Author Topic: Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1  (Read 4635 times)

Offline dtango

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Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1
« on: August 14, 2001, 05:38:00 PM »
Why are some people LW iron lovers while others fly only the N1K2?  Ever wonder why DeeZeeCamp, Swulfe, hblair, and DejaVu are always beating each other up?  What possesses the 13th TAS to fly their P-51’s in the stratosphere?  Why do the FDB’s like to shoot people in chutes?  How come Ripsnort and Zigrat like to plan missions?

Well, read on and find the key to solving these and other enigmas of Aces High.  Now you can amaze your friends and fellow pilots as you provide answers to these and other perplexing riddles of our time!

In an effort to promote harmony and understanding among the Aces High community, I present to you…

“Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots – Part I”.
With this series of articles, you will now be able to understand things such as why your fellow AH pilot is the dweeb that he is, what makes the guy whine about the N1K2, and why some pilots are furballers while others want all icons and radar disabled.

It begins with understanding you and your fellow pilots Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) – sometimes known as your Personality Type.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
If you’re unfamiliar with Myers-Briggs, just trust me that it is one of the most popular personality indicators in use today brought to us by some psycho-analytical geniuses (or mumbo-jumbo - whichever you prefer).

It is composed of 4 dimensions (or letters) that indicate:
  • Where you get your energy from (E=Extraversion vs. I=Introversion)
  • How you prefer to process your information (S=Sensing vs. N=iNtuition)
  • How you prefer to make decisions (T=Thinking vs. F=Feeling)
  • How you prefer to organize your life (J=Judging vs. P=Perception)
  • [/list=a]

    With these 4 dimensions there are a total possible combination of 16 different personality profiles that are defined and represented by codes such as INTJ, or ESFP, etc. Each profile has a unique personality that can be identified and gives us hints to their approach to life, love, and Aces High.

”What Is My MBTI???”
Good question!  You can find out by taking a personality test:

For a quickie 5 minute version-

For you who like a longer, more analytical test-  

Quick, take one of these tests, record your scores and move on to the next section below!

How the 4 MBTI Dimensions Relate to Aces High
For more information and deeper explanation regarding the 4 dimensions, you can visit this website:

So what does all this mean for you and your fellow pilots?  The following is a compilation of the implications based on the 4 MBTI dimensions...

Extraversion – Introversion

EXTRAVERTS tend to be the...
  • Dweeb that jabbers incessantly on the radio about anything
  • Dweeb that prefers to fly with a group of friendlies (usually a horde of 100 planes)
  • The “Check 6!”, “Check 6!”, Check 6!”, “Check 6!”…dweeb
  • Dweeb that calls out cons when the nearest friendly is 50 miles away
  • Dweeb that jumps into a plane on a field closest to the fight, takes off and WEP’s to get there just before he get’s vulched
  • Dweeb who spends hours trying to organize people to join “cool” missions
  • Dweeb that posts 20 msgs a day on the bulletin board
  • Dweeb who never reads an entire thread on the bulletin board
INTROVERTS tend to be the...
  • Dweeb that ignores the jabbering dweeb on the radio
  • Dweeb that thinks - “I’m the lone wolf hunting my hapless prey from 50,000 feet…”
  • Dweeb that maintains silence on the radio just before a countryman is blown to bits by a bandit closing on his 6
  • Dweeb that is mesmerized by the countryman naively flying into the waiting horde of bandits
  • Dweeb that stares at the radar for 45 minutes before deciding which field to take off from
  • Dweeb who spends hours dreaming up the “cool” missions
  • Dweeb who never posts messages on the bulletin board
  • Dweeb who always reads through an entire thread on the bulletin board
Sensing – iNtuition

