Author Topic: Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered  (Read 1773 times)

Offline Cabby

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2000, 06:18:00 PM »

Your Liberal-Socialist/Pavlovian-brainwashing is showing.  You a product of the US Public Schools by any chance??

Gore/Hillary will get creamed in November.

I can't wait.

(Right Wing-Gun Totin'-Christian-Red Neck)

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Offline StSanta

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2000, 06:55:00 PM »
Your Liberal-Socialist/Pavlovian-brainwashing is showing. You a product of the US Public Schools by any chance??

It is funny; it is always the other side who has been brainwashed  

Personally, I am a European liberal. We use the word in the opposite way here; here a liberal is one going for a quite small state, free trade, less regulations and so forth.

But I bet you still consider me a pinko commie for living in a country with a strong state, huge taxes and very well developed welfare system.

Because I attended public schools and have been brainwashed  .

Well, at least I didn't bite into the mythology cake, like so many others  

But, that is likely because I was brainwashed.

Heh, this thread is amusing  

<eats chips>

JG54 "Grünherz"

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2000, 12:41:00 AM »
Hey, everyone in this thread would enjoy Rush Limbaugh!!!  12 noon eastern time.

I think you can hear him at

Listen to him for 6 weeks and tell me what ya think.

Offline blur

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2000, 07:22:00 AM »
Originally posted by cabby:

Your Liberal-Socialist/Pavlovian-brainwashing is showing.  You a product of the US Public Schools by any chance??

LOL Cabby. I did the one the thing that ALL governments secretly fear the most: I grew a BRAIN!!!

In the end it will be free-thinking individuals who'll save the world: persons not aligned with any government, corporation or ideology.


Offline Cabby

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2000, 05:50:00 PM »

"In the end it will be free-thinking individuals who'll save the world: persons not aligned with any government, corporation or ideology.

What the Hell does that mean???  Kinda smug, ain't ya??  Look up the word "hubris" in the dictionary.  BTW, i came from the "factory" with a "brain" already installed.  It took years of experience to sort the wheat from the chaff.  

In other words, "free-thinking" is often a euphemism for "Bulls***".

"The World needs saving from those who would save the World".
Six: "Come on Cabbyshack, let's get some!"

Offline StSanta

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2000, 05:33:00 AM »
"In the end it will be free-thinking individuals who'll save the world: persons not aligned with any government, corporation or ideology."

What the Hell does that mean??? Kinda smug, ain't ya?? Look up the word "hubris" in the dictionary. BTW, i came from the "factory"
with a "brain" already installed. It took years of experience to sort the wheat from the chaff.

In other words, "free-thinking" is often a euphemism for "Bulls***".

It is hubris to think oneself a freethinker? Methinks the Christian "stay humble" people did a good job at brainwashing you there.

As far as freethinkers being roadkillters, here's a definition:

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) :

Freethinker \Free"think`er\, n.
One who speculates or forms opinions independently of the authority of others; esp., in the sphere or religion, one who
forms opinions independently of the authority of revelation or of the church; an unbeliever; -- a term assumed by deists    and skeptics in the eighteenth century.

Being a member of humanist and freethinker organisations myself, I can only say that it doesn't take much to be one, it isn't hubris to claim to be one, and while there is roadkill, the skeptical approach weed out most of the BS.

As far as the brain; it's a tool everyone come with. Some learn to use it skillfully, others do not. In essence, a person with a lower IQ than someone else would be quite capable of outwitting his opponent. Then again, the measurement of IQ is debatable  

Are all cabby's this angry?

JG54 "Grünherz"

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2000, 08:25:00 AM »
Cabby I'm going to go out on a limb here and take a guess that you're a fundamentalist Christian of one denomination or another. I say this because of your anger.

If I may I'd like to pose a few questions:
What are you so angry about? Is it a cherished belief that you feel is being attacked? If it is then who instilled such a belief? Was it some sort of religious brainwashing that took place when you were growing up? Was it some teaching about pride and the sinful self? If you were born a Hindu would you still have such beliefs? Are any beliefs really "you"?

Keep in mind that the church finds it easier to keep its coffers full by removing self respect from the members of its flock and replacing it with bunch of crippled psyches convinced of their sin and unworthiness.

Beliefs, beliefs, beliefs, people have been killed, maimed, tortured and humiliated over beliefs. I try to have as few as possible.  

