Author Topic: Realisim Option For Perk Bonus  (Read 574 times)

Offline mussie

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Realisim Option For Perk Bonus
« on: August 17, 2005, 06:31:02 AM »
What about the option to turn off some of the easy options in return for a perk bonus...

Small Bonus For
- Auto retracting flaps
- Auto bomb site calibration
- Auto take off
Maybe only for CV and Heavy Buff take off's
- Wep turning off automatically
Due to over heating, the engine should take damage if it is left on

Large Bonus For
- Unlimited WEP
Planes dont magically charge up their WEP
- Fuel tank control
- Icons (maybe select short range)
- Combat trim

The Norden bomb site:
Personally I would like to have the bomb site the way it was.
I know ppl have said their systems could not handle it, but I find it hard to believe that anyone had issues with it because of there system / connection.
It cant be the connection (I am on dial up from AUS).
It cant be the PC, Mine is only:
- AMD Semphron 2500 1.7GHz
- 512mb 2x256 400mhz duel channel DDR
- 256MB 5700VE
- 40Gb 7200RPM WD Primary Drive
Average of 25-40 frame rate

And on the off chance that the above was implimented there should be a panel in the hanger that allows you to set this for each plane (like convergence).

Wouldnt it be cool to see a message like
SYSTEM Jo landed three kills in a F4U-1C at 85% Manual

I dont think that this will happen though, but I guess thats why this is called the whish list.

Later All