SENSING types tend to be the...
  • Dweeb that never see’s the enemy con closing in since he constantly stares at the gauges in the a/c while flying
  • Dweeb that can tell you EXACTLY how far you can fly and how long it will take you with your given fuel load
  • Dweeb that likes to follows step by step defensive ACM instructions just before the enemy blows him away
  • Precise dweeb that gives you con information like “Bishop P-51D passing my 3 o’clock, angels 17k, bearing 163 degrees at 330 mph, carrying 2 drop tanks, pilot’s wearing a pink scarf, tail number 564783….closing on your 6”
  • Dweeb that whines about the FW-190 roll-rate by waving around declassified Air Intelligence reports, NACA roll performance reports etc.
  • Dweeb who likes long lists about strengths and weaknesses of an aircraft
  • Simpleton dweeb that prefer mission orders like “Kill Ack at 43”.
  • Dweeb that’s always whining to fix a current flight model, ballistic model, radar, arena etc.
INTUITION types tend to be...
  • Dweeb who lawn darts it in a split-s because he doesn’t know his altitude since he rarely glances at the gauges in his a/c
  • Dweeb that only has a clue about his fuel load after the engine sputters and quits
  • Dweeb who likes to run through all his defensive ACM options just before the enemy blows him away
  • Approximating dweeb that gives you con info like “Uh..I think  its a P-51 probably co-E at 4 o’clock” when it really is a P-47 diving on your 6 with lots of energy
  • Dweeb that whines about the N1K2 flight model because his gut tells him that “it just doesn’t seem right that it hangs on it’s prop like that!”
  • Dweeb who likes the pretty pictures that represent the strengths and weaknesses of an aircraft
  • Complicated dweeb that prefer mission orders like “if fighters come up a40, then CAP it, but switch to A43 and cover B flight if they run into fighters, otherwise escort the buffs, blah blah blah…”
  • Dweeb that’s always coming up with crazy ideas for new arenas, strategy elements to add to AH like submarines, more land units, radar scopes in planes for night-fighting etc...
Thinking - Feeling

THINKING types tend to be...
  • Dweeb that whines about vulching being unfair
  • Dweeb that conducts a cost/benefit analysis just before he leaves his wingman to die at the hands of the enemy hordes
  • Dweeb who believes in the myth of a fair fight
  • Dweeb that gives you a tongue lashing for being a dweeb
  • The dweeb that tells it like it is
  • Dweeb that misses the chance for the kill because he’s too busy overanalyzing what the pros and cons are
  • Dweeb that will flame you in a heartbeat on the bulletin board
  • Dweeb that flies a plane that make sense (he thinks) for a particular role
  • Dweeb that whines about adding more US early war planes because the plane set is “unbalanced”
  • Dweeb that only joins a mission if it makes sense (to him)
FEELING types tend to be...
  • Dweeb that vulches because it’s FUN
  • Dweeb that ignores his SA and tries to save his wingie from the enemy horde
  • Dweeb that always dies attacking the N1K2 in a B&Z plane because he hates the N1K2
  • Dweeb that pats you on the back when you are being a dweeb
  • The peace maker, harmony dweeb
  • The dweeb that weeps while exclaiming “Look at that beautiful paint scheme on my FW-190 F8…just brings tears to my eyes…”
  • Dweeb that actually makes you feel good while disagreeing with ya on the bulletin board.
  • Dweeb that flies planes because it’s his favorite plane no matter what the role
  • Dweeb that whines about adding more Luftwaffte planes because …”I love my LW planes..*sniff sniff*”
  • Dweeb that joins a mission because to be in harmony with his countryman
Judgement – Perception

