Author Topic: The Republican Party  (Read 3112 times)

Offline Toad

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« Reply #165 on: August 30, 2005, 12:23:04 PM »
So you think making all mg's illegal would have prevented the North Hollywood situation?
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Offline Holden McGroin

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« Reply #166 on: August 30, 2005, 12:45:45 PM »
Originally posted by Wolf14
I'm sorry actualy three. I would say four, but I would asume the judge has a good grapse on the law and at the time had a reason for giving them back. Theres not enough information I can find that says what the judges reasonings were as to why he felt it was ok to give them back.

1. The weapons were illeagaly converted
2. They weapons were illeagaly sold
3. Depending on what they charged for would depend on if they got the weapons back or not.

I would think bank robbery and shootin' at cops would be against the law, but I am unfamiliar with California legal code.
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Offline lasersailor184

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« Reply #167 on: August 30, 2005, 12:47:23 PM »
Not too mention being as they are dressed as civilians and not cops, they might have gotten themselves mistaken for the robbers

Yes, T-Shirts, skirts and jeans would have gotten mistaken for Ski Masks, Body armor and camo.

I move for a cranial rectum reversion on Raider's part.  Any seconds?
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8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #168 on: August 30, 2005, 12:59:27 PM »

Vote to the floor. All those in favor of immediate Cranial Rectum Reversion for Raider, signify by 'aye'...
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Offline Raider179

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« Reply #169 on: August 30, 2005, 02:06:19 PM »
Originally posted by lasersailor184
Yes, T-Shirts, skirts and jeans would have gotten mistaken for Ski Masks, Body armor and camo.

I move for a cranial rectum reversion on Raider's part.  Any seconds?

Sorry but you have no idea how a situation like that would play out anymore than me.

Yeah your right, what we need are a few more trigger happy people running around but instead of pistols we should arm them with fully automatic weapons. Yeah that will solve everything :rolleyes:

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #170 on: August 30, 2005, 02:08:21 PM »
Originally posted by Toad
So you think making all mg's illegal would have prevented the North Hollywood situation?

I think that since they are illegal it prevents/deters/makes more difficult, additional North Hollywood type situations.

Offline Raider179

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« Reply #171 on: August 30, 2005, 02:12:27 PM »
Wow I think MG's should be illegal. Yeah, I am really nuts for thinking that. Thats so crazy an idea. The US is gonna just self-destruct and disappear because I think MG's should be illegal/strictly regulated, oh wait nevermind they already are and have been since the 30's and we are all still here.

Just face it, you want MG's to be legal so you can have fun shooting them. And you don't care if it costs other people's lives, just as long as you get to have some fun.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2005, 02:15:11 PM by Raider179 »

Offline lasersailor184

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« Reply #172 on: August 30, 2005, 02:16:45 PM »
Raider, let me make this a little bit clearer for you.

These guys took Semi Auto Guns and modified them heavily to make them auto.

They did not steal them from someone.  They did not purchase them from someone.  They did not make a wish on a birthday cake.

It has been a long time since an originally fully auto gun has been used in a crime.
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #173 on: August 30, 2005, 02:17:43 PM »
aye... but before I go...  raider... you are saying now that body armor played a big part and not just machine guns...

how refreshing... and revisionist... of you.   The body armor was entirely the point... those guys were hit numerous times..  Can you imagine shooting at anyone armed with any kind of firearm... who would not go down when you hit him with your own firearms bullets?   that is why the cops were unable to get out from behind cover...

Those cops were fired at by hundreds of rounds that were fortunately, relatively low powered carbine rounds fired full auto with little or no accuracy..  Than god they weren't well aimed fire from high powered rifles such as you would deem ok for them to own.  

And... to answer your question... I would not be able to buy a newly manufactured machine gun in this country no matter how much money I had or how many hoops I jumped through... I could only buy from someone who got theirs in before the ban and was willing to transfer it to me.   That is BTW an estimate of 190,000 legal, regestered  fully automatic weapons in this country

If you see nothing wrong with regestering something and then banning it and then confiscating it then.... really... there is no point in talking to you.   You do not understand the concept of freedom.

but... thanks again for helping me to show how democrats with their incramentalism gun banning policies are to be avoided and despised.


Offline Holden McGroin

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« Reply #174 on: August 30, 2005, 02:26:20 PM »
Originally posted by lasersailor184
It has been a long time since an originally fully auto gun has been used in a crime.

