Author Topic: Jerry Falwell  (Read 828 times)

Offline -ammo-

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Jerry Falwell
« on: September 22, 2001, 07:15:00 PM »
Here is a link to His apology for the comments he made concerning God's Judgment on this country.  


Personally, I think it takes a big man to apologize when your wrong. Not something observed on this BBS much ;)
Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
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Offline weazel

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Jerry Falwell
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2001, 08:30:00 PM »
Yeah, the media reported a sharp drop in donations to his ministry, do you think that might have something to do with it?

I sent a blistering email to his and Pat Robertsons ministries about their comments.

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Jerry Falwell
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2001, 10:16:00 PM »
Originally posted by weazel:
Yeah, the media reported a sharp drop in donations to his ministry, do you think that might have something to do with it?

I sent a blistering email to his and Pat Robertsons ministries about their comments.

Dont know jihad, but I didnt even consider that as a "why". I will just give the man a break, maybe a few more people are willing to be a little more forgiving.
Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
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Jerry Falwell
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2001, 12:30:00 PM »
I will just give the man a break, maybe a few more people are willing to be a little more forgiving.

Do you have any forgivness for osama bin laden?

Forgiving them is fine....punishing them is even better.

People like Falwell and Robertson are a blight on our country, they pretend to be men of God yet are no different than the Islamic zealots in their crys for 'Holy War'.

Hitting them in the wallet is he only way to rid ourselves of their hypocracy.

1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs,
principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person
whose actions belie stated beliefs.

[ 09-23-2001: Message edited by: weazel ]

Offline -ammo-

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Jerry Falwell
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2001, 03:21:00 PM »
Originally posted by weazel:

Do you have any forgivness for osama bin laden?

Forgiving them is fine....punishing them is even better.

People like Falwell and Robertson are a blight on our country, they pretend to be men of God yet are no different than the Islamic zealots in their crys for 'Holy War'.

Hitting them in the wallet is he only way to rid ourselves of their hypocracy.

1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs,
principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person
whose actions belie stated beliefs.

yes I can forgive Bil laden, So can God if Bin Laden would go to him.

Falwell and Robertson are Gospel preaching Men of God. Do i agree with everything they say? absolutely not. Do I bnelieve their Hearts are right? Yes I do (unlike Bin Laden).

Are you calling me a Hipocrite? and an what basis?
Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
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Offline AKDejaVu

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Jerry Falwell
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2001, 03:52:00 PM »
Yeah.. right... what you say because the $$$ stop rolling in and what you say to make it happen are two different things motivated by to totally different sets of circumstances.

One is motivated by popular oppinion and they other by personal oppinion.

He's already made his personal beliefs clear.  The fact that he's sorry he said it means very little to me.


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Jerry Falwell
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2001, 05:36:00 PM »
Originally posted by AKDejaVu:
Yeah.. right... what you say because the $$$ stop rolling in and what you say to make it happen are two different things motivated by to totally different sets of circumstances.

One is motivated by popular oppinion and they other by personal oppinion.

He's already made his personal beliefs clear.  The fact that he's sorry he said it means very little to me.


Guys, falwell and robertson are not personal friends of mine. However they are very public figures in the Christian community. One thing they do that upsets folks is tell the truth about how God sees sin that is accepted in this society. That is the reason that secular groups and individuals dislike them so much. They do not hate (at least they are commanded not too by the God they serve) My preacher has told me that it is folly to argue with non-believers on certain subjects and I have generally done just that..stayed out :) Now my view is stated, and it is an unpopular view with some. So be it.

Its pretty easy to just say that he apologized because <insert selfish reason>. It may be true, I dont think so. Personally I think he realized that although he truly believes what he said, and that he is backed up by the Bible, his timing stunk. It did nothing to bring Americans together, but certainly could serve to further divide an already divided society (which will stay divided if the Bible is correct)

Nevertheless I am not going to be a cynic, and I will give the man the benefit of the doubt. He certainly in the past has stood his ground on the issues he believes in. He has my respect as a man of God.

Just My opinion.
Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
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Offline weazel

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Jerry Falwell
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2001, 08:16:00 PM »
No ammo, you've always been a stand-up guy in the time I've known you.  :)

I was referring to Falwell and his ilk. I watch the 700 Club daily and can't reconcile the fact that he professes to be a man of God yet speaks out of both sides of his mouth.

People are using their tithes to support the wrong people in the christian community, it would be better IMO to support their local ministers than 'fair weather' christians like Falwell and Robertson.

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Jerry Falwell
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2001, 11:44:00 PM »
ammo, you got some bad apples in your community. Falwell is one of the more blatant examples.

"hey brother christian with your high and might errand, your actions speak so loud, i can't hear a word of what you're saying."

Clearly applicable to the Falwell character.

While I respect your opinion, I'll do so only because it's yours. I.e the message (Falwell is a good guy, and what he said is right) to me is laughable and offensive. he's just a bigot; hs actions say one things, his words another. I'll not even call him a Christian. He's an amazinhunk.

Offline AKDejaVu

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Jerry Falwell
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2001, 11:51:00 PM »

His belief on how God sees the current sin situation in the US is irrelevant.  To imply that these bad things (like the World Trade Center) are a result of it is purely wrong.

Believe what you want, but anytime someone assumes to know the will of God I roll my eyes.  Is he really that transparent?
