Author Topic: it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin  (Read 1405 times)

Offline CavemanJ

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it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin
« on: December 22, 2000, 02:09:00 AM »
If you're one of the types who are offened by the Christmas holiday being called by it's proper name you WILL be highly offended if you continue reading. You have been warned, so dinnae cry to me.
While on the way to pick up my daughter a day or two go the DJ on the radio was talking about the holidays. In his dialog he said Christmas, then paused and apologized saying he wasn't supposed to say Christmas, he was only supposed to say "Holidays". He went on to say the program manager had reamed him about saying Christmas because it's not politically correct and offends some people. I was floored at this, but I guess I should've expected it.

About a month ago my wife informed me that the Navy Ambulatory Care Center, where she's stationed, aboard Subbase New London won't be having a Christmas party this year. Instead they'll be having a "Fall Ball" to celebrate the "Holidays". My wife said that the reason given was "some people are offended by Christmas".

Now Christmas isn't exactly my favorite time of the year. I've had plenty of misfortunes around Christmas, like my house burning down, death of my grandma, caught the wife doing something she shouldna been doin, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum. Then you've got the way Christmas has been commercialized, which has always been a major beef with me about this time of year. Some of my friends joke with me about trying to have Christmas removed from the calender so I can avoid my general dark moods around this time of year  

Now the political correctness people are screwing with Christmas. You can't say Christmas because you may piss off the people who celebrate Hanukkah or Kwanzaa (or God knows who else).
What is it with these people? Do they just hate mainstream America or what? What's there to be offended about by a holiday?
The most I've learned about Hanukka or Kwanzaa was on an episode of Blue's Clues I was watching with my daughter about this time last year. Bout all it touched on was the kind of decorations used for those 2, and a verra simple explanation about those holidays. It did the exact same for Christmas. Was it offensive? Nope, I thought it was pretty neat, especially the way the characters in the show were all respectful of each other's beliefs.
But now you've got the Hanukkah and Kwanzaa people being offended by Christmas, and we can't even say the name of our biggest holiday on the radio if we want to be politically correct. THAT is offensive. Let a man say he's offended by Martin Luthor King day, then watch how fast he's labeled a racist. JJ himself may even come out and lead the crusade to smear that man for expressing his God given and Constitutionally protected right to say what he thinks.

Now these joker's are starting on Christmas, probably because it dinnae fit with thier beliefs. Well guess what. Hanukkah and Kwanzaa dinnae fit with my beliefs, but you dinnae see my trying to have thier names left out of conversation. Those people can go right ahead and celebrate thier respective holidays and it won't bother me one bit. I'll even go to thier parties if invited, after asking a few questions so I know what's appropiate and what's not for thier holiday celebrations. But what I won't do is tell'em to go get stuffed because thier holiday is offensive. If I'm not interested I'll politely decline and let them go off on thier own course to do thier thing.

For as far back as I can remember, which is about 24-25years, it's always been Christmas. For my kids it'll always be Christmas, and they'll most likely reawaken that old Christmas spirit of mine and help to finally bury the ghosts of Christmas' past for me.
Maybe it's the commercialization of the "silly season" that's offending these people. But will trying to have the name of Christmas changed to "the holidays" stop that? NO! It'll just irritate the devil out of people. If that's what has these people offended they should be raging against the machine, in this case the retail corporations looking for more almight dollars, not raging against the holiday.

It's f**kin Christmas ya love muffin

Offline straffo

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it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2000, 02:31:00 AM »
I simply don't understand how it can be offensive  
In what kind of world did you live ?
A celebration is a celebration whatever is your own religion or the place you live

new mantra : use spell check...use spell check...use spell check...use spell check  

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Offline snafu

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it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2000, 04:22:00 AM »
Hey Cavemanj,
 Agree with you 100%. I'm no longer religious (And don't usually get much of a holiday at Christmas either). But Live and let live is what I say. I have no time for the political correctness bozzo's. They tried to ban the word "Blackboard" in schools because it might offend some of the black races, Now what have I got in my office at work?? A "NOBO" drywipe white board". Do I have a case??   .

I used to date a black girl back in my youth (Long time ago) she always said I was white she was black, we were all coloured...


  snafus Homepage


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it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2000, 04:52:00 AM »
Im not  a very religous person either but I LOVE x-ass..accept for having to meet all the family...and having crouded shopping....and having these people drive 3 through my neighborhood in the middle of the road to look at lights and wont let ya pass...and that cousin that always gets drunk on the nogg....shit!! I hate x-mass!  
lol just kidding.

I really dont see how anyone could sit there and be "offeneded" by x-mass, yes its a media circus and all that crap but its roots are so deep they will never be contaminated by the media and publicity crap.  too bad the x-mass bashers probably dont have stockings, saint nick, or the christmas midgit or whatever ya believe in would porbably put a nice peanutty turd in their stocking.  

Hell you can mention KKK rallies on the radio but ya cant say x-mass, how f**ked up is that?

Offline Fury

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it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2000, 08:03:00 AM »
What is Xmas?

