Author Topic: America's new Fad?  (Read 714 times)

Offline Midnight

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America's new Fad?
« on: September 23, 2001, 05:42:00 PM »
With the recent events, we have all seen Americans everywhere putting up the American flag, on homes, cars, trucks, mailboxes, everyplace they can.

This is great. I always fly the flag in my front yard and try like heck to follow proper flag procedures.

My fear in all this is that what will happen to all these flags in a few months or next year? It is disturbing to me to see so many flags improperly displayed or worse, torn, faded and tattered to shreds.

Most of the flags being purchased are decorative quality (at best) Silk-screened thin fabric, razor cut and non-seamed edges. People flying these flags on their car antennas and driving at 70 MPH. These cheap flags are not designed to withstand that type of use, and I have seen dozens of them falling apart.

Why do these people keep flying them? A damaged flag is supposed to be repaired, or retired, or in very bad cases, ceremoniously destroyed (IE burned in proper ceremony)

I hate to say it, but I think that flag flying has become America's new fad. Most people are doing it because it seems to them that everyone else is also. I just wish they would respect the flag as it is supposed to be.

How many of them know that they are disrepecting the flag by what they are doing? How many of them even know how to fold it? Do they know what the blue field means? Why there are 13 stripes?

Maybe this will help some of the people.

I have started calling local radio stations and asking them to mention these things on the air. I have tried to explain this to people I see with the flag falling apart on their cars. Maybe some of you could do the same?

Offline Skuzzy

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America's new Fad?
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2001, 08:38:00 AM »
Unfortunately, most Americans are not even close to being familiar with the rules associated directly with the displaying of the American flag.
I wish the flag makers would at least attempt to provide the sources of the information for displaying our flag.
The document itself, is rather large, and would be difficult to offer with each flag.
I don't know if our military training has changed much, but the document was required reading when I went through basic training, and we had to score a 90 or above on the test.
You mentioned the ceremony of "retiring the flag".  For those of you who have never witnessed this military tradition.  It is something to behold.   The retiring of a flag is akin to a miltitary funeral, with full honors.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline Ripsnort

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America's new Fad?
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2001, 08:40:00 AM »
I've flown a flag 365 days a year, for the past 20 years, even when I lived in an apartment.  It is unfortunate that it takes a tragedy of this scale to get folks loving their country once again...

Offline hblair

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America's new Fad?
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2001, 09:46:00 AM »
I was watching one of those "battlebot" shows the other night and saw that one of the teams had their bot "decorated" with American flags. Of course, when the action started, the flags got torn lose and run over, etc. What upset me was that noone even pointed this out, much less tried to retrieve the flags from the dirty floor. I was getting highly upset. Unfortunately, I think I'm in the minority about stuff like that, the average American (lets face it fellas) is a clueless bufoon when it comes to these things.  :mad:

Offline miko2d

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America's new Fad?
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2001, 12:01:00 PM »
the average American (lets face it fellas) is a clueless bufoon

 Then I guess a sight of flag fasioned as a provocative blouse, swimsuit or a towel won't make you happy either...

 There is a russian saying concerning stupidity and enthusiasm that can be translated like this: "make a fool pray and he will split his forehead".

 I could only wish the terrostists had as many fools on their side as we have on ours...


Offline CptTrips

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America's new Fad?
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2001, 12:54:00 PM »
I don't think some of you are being particularly fair about this.

A person’s intelligence has nothing to do with the fact that they have a genuine love for their country.  I bet there were a lot of Marines and Army grunts who died in WWII fighting for their country that weren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.  I bet a number of them couldn't even read.  That doesn't mean they didn't love their country.  Sometimes heart is more important than brains.

I think most of the flag displays come from a real desire to show some solidarity and patriotism.  Most people feel pretty helpless about the resent events and if in some small way they can feel as though they are contributing by displaying the flag then that’s something that should be encouraged.  Implying that they shouldn’t because they don’t have the vast, arcane set or regulations for displaying the colours memorized by heart reminds me of the early church who wanted the bible kept in Latin so the peasants couldn’t read it for themselves because they weren’t worthy.  Hell, I served and I prolly don’t know all the rules by heart.  But that’s everybody’s flag.  Most of those “idiots” prolly had ancestors who died for that flag.  The last thing we need at this point is a “Flag Taliban”.  You really have to look at intent to determine if the flag is being disrespected.  That’s why burning a flag in the retirement isn’t disrespectful but burning it in protest is.  The underlying difference is the intent.

I’m sure that most citizen, regardless of their SAT scores, have no desire to disrespect the flag.  It’s a matter of education not morality.  They weren’t born with the rules imprinted on their brain.  It certainly wasn’t a focus of the high school or college education.  And that’s not their fault.  They simply haven’t been instructed.    

By all means, make an effort to instruct your fellow citizens on the proper care for their flag.  But do it in a positive sense.  Thank them for their desire to display the nations colours and offer to educate them on the proper display and care of the flag.  

Maybe the best thing to do is start one of those email chains (I know I usually hate them).  Send out an email designed to educate the public on the rules and ask each recipient to pass it along to everyone on their email.  Those things spread like wildfire.  

