Author Topic: Sheesh! what a lousy game..  (Read 3549 times)


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Sheesh! what a lousy game..
« on: February 25, 2001, 11:40:00 PM »
I signed up for a 2 week free trial after flying Warbirds for a year and 1/2 and I gotta tell ya Aces High sucks!. The reason I left Warbirds was due to connection issues but the WB's FM and conx rules over Aces High. How and why do you put up with it??? In the tower..walk to the map room.. back in the tower, etc, etc, blah blah blah! Graphics suck, sounds suck and worse than that... the MAP sucks!. It's a miserable sim altogether...


Offline Spatula

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Sheesh! what a lousy game..
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2001, 11:47:00 PM »
If ya dont like it, dont pay for it, but making a song and dance about in some vein hope that someone here might agree with you is pathetic.

Cya (much) later.
Airborne Kitchen Utensil Assault Group

Offline BUG_EAF322

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Sheesh! what a lousy game..
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2001, 11:52:00 PM »
Yeah get a new puter the 486 won't run AH properly  
btw u can't jugde this game over some hours playing

Offline AKDejaVu

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Sheesh! what a lousy game..
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2001, 11:54:00 PM »
The walk to the map room can be disabled.



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Sheesh! what a lousy game..
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2001, 11:58:00 PM »
It still sucks and any vain hope for YOU to say otherwise is pathetic. The sim sucks..
What a crummy FM...I think the only reason you have people flying this sim is because they started with Aces High instead of Warbirds........Donwload the full version of Warbirds including Roboto sounds and and this sim will be left in the dust! It's just a pathetic attempt at a true WW2 flight sim.

Offline flakbait

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Sheesh! what a lousy game..
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2001, 11:59:00 PM »
Funny, I left WBs after playing for a year when their service when down the sh^tt*r. I flew this game offline for around a week before actually heading for the arenas. I've held a H2H account ever since she went pay-to-play. With occasional jaunts into the arena when Pyro decides to be a nice guy.   Dobrmn, if you actually WANT to give AH a try then spend some actual TIME playing offline. Get used to the system, then raid a H2H game and try things out. If you don't like it after that, THEN you have a REASON to come here and squeak about it.

Let's see here....
1) We've got guys who actually give a rip about the people here.
2) They don't get fussy when we suggest things
3) We have manable guns on carriers
4) We have planes WBs only dreams about
5) We have ground vehicles
6) We have a sim that's only 1/4 the size of WBs, and only 5 times better in quality

Let's see your whining change any of that. When it does I'll eat the spare tire from my truck.

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta 6's Flight School
Put the P-61B in Aces High
"For yay did the sky darken, and split open and spew forth fire, and
through the smoke rode the Four Wurgers of the Apocalypse.
And on their canopies was tattooed the number of the Beast, and the
number was 190." Jedi, Verse Five, Capter Two, The Book of Dweeb


[This message has been edited by flakbait (edited 02-26-2001).]


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Sheesh! what a lousy game..
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2001, 12:05:00 AM »
Roboto sounds?  *CHORTLE*


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Sheesh! what a lousy game..
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2001, 12:10:00 AM »
Yeah the default Aces High sounds are authentic lol.

Offline SOB

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Sheesh! what a lousy game..
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2001, 12:18:00 AM »
You're absolutely right Dobrmn, Aces High does suck!  Tell ya what, I'll race ya back to WarBirds and even give ya a head start.!  See ya there buddy  

Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!


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Sheesh! what a lousy game..
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2001, 12:28:00 AM »
LOL SOB thanks for the head start. Dang.. gettin a smily face from an Aces High "Ace" is an honor!<S> Sorry for bad mouthing your game but I just can't how anyone can deal with the sorry flight model. Sorry if I insulted anyone...


Offline AKDejaVu

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Sheesh! what a lousy game..
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2001, 12:29:00 AM »
Funny thing is.. half the people responding in this thread probably have more experience with Warbirds than "Dobrmn" does.

Sounds like someone thought that because they were "really good at flight sims" they could come over and kick everyone's bellybutton in the arena.  Its always such a letdown when that doesn't happen.

Dobrmn, don't let the fact that you've only managed to kill 2 fighters bring you down.  We have a really good training core that is more than willing to teach you to fly.



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Sheesh! what a lousy game..
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2001, 12:45:00 AM »
Hey wait a sec...wait a minute..what the F.... How did you know I killed two fighters tonight??? I have feeling you checked my score somewhere?? I had a rough time in combat my 2nd night and for some reason the lags were terrible and damn if I couldn't hold a cons 6 without my nose jerkin up and down. My stick is right and the way I like it but when I squeezed the trigger the delay was terrible and it took 3 or 4 seconds to recover from the bounce. Hmmm......I have a top of the line pc,vid card, stick etc...

Offline paintmaw

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Sheesh! what a lousy game..
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2001, 01:25:00 AM »
sounds like you might need some fine tuning , oh yeah , and a bong hit or 2 . hehe
we've had guys from aw3 say the same stuff your saying . its hard to be a newbee all over again .


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Sheesh! what a lousy game..
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2001, 01:43:00 AM »
Dont agree with Dobrmn's post but....

Did you ever actually have a WB's account Flakbait?

Offline Sancho

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Sheesh! what a lousy game..
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2001, 01:50:00 AM »
I fly both AH and WB... flown WB since Mac beta came out.  I still like WB a lot, but mainly for scenarios.  When I came to AH, I found that adapting to the flight model was very challenging, even more so back in AH version 1.00 with it's higher E-bleed model.  But once I got used to it, I found that AH offers a much more precise control of my plane in AH... it feels better to me.  Tactics I read about in books that were used in real life can actually be used here.  Of course, I'm not a pilot so I'm essentially talking out my bellybutton when it comes to flight model matters.  

As far as the connections go, have you played WB *recently*?? They got their bandwidth throttled at the ISP to a third of what it was (not that it ever was that great of a connection).  Ping times are now frequently in excess of 2000ms for many players--two whole seconds!!  My connect went from 50ms to 200ms but I'm still seeing huge warps and delayed kills and deaths.  WB is completely unplayable right now.  AH in comparison has had rock solid connections from day one, with only occasional short warpy periods when new versions come out.  There are sometimes freak discoes, but traceroutes usually show a problem somewhere in Sprint-land (damn crappy backbone provider!!).

What kind of connection you playing on Dobrmn?  Why don't you take up this issue in the Internet Connectivity forum, post some traceroutes.  If you're actually interested in fixing your problems I think Skuzzy and crew can help you out.

As far as the flight model goes, give it some time.  It is challenging, but it will grow on you.  If you're looking to jump in a cockpit and start racking up kills from day one, you're setting yourself up for bigtime disappointment, dude.  

BTW, you can turn off that walk to map room, walk to plane roadkill.  Click on GUI and reduce the move time all the way to zero.  I think that sucks too.    Oh, and to address the graphics issue, after seeing the GeForce3 demo with John Carmack showing Doom3, I'll agree with you that AH graphics suck in comparison, but it's gonna be a while before you will see photorealistic graphics like that here or in any sim.  And as with WB, the graphics weren't what drew me into this game... it's the action.

As usual... my US$0.02, YMMV, etc.