Taking the Christ out of Christmas.


p.s. here's a true story...long time ago, one of our workers wished a customer "Merry Christmas".  Except, the customer does not recognize Christmas, and complained about it to the worker's boss.  Even got an apology.

Offline rosco-

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it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2000, 08:05:00 AM »
 Its not just an american thing, it is very prevalent in canada as well, most notibably in our public schools. Most city schools have done away with the traditional Christmas Concert, or have changed the name to something else. Rural people have more common sence it seems   my brothers school still holds one.

 Pretty sad if you ask me.

Offline rosco-

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it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2000, 08:08:00 AM »
 TO everyone...

Offline miko2d

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it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2000, 11:07:00 AM »
 While it is stupid for the radio host to avoid mentioning religion in favor of so called political correctness, politicians and office parties are another matter.

 If my office is having a Christmas party and I happen not to be a christian, what do I do? It's not like I will be allowed another party as a compensation. (Un?)Fortunately as an atheist I do not care much and can go anywhere I am welcomed.

 But some people I know would not go to church or sinagogue or mosk if you invite them. They would not be offended because it is your personal affair.
 For a company arranging a party that some of the employees will not be able to attend for religious reasons does not sound reasonable.

 Fortunately we can all have a "New Year" party that we can all celebrate. Why not do that.

 So my company holds winter and summer parties and makes sure they do not fall on Friday night so that religious jews can attend. We are all happy and celebrate whatever we want!

 Speaking about politics, I am all for my mayor/governor/president congratulating a members of any religion with any holliday. Words are cheap. But if he wants to spend my tax money to build some kind of a display or monument I might take an exception to that.

 Merry Christmas everyone!

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Offline mrfish

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it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2000, 11:14:00 AM »
it seems to me that how we celebrate the 'holidays' says a lot about the makeup of the culture <boring long post mode activated>

christians dominated the continent last century and so it seemed normal to say merry christmas - people wouldve been laughed at for getting their feelings hurt about it

jews became more accepted this century and in the 60's the time was ripe to lobby for recognition of their tradition - if you notice, it probably took the entire 70's for the change to really take and by the mid 80's it really became 'holidays' no one got offended before then.
- or eyes got rolled at them if they did

then in the 70's - 80's blacks realized there was no specifically afro-centric holiday - even though they are predominantly christian - again the climate is right due to strength in numbers and certain cultural changes and voila: kwanza

makes me wonder.....a whole lotta hindus and moslems in america...should we expect a gonesh day soon?     might be cool actually lotsa burning incense in the air and trippy music....santa with 8 arms - shiva-clause

i think 'happy holidays' is here to stay for better or worse, the only people who will never give a f*%# IMO are the buddhists really- every day is a celebration there

anyways....MERRY CHRISTMAS!    

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Offline LuckyDay

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it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2000, 01:50:00 PM »
Here is a little bit of Xmas Trivia in the spirit of the holidays...

"The X in Xmas did not originate as our English alphabet's X but as the symbol X in the Greek alphabet, called Chi, with a hard ch. The Greek Chi or X is the first letter in the Greek word Christos. Eric G. Gration claims that as early as the first century the X was used as Christ's initial. Certainly through church history we can trace this usage. In many manuscripts of the New Testament, X abbreviates Christos (Xristos). In ancient Christian art X and XR (Chi Ro--the first two letters in Greek of Christos abbreviate his name. We find that this practice entered the Old English language as early as AD 100. Moreover, Wycliff and other devout believers used X as an abbreviation for Christ. Were they trying to take Christ away and substitute an unknown quantity? The idea is preposterous."

"Some may use Xmas today as an unchristian shortcut for Christmas, but the ancient abbreviation by no means originated as such. The scribes who copied New Testament manuscripts had no intention of taking Christ out of the New Testament. They used the abbreviation simply to save time and space. We use abbreviations for the same purpose today, as witness FDR, HST, JFK, LBJ, and a host of others. Xmas is a legitimate abbreviation."

Personally I prefer to just spell it out as it prevents any misunderstandings, so Merry Christmas all!

Offline Wotan

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it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2000, 03:25:00 PM »
Happy Kwanza

Offline easymo

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it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2000, 04:15:00 PM »
 We should call it what it really is. Happy Vernal Equinox

LJK Raubvogel

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it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2000, 05:08:00 PM »
They can have all the holidays they want, but please leave f@#$in Christmas alone. I mean, c'mon...the one time of the year when the general spirit and mood in the air is goodwill and peace, and we can't celebrate it without hurting someone's feelings? Sometimes it feels like this country is on the outside swirl of the toilet. I just hope we don't pass the Tidy Bowl man before my time is up.



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Offline -lynx-

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it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2000, 06:19:00 PM »
I'm at a total loss - how can a Xmas party hurt anyone's feelings??? Non-Christians may not feel the need to celebrate this particular occasion but be offended by it? What about when they (whoever they are) celebrate their Whatever-day? This PC c**p is such nonsense and waste of time .

Offline Kieren

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it's f**kin CHRISTMAS, ya love muffin
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2000, 07:47:00 PM »
Noel, dammit.