JUDGEMENT types tend to be...
  • Controlling dweeb that wants to control his country’s CV’s and his countryman
  • Dweeb that pays cares a lot about his country’s rank order
  • Dweeb that yells at his own countryman for losing “the war”
  • Dweeb that hates to fly with an “unpredictable” wingman
  • Dweeb that plans out a mission defining waypoints, altitude, direction and gets pissed when people don’t follow the “orders”
  • Dweeb that believes his idea for the arena is the “right” way to make an arena
  • The impatient dweeb that can’t wait 30 seconds to wing up with his wingie
  • Dweeb that always wants to know “what the mission” is for his country
PERCEPTION types tend to be...
  • Dweeb that gets really annoyed with the controlling dweeb
  • Dweeb that actually likes to get surprised by enemy cons
  • Dweeb that doesn’t give a flip about losing “the war”
  • Dweeb that drives his wingman crazy by flying off to chase a bogey
  • Dweeb who’s idea of a mission is so flexible that mission pilots end up flying in random directions
  • Dweeb that gets bored with the arena and whines constantly for changes
  • The dweeb that can’t tell you how long it will take him to get to you because “you never know what you might run into along the way”
  • Dweeb that will fly a A6M to fight only to turn it into a Jabo to be flexible
Breakdown Descriptions of the 16 Different MBTI Types

Here is a breakdown and description for the 16 MBTI types…

ENFJ: "Busybody"
Life's backseat drivers. They seem to know just what's wrong with everybody else's life and have a plan to fix it.

INFJ: "Messiah"
Characterized by the burning desire to change the world, which desperately needs everyone to be NF.

ENFP: "Muckraker"
Creator of hype, distortion, and the perversion of media of information to be wallows of mindless emotionalism.

INFP: "Fanatic"
Always searching for an Answer with a capital A. Unlike the INFJ, they are usually openminded enough to realize the current one isn't good enough after a few years.

ENTJ: "Tyrant"
Knows better than everyone how things should be done and works tirelessly to obtain the power to make it happen that way.

INTJ: "Crackpot"
All facts which don't fit their theories are just wrong. The more all-encompassing and less applicable to reality the theories, the better.

ENTP: "Frankenstein"
The salvation of the world is to be found in this new nanotronic frannistan, of which he just happens to have an almost-working model...

INTP: "Nerd"
What? you mean people actually talk to each other using mouths and ears instead of keyboards????

ESTJ: "Stuffed Shirt"
No imagination, no flexibility, no common sense, no capacity for tolerance of others with different priorities.

ISTJ: "Bean Counter"
Like the ESTJ but with less vision.

ESFJ: "Gossip"
Like the Busybody, but characterized by the urge to backstab instead of trying to help.

ISFJ: "Sidekick"
Doesn't need much meaning in life, just a person (or baby or pet or car) to spend all their time ministering to.

ESTP: "Beer Drinker"
Loud, crude, plays team sports, kisses and tells. These are the people beer commercials are made for.

ESFP: "Clown"
Always the class troublemaker, they have no respect for anybody or anything. Good at snide wisecracks.

ISTP: "Assasin"
Hates people, and is good at killing them. Young ISTP's are good at killing pictures of people in video games.

ISFP: "Snob"
Revels in the elaborate sensations of wine and paintings and music that are completely indistinguishable to ordinary people. Likes flowers.

That’s all for now folks!  In future articles, I will deal with other implications as we try and understand “You and Your Fellow Pilots”!

[ 08-15-2001: Message edited by: dtango ]
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Offline Urchin

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Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2001, 05:44:00 PM »
LOL- dude, that had to have taken entirely TO MUCH time!!!!   :D

Offline AKSWulfe

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Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2001, 05:44:00 PM »
I can't read more than a paragraph before I forget what I'm reading.. can someone sum that up into a single sentence for me?   ;)

Offline dtango

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Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2001, 05:45:00 PM »
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Offline dtango

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Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2001, 05:48:00 PM »
SWulfe must be an E...  :)
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Offline AKSWulfe

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Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2001, 05:49:00 PM »
Okay, well atleast I managed to find something I could read and understand... I must be this:

"INTJ: "Crackpot"
All facts which don't fit their theories are just wrong. The more all-encompassing and less applicable to reality the theories, the better."

