Ok on this other forum I post on, a friend there recently said she lost her boyfriend in Iraq. Now I thought it was odd that I had not heard of any casualties in the day before she posted,but I figured it would probably be a few extra days before they notified the girlfriend in another country, as she said in the post where he died, she was just now going to make contact with the family. Now then, 2 days after this post she went to the funeral in America and back to Europe in the space of 2 1/2 days. Which means there must have been only a few hours spent on the ground at night. After that I thought it was wierd so i figured to look at the cnn list of casualties, and there is NO one with the same: Name, time in, age,or hometown.
This sucks to find out a friend is making up stories like that. I was really hoping that,that boards resident "former special forces" guy would trip up and would be outed in a level of MrBlack/Straiga hilarity straight from the Oclub. But its not as cool when its a friend that does it.