Author Topic: Just kidding  (Read 4267 times)

Offline WMLute

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« Reply #135 on: October 24, 2005, 11:27:28 AM »
couple points.

one, I never fell for it.  was waaaaaaay obvious.

second, who really cares?  99% of the player base neither knows who's a BK, nor gives a hoot if they kick some players out.

fargin' got a high opinion of yourselves it ya' think that the "mother of all trolls" was some whiney drama about some of you squad breaking up.  

my reaction to it was "who cares?"

BUT you have given me a new saying.  when I see a WidowMaker talking smack and/or being a childish jerk on ch200, I now say "quit acting like a BK" so thanks for that.  :D
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Offline Slash27

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« Reply #136 on: October 24, 2005, 11:28:59 AM »
Originally posted by megadud
i know... :cry

I was going to make you 'GeneralissimoDud' before you bailed on us you ingrate!!!!:cry

Offline SuperDud

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« Reply #137 on: October 24, 2005, 11:32:10 AM »
Originally posted by WMLute
BUT you have given me a new saying.  when I see a WidowMaker talking smack and/or being a childish jerk on ch200, I now say "quit acting like a BK" so thanks for that.  :D

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Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #138 on: October 24, 2005, 11:34:26 AM »
Originally posted by Nomak
Mega..... Just because you are part of the pack doesnt make you a big dog.


lol he wasnt acting like a big dog. sheesh, lighten up already.
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Offline dedalos

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« Reply #139 on: October 24, 2005, 11:39:48 AM »
Originally posted by WMLute
couple points.

one, I never fell for it.  was waaaaaaay obvious.

second, who really cares?  99% of the player base neither knows who's a BK, nor gives a hoot if they kick some players out.

Exactly :aok

Makes you wonder why some did care so much
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline SkyRock

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« Reply #140 on: October 24, 2005, 11:43:27 AM »
Originally posted by Morpheus

"Yes you may be at a real computer but this is not real life. When I click on that little "x" in the upper right hand corner of my screen you all go away. "

Wrong.  They are still people and they still exist even after you click x.

"I would never lose sleep or get angry, "

Wrong.  See earlier post about fester's 38 mission.

 "If it does for some of you then you have to seriously re-evaluate your life because you are taking this game way too personally and seriously. "

Wrong.  This is why I am jumping in at all.  "re-evaluate"   OK Dr, Phil.  Who made you a soapopera psychiatrist.  This is the elitist attitude mentioned earlier.   "You" need "help",  "you" need to "re-evaluate", I say "STFU".  lol

"I've made some awsome friends who also play this game. Done some things that I could never posibly do had it not been for this game and those friends I've made because of it."

Can you click them into non-existence? lol

 "And they can distinguish between AH and real life."

Again, just a little too smartarse elitist.  As if everyone else who disagrees with you  is incapable of making that distinction.
Dmn, MORPHEUS, you are giving my old debating skills a good workout.  Thank you for that, I thought I had forgotten how to counter-argue.


Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline dedalos

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« Reply #141 on: October 24, 2005, 11:43:38 AM »
Originally posted by Lye-El
But it's OK for the BKs to to think too Golly-gee hard,  and put energy into something just to troll, belittle, and annoy others. This community, electronic though it is, can be a fun place. Unfortunately, it is also inhabited by 'TARDS. A disproportionate number of which have a blue velvet shield.

Exactly how were you belittled?  :confused:

No one has explained that yet, so please, enlighten us (assuming that your pain is gone by now and you can actually function again.  If not, I'll wait a couple of weeks)
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Nomak

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« Reply #142 on: October 24, 2005, 11:48:19 AM »
Originally posted by dedalos
Exactly :aok

Makes you wonder why some did care so much

Because I wanted it to be true.  Not because I wanted these guys at each others throats.... but because I wanted the BKs to clean up the attacks they at times speaw at others.  

Looking back now.... yes it was completly obvious.

Recently becoming an "Offical" AH trainer has made me reflect on how I/others treat people in and around the game.  I now, in a way represent HTC.  Its something I take seriously.  It really has made me check myself and to look more closly at the stuff that goes on in game and on the BB.


Offline Nomak

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« Reply #143 on: October 24, 2005, 11:51:28 AM »
Originally posted by dedalos
Exactly how were you belittled?  :confused:

No one has explained that yet, so please, enlighten us (assuming that your pain is gone by now and you can actually function again.  If not, I'll wait a couple of weeks)

I, and my squad.... hope some of you never get over it. your squeals of anguish are music to our ears.

