Author Topic: Dear America...  (Read 1140 times)

Offline Mathman

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Dear America...
« on: April 04, 2001, 11:59:00 PM »
> America has engaged in some finger wagging lately because
> California doesn't have enough electricity to meet its
> needs. The rest of the country (including George W. Bush's
> energy secretary Spencer Abraham, who wants Californians to
> suffer through blackouts as justification for drilling for
> oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) seems to be
> just fine with letting Californians dangle in the breeze
> without enough power to meet their needs. They laugh at
> Californians' "frivolity."
> Well, everybody. Here's how it really is:
> California ranks 48th in the nation in power consumed per
> person. California grows more than half the nation's fruit,
> nuts and vegetables. We're keeping them. We need something
> to eat when the power goes out. We grow 99 percent or more
> of the nation's almonds, artichokes, dates, figs, kiwifruit,
> olives, persimmons, pistachios, prunes, raisins and walnuts.
> Hope you won't miss them.
> California is the nation's number one dairy state. We're
> keeping our dairy products. We'll need plenty of fresh ones
> since our refrigerators can't be relied upon. Got milk?
> We Californians are gonna keep all our high-tech software in
> state. Silicon Valley is ours, after all. Without enough
> electricity, which you're apparently keeping for yourselves,
> we just plain don't have enough software to spare. We're
> keeping all our airplanes. California builds a good
> percentage of the commercial airliners available to fly you
> people to where you want to go. When yours wear out, you'd
> better hope Boeing's Washington plant can keep you
> supplied. There isn't enough electricity here to allow us
> to export any more planes than we need ourselves. And while
> we're at it, we're keeping all our high- tech aerospace
> stuff, too, like the sophisticated weapons systems that let
> you sleep at night, not worried you might wake up under the
> rule of some foreign kook.
> Oh, yeah, and if you want to make a long-distance call,
> remember where the satellite components and tracking systems
> come from. Maybe you could get back in the habit of writing
> letters.
> Want to see a blockbuster movie this weekend? Come to
> California. We make them here. Since we'll now have to
> make them with our own electricity, we're keeping them.
> Even if we shot them somewhere else, the labs, printing
> facilities, editing facilities, and sound facilities are all
> here.
> Want some nice domestic wine? We produce over 17 million
> gallons per year. We'll need all of it to drown our sorrows
> when we think about the fact that no matter how many
> California products we export to make the rest of America's
> lives better, America can't see its way clear to help us out
> with a little electricity. You can no longer have any of
> our wine.
> You all complain that we don't build enough power plants.
> Well, you don't grow enough food, write enough software,
> make enough movies, build enough airplanes and defense
> systems or make enough wine.
> This is your last warning, America. Light (us) up before
> it's too late.
> Love,
> The Californians

This is a copy of an email sent to me.  As a native Californian, I felt it was my duty to get this out to the rest of the nation.  


BTW, this is a tongue-in-cheek post and should be taken as the joke that it is and not be diced/sliced/analyzed for any errors contained within.  Thank you.  


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Dear America...
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2001, 12:01:00 AM »
Actually it's fairly accurate, and not a bad idea, and pretty funny too!


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Dear America...
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2001, 12:05:00 AM »
Some ag stuff that most people don't realize:

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 04-05-2001).]

Offline Fatty

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Dear America...
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2001, 01:18:00 AM »
Fairly accurate, except that they probably consume nearly have the nations fruit, and I'm sure Florida and Texas will not mind the extra demand.  Heck we're operating under too large a subsidized surplus anyway.

I don't like almonds, and I prefer spanish olives.  Don't worry, Texas is happy to take the rest of the migrating tech companies.  We'll stop selling CA power and give it to them.

Boeing, be it moving to CO or TX, will be in good hands.

Don't like wine, prefer a good Winconson or Colorodo beer, if not local microbrew.

Relish in your vegism as well, we're cutting off steaks.

The rest of the country  

Offline jihad

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Dear America...
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2001, 05:38:00 AM »
LOL Fatty.

except that they probably consume nearly have the nations fruit,

I always thought they were a bunch of fruits and nuts.  

Offline Kieran

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Dear America...
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2001, 08:41:00 AM »
I for one will not miss yet another "feel-good" educational intiative originated in California. Of course the way our schools let California drag us around by the noses we may all soon be sitting in classrooms illuminated by candlelight. Wonder what they will call this one?  