Aye,  and ...   IN!

Actual video capture still from closed circuit TV footage of the last fully auto crime...
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Offline Toad

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« Reply #175 on: August 30, 2005, 02:29:07 PM »

Raider wants MG's to be "illegal"  because it "prevents/deters/makes more difficult, additional North Hollywood type situations".

OK, Raider: All "civilian" MG's have to be registered and a special "Class 3" license has to be applied for and received in order for a "civilian" to own one.

There are many thousands of "civilians" in the US that have Class 3 MG's. Perhaps even tens of thousands of "civilians" with fully auto weapons.

So, as lasersailor pointed out, how many of these fully auto weapons that are LEGALLY held have been used in crimes like North Hollywood?

OTOH, how many ILLEGAL weapons are used in crimes? ALL the weapons used at North Hollywood were illegally owned AND most were illegally modified  to full auto capability.

The obvious point is that "legal" MG's are not a problem in the US. They are registered and licensed and are rarely, if ever, used in crimes like North Hollywood.

So your "make MG's illegal" idea is more "feel good fluff" without meaning.

The legally held MG's in the US can be shown to be no factor in our crime stats.

It's ILLEGALLY held/modified weapons that are a problem and, by definition, they are ALREADY ILLEGAL so some useless new law would be highly unlikely to change the situation.

Your solution merely denies the rights of law-abiding gun owners while doing NOTHING to prevent "North Hollywood" type crimes.

How typical of the "feel good" brigade.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #176 on: August 30, 2005, 03:04:15 PM »
Toad.. it's useless to use reason in some circumstances, and in particular with the personality you are attempting to get a point across to now.

OTOH, WC Fields got it right 75 years ago. "Never met a child yet that didn't understand a slap in the face or a slug from a .45"
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Offline Simaril

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Re: The Republican Party
« Reply #177 on: August 30, 2005, 03:27:22 PM »
Originally posted by Nash
I wanna know what you think about it.

This is a troll, I guess. But I'm interested.

Is it still the same party that your dad voted for? Or does that even matter?

Do you like the state it's in? Do you like what it professes? Do you like what it actually does? Do you like where it's going?

I'll say straight out that I cannot comprehend the phenomenon. Shocking! :) And I won't change my mind based on what you say - so forget about that.

But I'd like to hear your best defense of it, because I find it so utterly beneath contempt, and lacking of any redeeming value whatsoever, that I strain at the notion that good men can knowingly leash themselves to the mast of a ship gone so astray.

To the one-liners, I simply say: "Hah hah."

To the rest of you, I value your insight.

Because I don't get it.

(and folks - lets be civil here, okay?)

Philosophical question :

If you bait a hook for a troll, and you catch a fish that runs in a different direction, is it still a hijack?
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Wisdom is realizing I will be an idiot in the future.
Common sense is trying to not be an idiot right now

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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #178 on: August 31, 2005, 08:27:43 AM »
well... I am not for regestration because in the past it has ALLWAYS been the first step in confiscation.  
every single gun confiscation started with regestration...Unregestered machine guns in the hands of citizens does not bother me one bit.  they have never been a real problem.  

As for the Republican party and guns... they historicaly are the more constitutional but... Bush senior sold us out big time.. It is probly the reason he lost re election... he lost millions of votes by gun owners who felt betrayed.

Both parties want more power... at some point they will do the logical step in all power grabs and confiscate the means of the people to oppose them.

For now... the republicans are the only choice... I really see no alternative.

I do find it disturbing that raider claims that people in 1968 are entirely different than people now and that a constitution was ok in 68 but outdated now...  what genetic event happened that no one told me about?

oh... and another thing that allways bothered me.... the catchphrase of the regurgitators is allways "well, you can't yell fire in a crowded theatre"  to prove that the constitution is not any kind of limit on government powers....

You can yell fire in a crowded theatre... if there is a fire..  and... the word fire is not illegal in any circumstance.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2005, 08:30:30 AM by lazs2 »

Offline lasersailor184

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« Reply #179 on: August 31, 2005, 08:52:38 AM »
Bush senior sold us out big time.. It is probly the reason he lost re election... he lost millions of votes by gun owners who felt betrayed.

Seeing as how I'm not that old, mind explaining?

Btw Atlanta, I'm a college student too.  Doesn't mean anything.
Punishr - N.D.M. Back in the air.
8.) Lasersailor 73 "Will lead the impending revolution from his keyboard"