Author Topic: early war planes in AH?  (Read 2699 times)


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early war planes in AH?
« on: February 26, 2001, 08:34:00 AM »
Ok, maybe early war planes are the ultimate nich planes with very few supporters.  I don't really know.   Been around a long while and have never seen a truly workable way to add early war planes to the game.  Now, with perkies the new fad... we are getting even further away from it.

I feel like a seperate area in the arena would work but it seems to really bind on some.   RPS causes people to log.   Just stuffing em in to the set (reverse perk?)would be a waste.

Soooo.... does anyone have a suggestion as to how we could get early war planes in the game without infringing on the choices of those who don't like to fly em?   A way that would give those who do some chance at a fair fite as well as some variety?

Offline Lephturn

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early war planes in AH?
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2001, 08:50:00 AM »
Who wants a fair fight?

Life ain't fair, and neither is air combat.  The reason folks fly the more under-rated rides in a game like AH is for the challenge they get from overcoming the disadvantages.  It's why I'm a dedicated Jug driver.

The perk system will make it more valuable to fly those earlier war rides.  It doesn't make them any more competitive, but it rewards you more for working with the more inferior equipment.  Once HTC fixes the perk bugs so that the best way to get perks is to fly the earlier war planes (instead of straffing tents) there will be plenty of compensation for flying the more challenging craft.

Ok, some folks want a more equal fight in the early war rides.  Unfortunately, the only way to do that is with a separate arena, a Historical arena, an RPS, or in scenarios.  I'm sure we'll get some combination of those in the future, but it doesn't make sense for HTC to do any of that until they have the later war planeset more complete.

I don't expect HTC to start grinding out early war planes anytime soon.  Why would they?  Doesn't it make more sense to fill the late war planeset, and then backfill with earlier war stuff later?  The early war stuff has been done to death, but where is there a good complete late war planeset?  I think HTC is smart to go this route, it makes sense.  Combined with a perk system to allow controlled access to some uber-planes, it's a very good idea to fill the late war planeset first IMHO.

What are you more likely to dowload AH to try out, a Hurricane IIc, or a Ta152?  I'm betting the vast majority would pick the ta152, so this is a good move for HTC IMHO.

Lephturn - Aces High Chief Trainer
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early war planes in AH?
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2001, 08:53:00 AM »
The early plane set has been done to death?  What???

Offline AKDejaVu

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early war planes in AH?
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2001, 08:56:00 AM »
Soooo.... does anyone have a suggestion as to how we could get early war planes in the game without infringing on the choices of those who don't like to fly em? A way that would give those who do some chance at a fair fite as well as some variety?

Early war planes serve one real purpose: Scenarios.  Other than that it just gives people a chance to fly their all-time favorite rides.

As far as fair goes.. well.. how far do you have to go?  I've yet to be in a fair engagement.  Someone's always had some kind of advantage.  You'll never get fair in this arena.

I believe that the early war planes can compete within certain aspects of this game.  In the low level mass plane engagements, they should do ok.  In high alt high speed engagements, they'd get waxed.  Its pretty much the same as any plane with strengths and weaknesses.

I'd just love to see the look on that N1K driver's face when he tries a low level low speed flat turn against a p40  If you separate the eras.. I wouldn't have that opportunity.

The MA should be an area where anyone can fly anything against anything else.  No limitations.  The more choice the better. Of course, that is my oppinion.


Offline Effdub

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early war planes in AH?
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2001, 09:08:00 AM »
let me see... you fly a C.202 to get a Ta152 so that you can uber dweeb kill the other C.202's... who wants a fair fight, anyone? :P

Offline Wanker

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early war planes in AH?
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2001, 09:59:00 AM »
I love early war planes, too, Lazs. But in all reality, the only way early plane lovers are going to get to use their planes to their best ability is in scenarios. And Leph is right. I can't see HTC adding any early war planes until every other era is complete.

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early war planes in AH?
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2001, 10:10:00 AM »
I think HTC's experience with the RPS in WB has convinced them that early war is not viable in the MA.  Too bad.  I always had the most fun before the point-and-kill planes showed up.

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline anRky

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early war planes in AH?
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2001, 10:57:00 AM »
The only thing it'll take to get me to fly early-war planes in the MA is for HTC to add them.

Of course, I do want to get a chance to fly in some Hurricane-109E battles, and P-40-Oscar battles and on and on, but that's what events are for, right?  And aren't events a good enough reason for HTC dedicate some time to filling out the early or mid planeset before concentrating on every single uberplane ever made?  They are 'IMHO'.