Offline AKDejaVu

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Dear America...
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2001, 09:31:00 AM »
California ranks 48th in the nation in power consumed per person

I bet New York isn't far behind.. nor is any densly populated state.

California grows more than half the nation's fruit, nuts and vegetables. We're keeping them.

Aren't you doing that already?  Or is that nasty fruit-fly bug contained?  Last I remember we didn't allow your fruit in Oregon anyways.  You see, we grow enough fruit and nuts and vegetables to support our population too.

We grow 99 percent or more of the nation's almonds, artichokes, dates, figs, kiwifruit, olives, persimmons, pistachios, prunes, raisins and walnuts.


Oh.. and how much of those products stay in the US?

California is the nation's number one dairy state. We're keeping our dairy products.

Feel free.  I wonder how many states would suffer from not having access to your dairy products.  I know that no states north of you would.

We Californians are gonna keep all our high-tech software in state. Silicon Valley is ours, after all. Without enough electricity, which you're apparently keeping for yourselves, we just plain don't have enough software to spare.

Less power to you.  You see, quite a bit of "silicon valley" is simply by title.  Many companies headquarters are there, but anyone that wants to actually get something done has moved to a different state long ago.  Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon and Massachusettes have been collectively kicking California's Silicon bellybutton for some time now.

We're keeping all our airplanes.  California builds a good percentage of the commercial airliners available to fly you people to where you want to go. When yours wear out, you'd better hope Boeing's Washington plant can keep you supplied.

I'm sure they'd have no problems keeping the Northwest supplied with all the aircraft they'd need.  Good luck to you California! Especially if you believe that your state can handle its own aircraft manufacturing needs all on its own.

And while we're at it, we're keeping all our high- tech aerospace stuff, too, like the sophisticated weapons systems that let you sleep at night, not worried you might wake up under the rule of some foreign kook.

Ah.. yes.. I'm sure all of this was designed and manufactured in California.  The US is in your debt.  Almost makes you wonder what we've been doing in the deserts of New Mexico and Nevada.  Ah.. but that stuff doesn't really count.

Oh, yeah, and if you want to make a long-distance call, remember where the satellite components and tracking systems  come from. Maybe you could get back in the habit of writing letters.

Many companies would be glad to hear of California's departure from this arena.  Of course, they'd simply be buying your stuff from you because you wouldn't have the power to track the stuff yourselves.

Want to see a blockbuster movie this weekend? Come to California. We make them here. Since we'll now have to make them with our own electricity, we're keeping them.  Even if we shot them somewhere else, the labs, printing facilities, editing facilities, and sound facilities are all

Dangit California, you got us with a threat to artistically, morally and ethically improve the status of our fine nation by removing one of the largest bile exports your state has.  

Maybe 20 years ago this would have been a threat, but not since the production of "Boot Camp".  You know, that show that shows the REAL difficulties of a boot camp set up for hand picked participants that actually win a really big award for sticking with it.  You know that "real life" show that is disrespectful to every US military member that ever served?

California, you are so out of touch with reality that I do believe you think this is actually a threat.

Want some nice domestic wine? We produce over 17 million gallons per year.

I'm wondering what impact this would have on your 1 gallong jug manufacturing industry.  Of course, our stores wouldn't be the same without Ernest and Julio's fine products littering our shelves.. but I think we'll make due.

You all complain that we don't build enough power plants. Well, you don't grow enough food, write enough software, make enough movies, build enough airplanes and defense systems or make enough wine.

Actually, we do.  You simply don't have any idea of the happenings outside of the little paradise you've created for yourselves.

You see, any food crisis that others would feel as a result of your withdrawl would not be due to excessive use of air conditioners.  It would not be due to peer pressure driving that motivates Californians to drive 2 blocks instead of walking.  It would not be due to the fact that we refused to start farming land again because the neighbors think its too beautiful as it sits... the ones that developed the farm next door into a 5000 home community.

Every other state would make due, because they have not completely taxed their resources to the limit as California has done.

This is your last warning, America. Light (us) up before it's too late.

And this is the last time America will say it: Its not as effective as an earthquake, but it seems to be working.  Time to wake up California.



