Originally posted by Hangtime
Estel, Norway is not denying Russian access to the fishery.
Really? Ok. In 21-22 October, in Norway there will be commitie meeting. They will try to distribute fishing quotas. Interesting thing, from year to year Norway is taking more and more quotas. Why? Legal question. I want to know it too. Also I'm interested of how much quotas will take Norway now and how much all others.
It is not a work to save fish. It's not needed. Only we can see, is that Norway becoming fishery monopolist. Take statistics and look onto fish production grade from 1987. It's amasing. Production raised up only after applying new restrictions and regulations. It's good to every country to protect own interests. But please, don't do it at someone's else expence.
Norway is enforcing illegal fishing PRACTICE.. over fishing and using nets that destroy or capture fish that have not grown large enough to breed. This kind of fishing destroys a fishery.
But you'll never get it. Nils is correct.. have a nice day, and thanks for playing.
Illegal? Illegal is wishful thinking. And using quotas and restrictions to raise own market.
Yes, I'll never get, why somebody can violate the international law to estimate own interests.