Crackpot should be interchangeable with toejamhead or FullOftoejam for me.  :)

Offline Fatty

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Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2001, 05:59:00 PM »
ISTP: "I See The Problem"

(and must destroy it)

Offline Wotan

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Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2001, 07:06:00 PM »
did both test

5 min was INTP

long one NT

basically bs but occupied my time for a few minutes while my microwave dinner cooked..... :)

Offline Mark Luper

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Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2001, 07:15:00 PM »
Interesting post and a good read. Thanks bud  :).


Keep the shiny side up!

Offline Vulcan

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Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2001, 07:21:00 PM »
I did this Thomas International test for work, it has a Work Mask, Pressure Profile, and Self Image rating. Apparently they're also sposed to be a bit different... but mine are all exactly the same  :)

They asked this guy what it mean't, someone else said 'it means he doesn't give a f**k at work, under pressure, or about himself'  :)

Offline Urchin

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Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2001, 11:33:00 PM »
INTJ on the short test.  The lil "brief" at the end had some things that would seem to apply surprisingly well to me, but I think you can say the same thing about any of these little personality tests.  

Going to take the long test now (I'm bored.) Will edit the post with the results.

Long test came up "NT".  I'm still bored lol.

[ 08-14-2001: Message edited by: Urchin ]

Edit 2 - This is an interesting bit from the summary.  Think it suits me and a few others (DejaVu, Swolfe, Lazs, a few others) pretty well.  

"And they are completely pragmatic about their ways and means of achieving their ends. Rationals don't care about being politically correct. They are interested in the most efficient solutions possible, and will listen to anyone who has something useful to teach them, while disregarding any authority or customary procedure that wastes time and resources.

Said that the "rational stereotype" of people only make up 5-7% of the worlds population.  Think that a far greater proportion than that make up the population of this game.  Maybe the shortfall is made up in people that go into politics or something.

3rd edit for a few spelling mistakes.
[ 08-14-2001: Message edited by: Urchin ]

[ 08-14-2001: Message edited by: Urchin ]

Offline dtango

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Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2001, 11:40:00 PM »
Fatty- ROFL!

Wotan- You'd be surprised how accurate of an indicator this stuff can be.  I've been in some "tests" unbeknownst to us where various types of MBTI personalities were grouped for certain types of outcomes.  Lo and behold, the outcomes were predictable.  Really scary stuff.

Just think about the ACM implications-
Knowing Fatty's an ISTP, you know that he doesn't pay attention to the radio that much all the while staring mostly at his instruments which means you can try the "sneak up on you" ACM tactic.  

On the other hand, you being an INTP means that Fatty knows that you don't watch your instruments very carefully so he can try the "fly you into the ground" ACM tactic.

Now if it is fight between me and SWulfe (ENFP vs. INTJ), well see I would use my E (not Energy) advantage of "flying in hordes" so that there were many more of my countryman around to bushwack him.  On the otherhand SWulfe could sucker me in by attacking my wingie and causing me to ignore my SA and charge headlong to "save" my wingie only to be killed by him.

[ 08-15-2001: Message edited by: dtango ]
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Offline dtango

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Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2001, 11:55:00 PM »
Urchin, my friend-  Congratulations on developing deeper understanding of what makes you and your fellow pilots tick!

One more comment on MBTI implications for ACM between me and SWulfe (ENFP vs. INTJ).  An even better tactic that SWulfe could use against me is to fly the N1K2 which would cause me to try and fight it with my P-51 because of my dislike for seeing that plane and the propensity to attack it only to be killed by it hanging on its prop!
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Offline Vulcan

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Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2001, 12:00:00 AM »
Your Keirsey Temperament is: Artisan (SP)

Like f**k...

Offline Urchin

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Understanding You and Your Fellow Pilots - Part 1
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2001, 01:23:00 AM »
LOL Dtango-  I guess my personality test would show that I don't engage Nikis unless two conditions are met.  1.  I'm higher.  2.  The Niki is either a. chasing someone or b. dogfighting someone.

If both of those conditions are met, I'll make a pass or two on the Niki.  If not, I'll pass on the Niki hehehe.