Offline MrBill

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Dear America...
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2001, 09:46:00 AM »
As a native of California, (I was born in an apt. over a bar in Stockton, some 60 miles east of the silicon valley). I spent a large portion of my life there.  
When I left, California, if it were an independent nation would have been the 7th largest economic nation on earth (dropping the U.S. of A. to third place).  Quite a feat for a state!
The post above forgot to mention the rice production in the delta, the cattle production in the Kern county area and several other industries in which California is ranked quite high.  In addition California has the highest AND lowest elevation in the continental US and virtually every climate condition on earth, outside the tropics, somewhere in the state.
For example Redding, California is north of Boston MA, the Mojave rivals any of the Texas deserts , and the north coast makes New Englanders homesick.
California has only two glaring shortcomings .... power and water ... they import both, (we won't discuss their being referred to as the left coast), and therein lies the reason I bailed.  No person, state or nation can rely on being supported from outside sources forever.  The ways to solve their water and power shortages are known and doable from within the state but they (the people) prefer to let their neighbors build water and power resources and keep their own backyards free of the plants and dams required.  As their neighbors are now saying "no more", Californians have taken the attitude that they are now "victims" and are looking for a bailout. (as long as it does not require building those power plants and Dams in California)

Every Californian should be required to read Cadilic Desert, (as should anyone who wishes to move there) but then most of them would probably just whine about not being told in advance and blame the government or someone else for their lack of foresight. <sigh>

I hope they get it solved, it truly is a beautiful state.

smile awhile
We do not stop playing because we grow old
We grow old because we stop playing

Offline Toad

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Dear America...
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2001, 10:01:00 AM »
"probably just whine about not being told in advance and blame the government or someone else for their lack of foresight."

Reminds me of the ones that live near John Wayne airport and complain about the jet noise.  

Sad part is they have 757's doing "noise abatement procedures" on departue that rival the excitement of the best amusement park thrill rides in the country!
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline batdog

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Dear America...
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2001, 10:45:00 AM »
 There is enough power to supply the use/need of california... its the financial arrangements that have been placed upon the providers by the power free market that is causing the blackouts. They need to take a good look at what thier state government did... and fix it quickly.

Of course, I only see what he posts here and what he does in the MA.  I know virtually nothing about the man.  I think its important for people to realize that we don't really know squat about each other.... definately not enough to use words like "hate".


Offline Karnak

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Dear America...
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2001, 11:14:00 AM »
Its funny that companies like Enron (the biggest donor to Bush's campaign) are posting record profits right now.  With the sloppy de-reg of the power uts here in CA companies like Enron can charge whatever ridicules fee they wish for each kilowatt hour.  Because CA was dumb enough to de-reg while the rest of the nation didn't, we're getting screwed by opportunistc corporations.  Believe me, if any other state had de-reged they would be suffering the same fate. Right now all other states have price controls on electricty, so these corporations are making their desired price increases soley to CA.

Bush refusing to aid CA is mearly him being petty and paying CA back for the way we voted and to put money in the coffers of his longtime supporters at Enron.

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For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
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Bring the Spitfire F.MkXIVc to Aces High!!!

Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-

Offline mrfish

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Dear America...
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2001, 11:36:00 AM »
Originally posted by Kieran:
...we may all soon be sitting in classrooms illuminated by candlelight...

actually, here in san francisco, they are coordinating all of the various candlelight vigils (aids/cesar chavez' dog dies/joan baez lost her keys crusade/etc...)to be held indoors from now on to save on lights - when that runs out they will start burning support ribbons and lightpost propoganda.

Offline Fatty

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Dear America...
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2001, 11:51:00 AM »
That's not entirely true Karnack.  While the jury is still out on full deregulation (seems to be working in some places, not in others), what was done in CA was nothing of the sort, and doomed from the start.

Had perhaps you(of course this wasn't your legislation, so you is used liberally here) allowed distribution side prices changes the shortage would have been more visible to the end consumer, both encouraging conservation and cutting Enron's sales, which would both make you pleased.

Offline Kieran

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Dear America...
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2001, 12:09:00 PM »
Originally posted by mrfish:
actually, here in san francisco, they are coordinating all of the various candlelight vigils (aids/cesar chavez' dog dies/joan baez lost her keys crusade/etc...)to be held indoors from now on to save on lights - when that runs out they will start burning support ribbons and lightpost propoganda.
