Author Topic: Saddam's Chip off the ol block  (Read 1033 times)

Offline Jimdandy

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2001, 05:18:00 PM »
You have to admit that with those qualifications hes brilliance as a butcher shine thru. Think about it. In Iraq they not only have a ruler but a budding Chief Boyardee! What has Bill got on Sad Jr. buddy. Wouldn't he be brilliant at parties. Those people that get a little to drunk and obnoxious could be whipped up into a quick snack. I say he's a man of many talents and we should take our hats off! Salute Saddam Jr.(The Julia Childes of the Middle East!)

All I know is I hope that we don't start electing people to be president of the United States that have that kind of prowess with kitchen utensils.     My friends Great Uncle told us about Hitler's rise in Germany. He said most people just laughed at the guy. He was at some speech where Hitler fell of a bridge (if I remember the story right) and everyone got a kick out of it. He said all his friends and everyone he knew thought the guy was a crack pot. The next thing they knew he was in charge. People in the United States used to think Hitler was brilliant. Hitler made the cover of TIME!     Their is a great old Capra film called Divide and Conquer that talks the subtle way Hitler smoothed into the harts of Germans and many Americans with his "brilliant" conquests at the beginning of the war. My friends parents are Dutch. They moved to the US during WWII. In 1982 there was a huge military practice maneuver that was held where I live. The paratroopers landed around my friends house. His mother went into hysteria. She remembered the German paratroopers landing around her house.  The war was still that close to her after all that time. Anyone who can talk of people that can cause that kind of terror after 40 years with admiration still have a little bit more to learn about life. We can't argue that people like this a tenacious, driven, stubborn and a lot of other things. But to admire them.    

[This message has been edited by Jimdandy (edited 01-11-2001).]

Offline Maverick

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2001, 06:53:00 PM »

I re read your post and my response to it. I still stand on what I said. The thought that an evil person is or is not stupid was not the issue. The IQ of the person committing the atrocity does not reduce the seriousness of the atrocity. You want to think saddam is a bright person, go right ahead. His actions in the gulf do not indicate a bright intellect. They indicate, IMO, a cruel depraved power hungry despot who controls through brute force. It's kinda hard for his countrymen to object when he has the total control of the armed forces in his country. Look at those members of his regime who have objected to his practices. They seemed to have gotten kinda dead. That did include family too. I seem to recall a brother or son in law that fled then stupidly returned. He's not around anymore.

The type of "brilliance" you seem to think is so wonderful is the result of having the guns and manpower to enforce whatever whims he has. The control over the media in his country tells his population what he wants them to hear.

A final note and an indication of the "love" his countrymen have for this hemorrhoid is shown in the lack of public appearances. It seems he is only seen on televised controlled circumstances TV. In other words I firmly believe this individual knows someone out there is going to pop a cap and put him down.

I don't give a fart in a high wind for the political brilliance of any despot, mass murderer, homicidal maniac or other person who lives through harming their fellow man. The world would be better off without them no matter what their IQ is.

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2001, 07:02:00 PM »
Saddam wanted all out war with the United States....NOT VERY BRIGHT!

Offline Jimdandy

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #18 on: January 11, 2001, 07:30:00 PM »
Originally posted by TheWobble:
Saddam wanted all out war with the United States....NOT VERY BRIGHT!

Very, very good point!  

[This message has been edited by Jimdandy (edited 01-11-2001).]


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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2001, 03:43:00 PM »
Originally posted by miko:
  "Of course if you read A. Hitler's memoirs you may get an impression that he thought he was acting in the best interests of humanity and civilization, as he saw them. So he may arguably be called misguded rather then evil."

To suggest that somone who exterminated 6 million human beings is "misguided" is just plain sick.


Offline StSanta

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2001, 06:53:00 PM »
Heh come o guys, eeven the republicans gotta admit that the war against Iraq was about oil primarily and freedom as a distant second.

Not that I feel that the US should be ashamed of defending its interests, and oil is a BIG one thanks to the gas guzzlers in the US  .
But invaded to avenge/save kuwaiti women? Nah, I don't think so - first of all then the US would be forced to invade a helluva lot of places where worse opression take place. Secondly, the Kuwait regime isn't exactly working hard for an equal democratic society.

Let's just call a spade a spade and be done with it. No need for big words, when small ones suffice  .

Oh and yeah, death to the Husseins.

9./JG 54 "Grünherz"

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2001, 08:08:00 PM »
I will keep it short.

I think it is silly to concentrate on Saddam Hussein
as the Man of the Evil Empire.
Who ever lived in the Middle East like me will quickly realize that, there are a lot of similar Oriental Regimes in the Middle East that are officially supported by the USA.
But no Western Country will put their finger on them or on the USA.

I think it is rather amusing to see all these frightened Royals running around in the West and buying lots of Property.
Strange I wonder what they are afraid of?
Maybe of their own People?
But why are the People so upset?
I always thought the USA supports Democratic regimes.

But anyway the end is near if the West likes or not.
(But you should not forget that in the World nothing seems as it is.)

[This message has been edited by ICEWIND (edited 01-13-2001).]

Offline RAM

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2001, 08:17:00 PM »
Originally posted by miko2d:

 He uses arab's hatred of America to keep the power. He uses NATO's problems to keep it paralyzed when he needs (just try to promote an independent state for those Kurds - you will really piss off our NATO friend Turkey and Russia with the remainder of Kurd population and Spain with their Basque problem).

er...excuse me...I'd like to know one thing, as Basque and Spanish...

how the hell is going to piss off Spain that the Kurds get they own nation?.

Out of curiosity, I'd like to know in what you are basing on. If you talk about the Kurd parlament doind sessions in Vitoria, yes that caused some pollemic but in another completely different dimension and because motives that have nothing to do with an independent kurdistan.

Please, care to explain your words?

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 01-13-2001).]