Author Topic: New Point System  (Read 833 times)

Offline Iceman24

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New Point System
« on: August 23, 2005, 11:53:19 AM »
How about some new point or ranking system that takes into account the players rank. for instance if a newbie shoots down someone ranked in the top 100 they should get more perk points or his rank should go up more or something. I don't like the idea that a kill is a kill, whether it be vulching or an actual 1 vs 1 co alt fight. I think this would be a far more accurate way of judging who is ranked # 1 and who isn't. as it is right now, allot of the good players or vets are out dogfighting 1 vs 2 situations and newer guys only attack when they have a clear advantage such as a vulch, and they actually end up ranked higher... I just think that I should get more points or a higher rank say if I shoot down a good stick vs. getting the same thing for vulching some dumb newbie that doesn't know any better... I really think this system would fix some problems that are going on and encourage some of the alt monkeys to come off there perches and fight and would cut out the squads of vulchers ( there are actually squads dedicated to vulching... sad ) I mean you can still have the plane as a factor but the most important thing in any fight isn't the plane its the player, there rank must be included in the equation... Last night for example there was a really good bishop pilot and a really good knight, and one came on channel 200 and asked the other not to engage him saying it would hurt both there ranks, and the other pilot agreed with him and they never went at it. If rank played a factor then both of those pilots would have went at it. as it is right now the majority of the community know who the good pilots are and if 1 is spotted on the map he radios all his countrymen and tells them where there at, so there would be no change to the way these pilots are hunted and ganged... Sorry for the long post it just gets to me that some guy that fly a mustang at 30K cherry picks 5 guys or some guy vulches some new guy 5 times in a row, they get the same points as the guy that is mixing it up in a 3 vs 1 with a bunch of good sticks

Offline Siaf__csf

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New Point System
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2005, 01:39:37 PM »
Otherwise a good idea except that it would immediately lead to a situation where high ranked players would be hunted for points much the same way perk planes are hunted on the arena.

I would suggest a different alterations to score - the higher you rank the lower points you get for low eny planes.

That way, in order to remain nr.1 in ranking, you would be forced to fly high eny planes regularly. If you didn't, it would hit your score eventually enough for others to pass you.

It would mean that the arena would see much more variety in aircraft as the best pilots would use thier superior skill to down noobs in late war aircraft using early war hardware.

Not only it would bring variety, it would even the playfield and bring many folds more challenge to the experienced players - with a point/rank reward of course.

Offline Iceman24

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New Point System
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2005, 02:11:57 PM »
sounds like a plan to me... I just know something needs to be done like that... Heck I think the good pilots should be hunted, they were in WWII, heck squads were formed just to shoot down particular pilots... If you think about it the good sticks are hunted now anyways, the majority of the community know who the good sticks are and if one is spotted they radio there countrymen just to help shoot down 1 good pilot... I would like that, you would see a pack of fighters jump up to 20K just to knock those alt monkeys off there trees... I can think of 3 guys in particular that consistantly rank in the top 5 that would be destroyed by this because they couldn't roam around picking dweebs from 25K like they do now, it would force those players to actually dogfight. heck anyone can up a pony or FW and climb to 20K and B&Z for easy kills or vulch a bunch of newbies over and over that keep trying to up... It takes a real stick to drop that plane to 5K and dogfight in a 3 vs 1, I would like to see who comes out with the top rank then... It would be like KOTH, the REAL sticks would win... In the same way we need a new system for bomber points, I  can up some lancs and go bomb some base that has no strategic value, a base where nobody is upping and get the same score as a base that is heavily defended... The current point system encourages alt monkeys and vulching, I don't care how we change it, it just needs to be changed... I also believe that if I shoot down a good stick such as a Leviathon or Shawk ( theres allot more good pilots I could have put here just using these two as an example) or someone that has a high rank, I should get more points than if I shoot down some newbie tryin to up from a vulched field... If there was a way to include a players rank into the equation we currently use to figure out points that would work as well. I don't really like the ENY because it doesn't matter what plane a good stick is in, if he's a better pilot than you he's going to win 90 percent of the time... I also have 1 other gripe... we need to do something about rams, every time someone rams me I die, doesn't matter what planes we're in I always die and as I'm floating down in my shoot I see the jerk that rammed me furballing it up with friends, last night a guy rammed a squadie of mine and then rammed me, we both died but the guy that rammed us made it back home and landed his kills thats BS, I'm getting sick of it, I don't care what plane I'm in I always die... I could be in a B17 and a zeke could ram me from dead 6 and I'll die and he'll fly on, the only way I can see to fix this is to make it where if two planes collide both planes are destroyed, either that or turn collisions off, I have accidentally ran into someone before and I apologize to them, this person last night was doing it on purpose and I can see why because it worked

Offline Siaf__csf

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New Point System
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2005, 02:22:13 PM »
Actually Iceman if the ram happens on both of your front ends, you both go down. Due to lag however usually only the other player witnesses a ram situation and goes down accordingly.

The other player sees himself fly past you while you see a ram.

Naturally it's possible to exploit this feature but it's not very easy to do.

Offline Iceman24

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« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2005, 02:29:45 PM »
I saw it exploited last night and on ch 200 the guy even said that he was doin it on purpose, I'm telling ya that may be the way its "supposed" to work but it doesn't... Anytime I have ever been involved in a ram, the other guy wins and I end up dying. This came up last night, me and another squaddie were talking about it right after the guy rammed us, we dyed he went and landed his kills

Offline hitech

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« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2005, 02:39:28 PM »
Iceman, do a search on the collision topic, what you are not understanding is that the other guy never ramed you from his frame of referance.

Offline Iceman24

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« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2005, 02:50:13 PM »
maybe thats it, maybe he's shooting and it doesn't appear that way on my end, but last night I know for a fact that a guy rammed me, killed me, then rammed a squaddie and killed him, then on ch 200 I asked why he rammed both of us and he said he didn't mean to, wasn't being a jerk about it, but did admit he rammed us, but then he  went and landed his 2 kills of us, I'm not doubting that the guy was firing when we collided, but the main thing is we both collided then he did same thing to a squaddie and made it back to his base to land both kills... Maybe this is just a 1 time thing or maybe his bullets hit us 1st and it appeared different on all 3 of our screens.. The guy wasn't being a jerk at all and did apologize for the ram which is what got me thinking about this topic... I see what ya'll are saying about points of view and lag, kinda like when someone doesn't appear to be right behind you in a rolling scissors but actually is and he lights you up from what appears to be an impossible angle

Offline Iceman24

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New Point System
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2005, 03:24:14 PM »
thanks hitech, did the search, think i understand a lil bit better the way rams work on this game... didn't realize how much info you can find on something if you do a search wow, lots of stuff

Offline Gato

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New Point System
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2005, 05:12:11 PM »
There are a couple of areas I think need changes as far as points/perks go.  One: if you are gunning on a CV (big guns), there are no points to be had.  You can take down an entire town and get nothing out of it.:(

Second:  it is a group effort to take a base.  Why is it that only the person delivering the troops gets the points?  When a side wins a map, everyone flying gets points, so why not for a base?

I think more people would really work at taking bases or gunning if they got points out of it.  Furballing can be fun, but winning the map is the real goal and taking bases is the only way that happens.

This would make the game a little more rounded out.  I know guys that only furball because that is the way to get the most points and better ranking.