What more explanition do you need?


Offline SkyRock

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« Reply #144 on: October 24, 2005, 11:54:38 AM »
Originally posted by SuperDud
Guess I coulda worded it better. Here's an example, there's a difference between...

A) An internet squad faking a breaking up for a laugh

B) Someone on here needing a place to stay for a few days and you can help.(I'm sure you can think of other things as well)

"A" is what I perceive as staying on this board. It's meaningless and not worthy to get upset or have any impact on you whatsoever. If I bite the hook and get called on it, I laugh, it's funny.

"B" is a serious RL matter that shouldn't be joked about. If I have no way of really helping I'll wish them luck, etc and carry on. If I could help, I would.

I just feel some people take the goofy stuff on this board way to serious. True some of it might be immature, but it's meaningless, so why let it get to you? I hope that clears it up a little.

Very well put, Super.  It takes a couple of people lashing back for you to make these type of clear and concise statements.  If you don't clear the water every now and then, you cant see the shallow rocks.

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #145 on: October 24, 2005, 11:54:58 AM »
Wrong. They are still people and they still exist even after you click x.

What I say has an effect on your life? Simply squelching me, ignoring me, or taking what I say with a grain of salt doesnt get rid of me?

Festers 38 mission? I dont use vox, so its imposible for you to have "heard the rant".

In regards to getting upset at the game? Sure, who doesnt. Todd said it perfectly. When I exit the game, so do my frustrations at the time for the game. And it is no different for this board.

Can you click them into non-existence? lol

Completely missing my point. But I see yours. There is a difference. And I guess you can call it a game face. Do you think I would walk up to Mars or slapshot or anyone else in real life and call him a lame bellybutton ho dweeb? Nope. Its a game, hence everything is it is make beleive.

Argue away sky, you wont change how I feel about the game. Im simply telling you how I see the game. I think its a great game, nothing like it anywhere else. But it is and always will be just a game. Am I telling you you're wrong for seeing it how you do? No not at all. Maybe you think I am. You're entitled to your own views and opinions just like anyone else. That doesnt mean I will sit here and agree with everything you say simply because you think I should. Opinions are like a-holes, everyones got one, and some of them stink more than others.
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Offline SkyRock

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« Reply #146 on: October 24, 2005, 12:04:00 PM »
Originally posted by dedalos
Exactly how were you belittled?  :confused:

No one has explained that yet, so please, enlighten us (assuming that your pain is gone by now and you can actually function again.  If not, I'll wait a couple of weeks)

Ded, I can only speak for myself on this, but I think if you look at the majority of "trolls", "pranks", "jokes", and "jabs" that some in your squad are accompanied with, you'll find a broader sense of disrespect towards the humanity in these occurances.  I rarely if ever get annoyed by them enough to even comment.  But a couple of comments made after the fact, brought me into this one.

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline BBQ_Bob

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« Reply #147 on: October 24, 2005, 12:20:02 PM »
Originally posted by jaxxo

ahehehehe lmao..sorry but that was funny lol

Kinda like Jaxoff .
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"There are no Hells Angels in the MA, never"

"they are nowhere near the airport ..they are lost in the desert...they can not read a compass...they are retarded."

For a good time ~~

Offline SkyRock

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« Reply #148 on: October 24, 2005, 12:22:32 PM »
Originally posted by Morpheus
What I say has an effect on your life? Simply squelching me, ignoring me, or taking what I say with a grain of salt doesnt get rid of me?

I don't give you a second thought, bro.  (no disrespect there)  I think you are a little full of yourself, but a lot of people are, maybe even me!

"Festers 38 mission? I dont use vox, so its imposible for you to have "heard the rant"."

You calling me a liar?  Why I'll come over there and kick your little............  Morph, you definitely used vox that night.  


 "There is a difference. And I guess you can call it a game face."

OK, now your getting there bro.  So, do you think there are times when maybe the game face should be shelved for the sake of lets say........being nice?

Seriously, when is the last time you took a newb to the DA and taught him some basic stuff?  

When is the last time you posted something nice about someone not in your squad?

I think that behind your computer, sits a person who is capable of wearing both faces!  
So, MORPHEUS, how's it goin bro?  Life been alright to you?

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline FuBaR

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« Reply #149 on: October 24, 2005, 12:23:30 PM »
Originally posted by BBQ_Bob
Kinda like Jaxoff .

Thats my name for him :mad: