the less.
To have 2 exterior cannons improves your % hit chance at all distances other than that of convergence. It's as simple as knowing that the cone of fire is bigger.
The low ammount of ammo is irrelevant. After the ammo is gone you've fired quite some of your other ammo too: your external guns still weigh but the MGFFs are pretty light anyway. You aren't much worse than a 2x20mm Fw190A5 after that.
In short: losing an insignificant ammount of climbrate and acceleration to win a 30% firepower even for 6.5 seconds "only" (which gives you at least 13 0.5sec. snapshots) is always a good deal.
P.D. and wotan, if you're going to boast your great killing skills in real-life-like environments, I may remind people that I destroyed 12 enemy planes (2 corsairs, 6 F6Fs, 1 Lancaster and 3 Avengers, IIRC) in TWO FRAMES of Hostile Shores (or whatever it was called that great scenario of defending Tirpitz in Norway a couple years ago)...with a 4x20mm Fw190A5.
So, the only thing I see from your numbers is that you're a damned great stick flying the Fw190A (something I already know), not that the 2x20mm loadout is better than the 4x20mm one. I'm pretty sure you'd have had exactly the same kill tally or better with the 4x20mm configuration