Offline hblair

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2000, 01:43:00 PM »
Man, you guys seem to be downing the church a lot. Why would ya wanna do that?

I was raised in a baptist church. I don't think I'm scarred for life for it either. Granted, there are people in every congregation that are over the edge, but isn't this true everywhere? Seems anytime you see the republican party or christians in general represented on CNN, etc. they are refered to as 'right wing'. When was the last time ya heard the term 'left wing'? Are there not people on the extreme left?

Kinda tells ya something about whos doing the reporting, don't it?  

I will continue to be a backwards thinking conservative fella, even if its unpopular.  

Offline Yeager

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2000, 02:09:00 PM »
I saw the Larry King interview with GW Bush and his wife last night.  I was very  impressed.  Especially when contrasted against a recent Al Gore interview on NPR.

Gore comes across as a very shallow spirit.  Although I trust he is a far better soul than William Jefferson Clinton will ever be, Al Gore simply seems too calculated, too supressing in his demeanor, too drivin by an obviously external need to self promote.

Yes, I will cast my vote towards honesty and faith and the belief that we are a nation of states united by a common thread of decency and self responsibility, not divided by race, tobbaco, guns, socio-economic injustices and supremely bettered by an ancient, fractured, post-historic Europe.

Im tired of these past 8 years...very tired.



[This message has been edited by Yeager (edited 07-21-2000).]
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Offline LuckyDay

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2000, 04:37:00 PM »
It seems to me that "free" thinkers who are supposedly open minded have closed their minds to any ideas which contradict their own, regardless of evidence or truth.  This creates a religion or ideology based only on what a person chooses to believe, rather than a belief system based on truth and historical evidence.

Not every "religious" person is like the television evangelists or the medieval priests and bishops that try to sell you "salvation".  I would say that most of us are doing our best to live as Christ, and failing miserably.  But we are trying.

Please do some research for yourself rather than repeating rhetoric you cling to because it is convenient and guilt-free.  To save you some time, look for any book by Josh McDowell, Hank Hannegraff, or C.S. Lewis; and read with an open mind.  Each of these are well educated men who have searched for themselves and found that the Bible stands up to vicious scrutiny.  Or go the whole nine yards and learn ancient Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic, learn the history and culture of the areas where the Bible originated, and then decide what you believe.

Go to a local church and ask the pastor whose research he respects and check it out for yourself.  Go to a university and ask a history/psychology/religion professor for their opinions and what Christians in their field they respect and why.

Do your own "free" thinking.


(I suppose a "flames of hell" joke wouldn't work here... even if it had a smiley?      )

[This message has been edited by LuckyDay (edited 07-21-2000).]

Offline Udie

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2000, 05:46:00 PM »
 Hmmm could society be gearing up for a reverse-spanish inquesition?   Seems like a lot of people hate Christians now, and I mean realy HATE.  I've had great conversations w/ people who call themselves open minded only to have them walk away in disgust when they find out I'm a Christian.  

 It's sad realy.  We're taught evolution in school, the teacher wasn't even allowed to say creationism. Then I'm told that evolution is science and fact and that religeon is just faith w/ no proof of God's  true existance.  It seems to me that both are faiths.  

 I have yet to see ANYTHING evolve. They showed me a bunch of skeletons in high school, and said they had died 1000's of years ago.  How do they know this for sure?  Carbon 14?   Sorry that doesn't do it for me. Nobody was alive 1000 years ago to PROVE that the creature died then.  Nobody was alive 1,000,000 years ago to prove that anything was alive back then.

 Do people actualy think this whole universe is just a random chance of occurance? that life began when 2 molocules accidentaly collided at the presise moment lightning hit some swamp 60,000,000,000 years ago? then through evolution formed the BILLIONS and BILLIONS of cells that make up any lifeform? Think about the human brain. TRILLIONS of cells, each know's where it belongs and it's job (provided good DNA   )  This is random? natural selection?  Sorry that's too much of a leap of FAITH for me.

 The bible says God created the Earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th.  People think well that's just crazy and you are stupid for believing that.  Who said that 1 day to God equals 1 day to us?  I don't know myself that's where my faith kicks in.  Maybe God told the molocules where and when to collide?  Maybe God willed evolution on the first 6 days? Eve came from Adams rib,  she evovled from him?

