Author Topic: DVL data on Bf 109 roll rates  (Read 24271 times)

Offline Crumpp

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DVL data on Bf 109 roll rates
« Reply #240 on: October 16, 2005, 04:56:49 PM »
It is IAS.

All the best,


Offline gripen

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DVL data on Bf 109 roll rates
« Reply #241 on: August 08, 2006, 03:59:42 PM »
Originally posted by Crumpp
The range is 10-14kg at 8 degrees of aileron deflection with a speed of 400mph at 10,000 feet.  The forces exhibited must be with 1 Kg for each aileron.

Found the source for this from the Fw 190 A-5/A-6 manual (part 3):

"Bei Va = 650km/h in 3000 m Höhe: 10 bis 14 kg Handkraft bei 2 cm Knüppelweg."

The full deflection of the stick to each side appear to be 17 deg (34 deg total movement)  according to Fw 190D manual (supposing the movement being the same for the Fw 190A) and the lenght of the stick is about to 50 cm so full movement is about 15cm to each side. So 2 cm movement of the stick means about 2,3 deg aileron deflection.

The RAE tested values are give about 30 lbs at 400 mph IAS for this deflection and the fitted line seem to give about 20 lbs so the RAE measurements seem to be very close normal values for the Fw 190.