Maybe Veteran organizations should offer to collect worn flags from the public when it is time and retire them in mass in a public ceremony.  Invite the public to come with their children to bring the worn flags and invite them to observe the ceremony.  Pass out literature while they’re there.  Get a whole generation of young kids educated on their nation’s flag, its history, and customs.

But lets not berate our fellow citizens for trying to show the flag.  Citizens of this Republic aren’t the enemy.  The enemy is over there.  Lets keep our eye on the ball.

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline john9001

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America's new Fad?
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2001, 01:14:00 PM »
i second Wab's motion, all in favor say "aye"

Offline hblair

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America's new Fad?
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2001, 01:36:00 PM »
Nice post wabbit, and you're right.
Miko, I'm not sure I follow what you mean.

Offline eskimo2

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America's new Fad?
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2001, 02:16:00 PM »
Nice addition to the thread Wab.  <S>

Some of us also break/bend the rules about flying the flag because we feel it's better to fly it than not.

I am lazy.
I have been flying the flag at my house as long as I have owned it (the house).
I fly it at night, but I keep it lit.
I've heard that you should never fly the flag at night and I have also heard that it is fine to do so if it is lit.
Either way, I am lazy, but I fly the flag.


Offline Nifty

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America's new Fad?
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2001, 02:29:00 PM »
I seriously hope that no one is suggesting that those of us who don't fly the Flag didn't (or don't) love our country.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline hblair

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America's new Fad?
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2001, 02:50:00 PM »
Nifty, you do not love your country, nor are you a real American. I can't believe you don't fly the flag.

Now git on outa heah boy!
I said GIT!


Offline Nifty

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America's new Fad?
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2001, 03:02:00 PM »
:p  Well, I don't fly the US Flag because I've got the Knitlandia flag flying proud!  I'm moving there, because the sheep are much better than our US sheep, not to mention the beer soaked leather underwear that only Knitlandia does well!   :D
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Midnight

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America's new Fad?
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2001, 03:07:00 PM »
Excellent thoughts Wabbit.

I certainly do not know all of the things by heart myself. I know most of it, but I think that some common sense amongst these people is what I was trying to see.

If someting like an American flag, which is a symbol of our country, it torn, faded and falling apart, shouldn't it be common sense to say, "Gee, that looks real bad, maybe I should get a new one."

Even if they don't knowwhat to do with their old flags, it should be common sense to fly one in good condition.

Anyway, I love your ideas and I will go to the local VFW with that suggestion. I am sure they would know how to get something like that organized. <SALUTE>

As for the e-mail chain... another great Idea. I'll be getting that started right away.

Offline Midnight

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America's new Fad?
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2001, 03:28:00 PM »
Here is an e-mail that I sent today....

Hello friends and fellow Americans.
Please take a few minutes to read this very important E-mail about the American flag.
Like me, I am sure many of you have a strong feeling of patriotism right now, in the wake of the events on 09/11/2001. Many of us have taken to displaying the American flag on our homes, on our cars, or wherever else we can find to display it.
It is important however, that the flag is cared for and displayed in the proper way, as it is a symbol of our country and according to US flag etiquette, considered a living thing.
These two web-page links can be a great help to those who don't know all the things about how the flag should be cared for, etc.
One of the most important things I think has been the display of flags from cars and trucks. Most of the flags that are available in stores are not designed to withstand normal driving speeds, which simulate winds of up to 70 MPH when driving at highway speeds.
One thing I ask, and perhaps could be passed on is for everyone to please remove flags that have been torn or ripped, and replace them with a higher quality sewn flag, instead of the inexpensive silk-screened ones that most stores are now selling.
Once a flag has become too worn, faded or torn, it should be retired from service. In some cases, it is required to destroy flags that are in extremely bad condition. If a flag needs to be destroyed, it is best done in a respectful ceremony and usually by burning.
I am planning to go to my local VFW to see if they would be interested in organizing a public gathering or a place for people to bring their worn out flags. Then, perhaps hold the retirement ceremony for the flags so that the public may watch and get a better understanding for it.
Please pass this mail on to your friends, families and co-workers. With your help, we can all know how to share in the proper ways to care for and display our American flag.
Thank you.
David Littlejohn

Please make a copy and send it to your friends and families also.


Offline miko2d

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America's new Fad?
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2001, 03:47:00 PM »
Originally posted by hblair:
Miko, I'm not sure I follow what you mean.

 If your question is about russian saying, then here is an explanation:
 While praying in russian church (greek ortodox) it is customary to stand on your knees and bow so that your forehead touches the floor.
 So the saying implies that a fool persuaded to perform a good thing (praying) will screw it up with too much enthusiasm and hit the floor with his forehead so hard as to cause himself an injury.

Wab: But lets not berate our fellow citizens for trying to show the flag.
 How about a flag (granted, a tiny one) stretched across some girl's ass? How about a flag-blouse with an open slit upfront from neck to the bottom so that 90% of the breasts are visible? Those all are nice things but wrapping them in a flag is a huge disrespect.

 I admit, it is not a big deal - at least on the wearer's part. If he/she thinks he/she honors the flag by wearing it on his/her butt, it is the school teacher or parents who are to blame.
 The designers and companies that produce the stuff must know that it is not good but they do it anyway.