 Truethfuly,  I have no idea.  I'm just a confused little squirrel trying to get my nut before my evil government comes to get it's cut.  Believe what you want to, I have no problem with that.  I only know that the lessons taught in the bible have held true in my life and my family.  

 My late grandmother read the bible for 70 years.  She told me that she learned something new each time she read it.  At the very least, the bible can be used as an excellent blueprint of how to raise a family and how to have a succesful life. Here's 2 concepts that live through out the bible, Peace and Love.  Do they sound so evil?


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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #26 on: July 21, 2000, 07:35:00 PM »
You said it Udie.....

One quick question...has anyone EVER seen the term 'left-wing extremist' used ANYWHERE in the media?

And another thing, since the late 1800's money has run this country like never before. Our so-called representatives are just pawns in a large monopoly game which is being played by those who control the money. Washington DC and its overstuffed bank accounts calls the shots like it or not. Why do you think we had a civil war? It wasn't over the slave issue, it was about who was going to run the country, the states (as it should be) or the fed's. Well guess who won? Heres a hint: a few years back Nevada raised their speed limits over 55MPH...and the feds promised to withhold a boatload of federal funds,which the state had gotten used to having,if they did not change it back..Nevada caved in. This same thing goes on all the time, in government, in every part of our lives. The feds control the purse strings like it or not.

I have never agreed with any politician 100 percent, so I am forced to vote for the one I agree with the most. I lived in California when Reagan was Governer and regardless of what is being said today, he IS responsible for our current prosperity. California, by itself as a nation back then, would have been the 3rd wealthiest nation on earth. What did he do that was so special? He took as much of the government out of our lives as he could and ran the state independently as a business. He tried to do the same back in the 80's with the whole country but was limited by a democratically controlled house and senate. But the results from what he WAS able to accomplish are still apparent even today. The only thing clinton has been able to increase the market value on were those cigars that he uhh..'smoked'. And when Jerry Brown took over as Governer he put back most of what Reagan took away and added even MORE government. California has been in the red ever since.

Ok brain is moving faster than fingers so I'll quit. I guess what I'm saying is simply this; don't vote for a politician when there is a businessman availiable. A politician looks in the mirror to see how he looks...a business man uses a ledger. At least with the businessman you almost always know where he stands. My gut tells me to throw them ALL out, burn it to the ground and start over, but we can't have that now can we.   I guess I'll just have to keep voting and hoping one day we find a way to put back the individual responsibility that left this country some 40 years ago. *sigh*

Offline Cabby

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #27 on: July 21, 2000, 08:31:00 PM »
Who's angry???  I just call a "spade" a "spade".  "Humanist" my a**.  I've been listening to Liberal BS for 40 years.  I'm tired.  I'm tired of the so-called "enlightened", macro-philosophical garbage that's so routinely passed off as the "Truth" by so many "experts".  

I'm also tired of the Clintons, Gore, Oprah, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, Larry King, Geraldo, Rather, Nader, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Democrats, GreenPeace, Sierra Club, ACLU, and the many, many other  yammering-yahoo Liberal "pundits" be-fouling the atmosphere with their constant alarmist-whining.  

The vacuous, race-baiting, Class Warfare pandering, Al Gore will be creamed in November and i can't wait.


[This message has been edited by cabby (edited 07-21-2000).]
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Offline Gunthr

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2000, 09:36:00 PM »
Hey Cabby, don't forget Ted Kennedy.

I'm pretty tired of that guy too.

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Offline StSanta

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Hillary Pilloried, Gore Cornered
« Reply #29 on: July 21, 2000, 10:59:00 PM »
Luckyday wrote this:
It seems to me that "free" thinkers who are supposedly open minded have closed their minds to any ideas which contradict their own, regardless of evidence or truth.
Then my friend you have either misunderstood the word freethinker, or are using a different definition than I am  

This creates a religion or ideology based only on what a person chooses to believe, rather than a belief system based on truth and historical evidence.
Hm, I'd say I have no religion or ideology. Claiming non theism is a religion is like claiming bald is a hair colour. The ideology I come closest to adhering to would be hedonism, i.e the pursuit of pleasure as an ethical principle, with the golden rule applying, of course.

