There is still fun to be had in bombing, eagler. Even if you're just going to bomb a city (or heck, bomb an airfield to piss the enemy off lol) you stir up a lot of action, and it gives you a chance to shoot some down with the gun turrets. The Ar234 really doesn't allow this (no turrets) so I can't see why it's in other than to allow people the thrill of evasion.
The 262 is very hard to fight with, when you need to fight. If you need to run then it's okay. But it turns and accelerates like a stuck pig. If they mix it up they die, if they don't they aren't a problem. I see them as mostly for use against the heavy bombers, when I look at that setup.
One problem, though, is that the P47N was a PTO plane. The war was over in Europe by the time they came out, if I recall? Their main claim to fame was escorting B29s over Japan.