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early war planes in AH?
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2001, 02:27:00 PM »
perhaps I should define "fair fite" as I see it... I think a fair fite is parity of planes.   You don't want to get to much speed difference nor do you want to get too much diff in gunnery.... rifle caliber mgs and FF cannon are not competitive IMO.   All mid war guns work pretty well.  None of the early planes are fast or great climbers.   They do poorly in every performance category except turn when compared to mid or late war planes.  The mid/late war planes trade off some performance peramiters for others but allways do something as well or better than their contemporaries.   By "fair" I mean that the early war planes are overmatched when forced to compete with the current set much less the idiotic perkies.

The early planes were more fragile and turned a lot better.   They were and are a lot of fun to dogfite in.  Against each other.

I still believe that some early war fields in the arena in the canyons would work.... Heck... so far as fair, let the late planes fly a couple sectors to "vultch" them poor ol inferior planes in a canyon environment.  I think the early war planes would give em a run for their money in the twisty turny canyon fighting.  a TA 152 against a Spit one or wildcat in the canyons would be one frustrated late war pile it.  conversly..... A spit one or P40 stuck out in the middle of the arena all by himself would be B&Z target practice for most mid/late war rides with any sense/skill at all.

bet an area in the canyons that was a couple sectors from the rest of the main would work fine.   Sure, some dipshits would spend the time to fly all the way over and have only a short amount of fuel/time to fite but I bet they would just be frustrated trying to fite in the canyons.

Offline AKDejaVu

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early war planes in AH?
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2001, 02:46:00 PM »
Sorry lazs.. I still disagree with the notion of creating an arena inside of an arena.  Wether its just for furballing or early war planes.



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early war planes in AH?
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2001, 03:22:00 PM »
The mentality of the players amaze me..

On first breath they claim that they want the most realistic possible ww2 ac sim on the market.. But then they finish the sentence with stuff like 'who would want to fly hurricane IIc instead of Ta-da'

So what you really want is uber planes fighting in dream scenarios. What-if planes fighting against the rest top 2% of the existing planeset..

I don't want an arena filled with chog, n1k and P51D.. thats about all that people fly there because the rest are dogfood for them.

I grew up reading stories about ww2, BoB, hurricane, mosquito, spit early models, gloster gladiator as well as the not-so-realistic stories about jocks in dream hightech planes of ww2..

The early war planes are the salt of the simulation, it just seems that too many players can't appreciate them. They have no vision. They want the Ferrari2001 model even when playing with the 60's version could be much more fun and challenging.. No down-force no slícks, no brakes.. just 200mph and wind in the air  

The first thing I did when I went to WB was going to historical arena and grabbed hurri IIc to kick some 190's butt.

Some WB cheerleader said AH is nothing but fancyer version of the secret weapons of luftwaffe.. With the perks introduced and opinnions strongly against any kind of RPS I have to admit he had a point.

AH is a great game, I love flying it.. But when the arena gets filled with planes that were built on last months of war, 200 planes max.. I think it's a huge mistake and I don't like it one bit.

H2h is great at least in one part: the host can disable the n1k, chog, osty and other nasties that ruin the game.. And everyone remain happy flying all those planes they never bothered to try on main.

I just wish HTC had the balls to do the same.


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early war planes in AH?
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2001, 03:27:00 PM »
Chogs and Nikis and Osties oh my!
Chogs and Nikis and Osties Oh my!
Chogs and Nikis and Osties OH MY!

Offline texace

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early war planes in AH?
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2001, 03:40:00 PM » you want a true to life WWII sim but want to remove the uber rides because they destroy the game. I see. I bet the 190 pilots went to the Allied Air Command and said "That P-51 is too damn uber...remove it now!!"

Sheesh..if you don't like the plane..find it's weakness and kill it.

Lt. Col. Aaron "txace-" Giles of the 457th BG
    "Fait Accompli"
In arena: semperfi

Offline Thud

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early war planes in AH?
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2001, 04:53:00 PM »
Just introduce the early war planes as soon as possible and let them be flown in the MA by anyone who dares. The real reason to have them is not the MA but Special Events (and maybe a HA?????) and they are simply necessary there to have some realistic early/mid war scenarios which are much anticipated!!!!

If they could hold their own in the main it is an added bonus, if not it doesn't reduce the need to have 'em.........

Alexis, Paulina, Monique, Oh My!
Alexis, Paulina, Monique, oh My!
Alexis, Paulina, Monique, OH MY!

Thud, the fairly mediocre pilot formerly known as Bies

Bring the Hurricane to AH! (together with the Invader)

[This message has been edited by Thud (edited 02-27-2001).]


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early war planes in AH?
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2001, 05:03:00 PM »
Texace: in real world there are limitations to which extent the best available planetypes ARE available. When the arena gets filled with 1-2 different planetypes fighting eachothers, I don't find that very appealing.

I like killing n1kis and chogs, I just don't like to see 80-90% of the population using them. I want more variety.. Maybe AH is just not a game for me.