I am not sure which belief you refer to as truth and "historical evidence", but I gather it is Christianity. To me, it is a valid belief. As is all other religious beliefs, including Asatru and belief in the Invisible Pink Unicorn. But, the fact of the matter is many beliefs are based on on faith, and faith is belief in that which is not proven or belief in something despite available evidence pointing to the contrary. I am not a fan of faith, as it is a cheap crutch, a shortcut and intellectually dishonest. To me, that is. For others, it is rewarding, gives a sense of security and provide answers in areas of life where answers are hard to get to. With "intellectual dishonest" I mean that I cannot get myself to have faith in anything - it just feels like I am lying to myself. Yes, I have hopes and expectations, but not religious faith. When I go skydive, I expect the main to fail and hope the reserve will save my butt. I do not have faith it will; I just hope for it.

Not every "religious" person is like the television evangelists or the medieval priests and bishops that try to sell you
"salvation". I would say that most of us are doing our best to live as Christ, and failing miserably. But we are trying.
Thank god for that. The thing that is a little saddening to me, however, is that the Christian mythology seem to emphazise how lowly and unworthy we are as humans - how far we fall short. I'm an optimist and elect to see the positive side  .

Please do some research for yourself rather than repeating rhetoric you cling to because it is convenient and guilt-free.

My lack of beliefs are anything but convenient and guilt free. I have no answers premade for me; on each and every moral and ethical matter, I must trust my own judgement. I must as good as I can weight all the available evidence and compare it to a personal moral that is continually worked upon. Each and every time something new comes up, I must be ready to admit my mistakes and integrate the new knowledge into how I see the world, or destroy the old way of seeing things. There is no sweet afterlife to me; this is a pity, as I have the same fear of not living the Christian has. Just a consequence of evolution no amount of intellectualizing can change. When a loved one is hurt or dies, I cannot be comforted by the idea that he or she is in a better place. Nor is there real justice; it is a concept that needs to be worked towards, but there is no great book which keeps the balance. I could go on, but you get the picture. It is quite a bleak world, unless you, as the current generation of emerging non theists, have a positive outlook on life and humanity as a whole. Luckily, lately I have had just that.

You choose answers and strict rules to live and measure your "success" by. The alternative, unexamined as it is, is just as hard. Not as restrictive, but just as hard.

To save you some time, look for any book by Josh McDowell, Hank Hannegraff, or C.S. Lewis; and read with an open mind. Each of these are well educated men who have searched for themselves and found that the Bible stands up to vicious scrutiny.

I've read two of those writers, McDowell and Lewis. But I find it logical that Christians will find the bible to be true - after all, Christian belief states that the bible is the work of god  .

Or go the whole nine yards and learn ancient Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic, learn the history and culture of the areas where the Bible originated, and then decide what you believe.
Well, the translated versions are close enough for me to get a gist of what they're talking about.

Go to a local church and ask the pastor whose research he respects and check it out for yourself. Go to a university and ask a history/psychology/religion professor for their opinions and what Christians in their field they respect and why.
The latter I have done. There is quite a number of books out there about the psychology of Christianity. However, most aren't seen upon kindly with the eyes of conservative Christians.

Do your own "free" thinking.
Way ahead of ya bud  .

(I suppose a "flames of hell" joke wouldn't work here... even if it had a smiley?  )
Heh, any deity that had the nerve to create the universe as it is, and then not help a poor critter out would not get my help, even with free will. Besides, Hell is a place in Norway.  (Image removed from quote.)

Udie, as far as evolution goes, it's just change of allele frequency in a population over time. It can actually be seen in bacteria with very short life span.  has lots of info on it. Alternatively, any book by Richard Dawkins is a delight to read.

Not saying this is the way it is; just saying that available scientific evidence points very strongly in this direction. Of course, we could stay up all night arguing about the precision of science and the tenets it rests upon.

Cabby: you're right. Since I like discussions, where progress is actually made rather than arguments where both side vehemently stick to their guns, I have no further reply to you. Other than lighten up dude, stop being so cynical and take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth. Ye call blur and me liars without even knowing us. We've grown up in different cultures but come to the same conclusions about certain issues, but to you that is brainwashing and BS. Must be the New World Order.

Geesh, I respect Christians as people. I just find the Christian belief rather unlikely personally. Separate the religious beliefs from the man is one of the keys to some kind stable relationship where respect can be found.

Heh, this is just my kind of thread. Wish I had more time to reply, but I have to go to Sweden in about five minutes.

Will write really long responses when I get back  (Image removed from quote.)

Btw, there are left wing extremists. We call them commie bastards  (Image removed from quote.)

JG54 "Grünherz"