Author Topic: Crazed people of Isam vs Peaceful US?  (Read 4094 times)

Offline Skuzzy

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Crazed people of Isam vs Peaceful US?
« Reply #75 on: September 27, 2001, 05:01:00 PM »
-dead-, I beleive if they had nukes, they would have already used them against the U.S.

Why?  They seem to have but one desire and that is to rid the planet of the Western civilization, or more apropo, the U.S.

What do you do when a group of people want to kill you and that is the only thing they desire?  When that is thier whole goal in life?  When they are more than happy to die as long as they can take out an an American or two in the process.  What do you do?

We are not in a "no win" situation.  Quite the contrary.  But the "win" will cost millions of lives and take a lot of time.

Now, I am not lumping in the entire Middle East into that pot, nor even all of Afghanistan.  I do not beleive there are millions of people out there with but one thought on thier minds, and that is to kill anything or person American.
The longer we wait, the more time these people get to find nukes.  I have zero doubt they will use them.

The clock is ticking.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline Toad

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Crazed people of Isam vs Peaceful US?
« Reply #76 on: September 27, 2001, 05:04:00 PM »
"And then we're all stuffed, and on our species' death certificate they'll have to put "stupidity" as the cause of death"

In my darker moments, that's pretty much the way I see it going down.

They have the advantage by a long shot; they have no ROE and we have restrictive ROE.

So, they'll always be able to strike at a time and place of their choosing.

Eventually, the US will be either damaged enough or enraged enough.. or probably both together... that there will be retribution on a scale never before seen in the history of mankind. Innocence at that moment will not matter.

Hypothetically assume the smallpox or anthrax variation. Successfully and repeatedly introduced into the US, it quickly kills 1/2 the population with more dying every day. You think we'll go gentle into that goodnight? I don't. A nuke strike against NYC or LA? Or both? Same result.

Yes, it would mean abandoning all we've tried to be, all we've tried to stand for....

but in the last extremity, that will not matter. Blood will call out for blood and the call will be answered... in spades.

Problem is, as I said, this outcome would be pretty much independent of ANY actions the US takes or does not take.

The terrorists are not going to stop, no matter what we do. Stop supporting Israel? They'll say it's the sanctions against Iraq. Lift the sanctions against Iraq? They'll always have another reason. They do this because it makes them important, because it gives reason to their existence.

There are more than enough countries that will hide them or fail to actively seek them out. Bound to be some folks that are privately enjoying the US getting whacked, no matter what they say in public.

So, although I'm sure not the Biblical type  ;) , this may be the beginning of The End of Days.

I see no way out. The terrorists have finally reached their "takeoff point" and they now control the game in toto.

Bad news for all hands on Spaceship Earth, I fear.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline mrfish

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Crazed people of Isam vs Peaceful US?
« Reply #77 on: September 27, 2001, 06:18:00 PM »
it's not the threats from them or some secret weapon that will stop us -

it's our own willowy policies and the fact that we are trying to fix the whole world without offending anyone or losing any friends!

if we want to enforce this unrealistic dream of reshaping the world in our image with no rouge countries, no terrorists, no undemocratic ideals, we would have to go in and occupy every nation we don't agree with and strong arm them into submission.

can you imagine that mess!? you know that will straight up never happen even if it were militarily or morally possible!

i like hang's idea best - don't popsiclefoot around, just nuke a bunch of civilians everytime they commit a terrorist act and see how long they stay popular in their home countries. sometimes it's best to just get to the point.

- this long protracted diplomatic dance just sounds stupid. better to get the losses out of the way at once and get on with our lives.

you know osama said we were rutabagas compared to the russians - he was right.

Offline easymo

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Crazed people of Isam vs Peaceful US?
« Reply #78 on: September 27, 2001, 07:35:00 PM »

  At the end of WW2 we could have let the Japanese off the hook.  Negotiated through the Russians.  Instead we dropped jellied gasoline on Tokyo.  Burned 150 thousand people up. Then the Atom Bombs.  McArther got his unconditional surrender.

  The North Vietnamese claim we killed two million Vietnamese.  We lost 58 thousand.

  Seventy thousand Iraqis. We lost about a hundred.

 I would say we not only don't have a problem with killing people.  We are dammed good at it.