On the subject of salvos.. I'd like a new possible value for the variable.
Instead of ".salvo 1" or ".salvo 5" or fill-in-the-number, I would like to see ".salvo all", so that all different types of bombs could be dropped in the same salvo. Historically planes could do this. There's footage of a Ju87B-2 dive-bombing something behind some trees. It drops its centerline 1kg bomb and all 4 of its wing mounted bombs at the same time and pulls up. I'm fairly sure (no footage, though) that all other bombers could do this as well.
One caveat: This doesn't affect rockets if you have them.
This would help with planes like the a20 and il2, that have internal/external that can be the same bomb size (gets darned confusing toggling back and forth, remembering which you have selected).