Not that much has changed here (turning 32 soon), I just wish I had (took) the
time to do all that sh*t I used to do...
The main thing I realised that comes with age (for me) is "regrets" (ahh if I'd gone to finish of that Phd...) and "sarcasm/bitterness"... that's a bit bothering me, but it's more a pain to the poeple around me than to myself
The only thing I seem to have lost is a non-ending stipid smile on my face, but I did get a little gut in return.
What Furious said is pretty true for a lot of us in here and I find THAT to be scary.
Staga... I hope she was ugly as a cow, or else... I'd start worying
Santa, offer is still valid when you're done with your studies...