Author Topic: He's Back From the Forum  (Read 192 times)


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He's Back From the Forum
« on: October 16, 2005, 07:58:27 PM »
As I mentioned on another thread. My son had gone to "the National Youth Leadership Forum" in DC

He Loved it and actually thanked us for sending him..

I had a nice little post all written up about it but lost it because I made the mistake of using AOHELL to post on the forum. and it discoed. Taking my post along with it.

I will try to give a better overview about what it was all about later but

Originally posted by J_A_B
Stuff like that makes kids think their opinion matters, which is both inaccurate and undesireable.

They asked me to go when I was in school, but I declined...seemed like it'd be a waste of time.


Wrong answer
No offence J.A.B.
But You obviously havent got a clue as to what it was about.

In a nutshell it showed the innerworkings of how the government really works. Particularly in reguards to National security and national strategy.
As well as what kind of careers are available in the areas of Defence, Intel and deplomacy.
From being a spy, to a congressmen

Both good and bad. From how the various departments and agencies work together and lack thereof to the backstabbing and refusing to share information between departments that goes on that help shape national policy.

Various simulations are used involving ficticious scenareos.
Example: in one such scenareo from what he has told me so far.

The American Economy is in total shambles.
A major american city has been hit with a Bio weapon that has and is continuing to kill thousands.
5 american missionaries have disspeared in central nigeria
the Saudies have stopped selling us oil leaving us to deal with Iran who is in the midst of an attempted islamic extremist takeover.
North Korea has lost one of its nukes and is presumed to be headed to. if not in the US already.

The idea was for the sudents playing the various forms of govenrment( My son played senate majority leader) to anylise intellegence and develop a simulated national strategy based on all available info  economy. force readiness and availability ,Intel, etc.

Anyway. thats what he's told me so far.

He really enjoyed himself and enjoyed meeting people from all over the country and seems to have made several friends (I have a gut feeling there is a girl involved in there somewhere too but he is being elusive about it:) )

Bout the only thing he didnt like was first day orentation. Understandable as being boring. and the food.
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Offline Gunslinger

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He's Back From the Forum
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2005, 08:01:22 PM »
Yes but what's most important is.....Did he meet any chicks while he was there.  I would think it would hard to meet them at a conference like this.  But, there are those nerdy types that end up total hotties in college.  

(he is in High School right....if not excuse my blather)


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He's Back From the Forum
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2005, 09:15:17 PM »
Originally posted by Gunslinger
Yes but what's most important is.....Did he meet any chicks while he was there.  I would think it would hard to meet them at a conference like this.  But, there are those nerdy types that end up total hotties in college.  

(he is in High School right....if not excuse my blather)

As I said. "(I have a gut feeling there is a girl involved in there somewhere too but he is being elusive about it"

I asked him  but he's being elusive about it which usually means he has.

Hotties in College?
LOL I dropped him off and saw some of the young ladies attending.
"Mama mia Thats a spicy meataball"
Trust me. they aint waiting for college to become hotties.
From what I saw there wasnt a dog in the bunch.

Made me wish I was 17 again
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