Originally posted by beet1e
In 49/50 states, including TX, you have a seatbelt law. Erm... can you please explain in what way the legislative process has differed in those 49 states from the way the same law was passed in Britain
Sure. It`s getting a little old having to explain this to you over and over, but read the last 3 to 4 pages of this thread. Sound familiar? It should. The difference is we are not rolling over and just accepting it. It`s far from over along with a lot of other issues that have came to light in recent events. People are waking up to the fact that if you put total trust into lobbyist and government you are screwing up BIG TIME. It takes some doing for a lot of folks have become very complacent and live with a "don`t rock my boat" attitude. The boats have been rocked. The natives are restless. We are not just rolling over and saying "Government knows what`s best for you". What we don`t like , we won`t accept. What we don`t accept, we change. It is not given away freely and not an "it`s over because someone else says so" issue. That`s the difference.
If you are happy with your laws at the price of freedom of choice and or willing to accept it as fact, so be it. What goes on there I could care less about. What goes on here I care very much about. that`s the difference.
And... if you're just now getting so bent out of shape about a seatbelt law
Thanks for, once again, showing the total lack of comprehension of what is being discussed here. As stated before and selectively over looked by you is that the subject is not just about seat belt laws or no seat belt laws. It`s freemom of choice, our rights and our constitution and the very foundation of this country being trampled. Not only do you pretend you can`t see the forest for the trees, you are blocking the light out by burying yourself in the leaves.
The U.S. is what is being discussed here, not some dreary fantasy land where everyone is happy with whatever comes down the pike.