Most of you probably don't know about Ref. C&D that go on the ballot this year so here's
this site to try and help sort it out. If I was 18 i'd vote no, because I would't like to lose the power to change taxes, a lost citizen power is another gained by government, and that is NEVER good. To my understanding, the government has the power to fund whatever they want to, a new light rail for example, rather then put the money into schooling. My sister (in a state college) says yes on it because it is supposed to decrease tuition. I say that the state has the ability to chop funding from college right away if they so choose to do it, and thus raise tuition anyway. You could argue that they will find a way to increase tuition even if the referendum passes, but i'm not sure how good of an argument you could make. Seems like a double edged sword to me, but what do I know?
On another note, according to my sister, half her math class in COLLEGE can't divide/multiply well or at all. Do you think those people really pay their way in or do they get government funding? I don't think you should be able to enter college not knowing basic math, go back to high school for that and stop wasting money for kids who want to go for a higher EDUCATION, not just a diploma.
RANT off for the night.