We have plane skins. How about a few different pilot skins.
1) Could have a serious "I'm gonna get ya!!" face, ie: John Wayne with his scowl he used in movies when pressing an attack.
2) Could have a little piggy face for guys going on pork runs to damage fields. This could be a real face like Arnold from Green Acres or a cartoon face like Porky the Pig.
3) Have a few with differing colored uniforms, ie: if you wanted to have a 'blue' or 'red' element of the formation.
4) Could have a horse face or maybe a greyhound dog face for those guys who like to run.
5) Have one pilot flying with his hands behind his head for the real hotshot pilots we have who think most of us present no challenge.
6) Add a clown face for the guys who just want to have fun. This could be a Krusty the Klown cartoon or a Bozo the Clown type graphic.