I live in "The Pro Football Hall of Fame City". It is a HUGE event for us here. I am glad that your favorite players were inducted recently.
But, I have to tell you that the highlight of this years celebration, were the 110 or so living member inductees of pro football that attended. This was the first time that that was done. What a sight!!! What a group of great players.....all the best of their era!! That is the part of this years Hall of Fame festivities that was purely a celebration of FOOTBALL!
Congratulations to those that were unducted this year and a hefty salute to those past inductees. Whew! What a sight!!
The only downfall to this years festivities was the debate about the invitation extended to O.J. Simpson. Yes, he is a member of the Hall of Fame, and you know the rest. By the way, he was invited, and no, he did not attend.
I am not looking to start a debate over this, nor am I posting my opinion on it. (the OJ thing)
I am just expressing the fact that seeing all those GREAT people that MADE the game of football in one place at one time was, well, rather kind of emotional
I hope you all enjoy your favorite teams and players this season! And good luck!
As a history nut, again, what a sight it was in Canton, Ohio, seeing a living history of football walk around and enjoying the many festivities surrounding our celebration of Pro Football.
A special Thank You to those that attended, both inductees, and celebrants!!
What a PARTY!! hehe