Author Topic: Saddam's Chip off the ol block  (Read 1034 times)

Offline Dos Equis

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« on: January 08, 2001, 04:54:00 PM »
From Time Magazine:

What's the story on Uday? Isn't he a crazy party animal?

You party with Uday at your peril. Saddam's eldest at 36, he had been widely regarded as the leader's natural heir, a prospect that sent shudders through many Iraqis given his reputation for drunken fits of homicidal brutality. He’d been most notorious for a 1988 incident in which he’d gotten drunk at a party and killed one of his father’s top aides using a pistol and a battery-operated carving knife. That's probably the pick of the bunch, although the list includes wounding an uncle and killing six dancing girls at a party seven years later.

But the assassination attempt left him partly paralyzed, and in subsequent years he appears to have been eclipsed in the succession stakes by his brother Qusay, younger by two years. Qusay heads up his father’s all-powerful secret service, and in 1996 supervised a bloody purge of senior figures suspected of plotting a coup. Last year Qusay was named as his father's deputy "in the event of an emergency," suggesting paramountcy in any succession struggle. Still, you don't want to count out a rival who may come at you with an electric carving knife.


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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2001, 05:55:00 PM »
I hope saddams whole family dies.. I know this sounds harsh but thats what he does to people and their famalies on a whim, so diddly him  

Offline Maverick

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2001, 11:05:00 PM »
Originally posted by TheWobble:
I hope saddams whole family dies.. I know this sounds harsh but thats what he does to people and their famalies on a whim, so diddly him  

Ditto here. That idiot should have earned a Darwin award decades ago.

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Offline miko2d

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2001, 09:37:00 AM »
Originally posted by Maverick:
Ditto here. That idiot should have earned a Darwin award decades ago.

 So anyone who does not behave the way you like is automatically an idiot?

 So he has a spoiled kid - hard not to when you are all-powerfull.

 I think that he is a brilliant politician. He is maintaining a minority rule in Iraq where majority is of the same faith as his greatest enemy - Iran. He is a counterweight to the fundamentalist Iran and as such his wellbeing is so important to us (US of A) that we would not let a hair on his head be harmed despite anything he does (attacking Kuwait, committing atrocities, etc.)
 Would he even have still been in power if he did not try to invade Kuwait and suffered defeat from US? Iran would have been better off but I doubt that Hussein would still be it's leader.

 He uses arab's hatred of America to keep the power. He uses NATO's problems to keep it paralyzed when he needs (just try to promote an independent state for those Kurds - you will really piss off our NATO friend Turkey and Russia with the remainder of Kurd population and Spain with their Basque problem).

 He is hated but he is untouchable and he pushes his luck to the limit (but no more). Despite all he has done his population will support him and probably adores him and he has a huge following in the arab's world.

 He may not be the same level of genius as Hitler but he is head and shoulders higher then any visible leader in the last twenty years.
 And why shouldn't he? He got the power himself in a fight and intrigue against powerfull and ruthless enemies, unlike our current presidents who get elected for the way they look. He kept that power through all the coup attempts and disasters, which he managed to turn to his advantage.

 Thinking that just because someone is an enemy or evil he is automatically stupid is a big mistake.


Offline Maverick

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2001, 12:39:00 PM »
Originally posted by miko2d:
 So anyone who does not behave the way you like is automatically an idiot?

 So he has a spoiled kid - hard not to when you are all-powerfull.

 I think that he is a brilliant politician. He is maintaining a minority rule in Iraq where majority is of the same faith as his greatest enemy - Iran. He is a counterweight to the fundamentalist Iran and as such his wellbeing is so important to us (US of A) that we would not let a hair on his head be harmed despite anything he does (attacking Kuwait, committing atrocities, etc.)
 Would he even have still been in power if he did not try to invade Kuwait and suffered defeat from US? Iran would have been better off but I doubt that Hussein would still be it's leader.

 He uses arab's hatred of America to keep the power. He uses NATO's problems to keep it paralyzed when he needs (just try to promote an independent state for those Kurds - you will really piss off our NATO friend Turkey and Russia with the remainder of Kurd population and Spain with their Basque problem).

 He is hated but he is untouchable and he pushes his luck to the limit (but no more). Despite all he has done his population will support him and probably adores him and he has a huge following in the arab's world.

 He may not be the same level of genius as Hitler but he is head and shoulders higher then any visible leader in the last twenty years.
 And why shouldn't he? He got the power himself in a fight and intrigue against powerfull and ruthless enemies, unlike our current presidents who get elected for the way they look. He kept that power through all the coup attempts and disasters, which he managed to turn to his advantage.

 Thinking that just because someone is an enemy or evil he is automatically stupid is a big mistake.



Ya know I never thought that the attempted genocide of a religious faction could be a wonderful addition to the world. Just think, we could use the next mass murderer as a future nobel peace prize example. As long, of course, he / she is a good politician. That factor mitigates ALL the killing in their own and other countries as well.

Hell, lets nominate Hitler for sainthood as well. He was a stellar politician in his early years. What he did in the last 6 years of his political career shouldn't stand in the way of his being thought of as a nice guy who has been vilified unjustly.

The value of his (Saddam) political brilliance FAR outweighs the deaths of those less brilliant people in his own country as well as Kuwait. I just never thought of it. Thanks for opening my eyes to the clarity of political brilliance value and thought.


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Offline Ripsnort

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2001, 12:47:00 PM »

Offline blur

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2001, 01:33:00 PM »
George Bush Sr. killed one hundred thousand Iraqis to save a buck on a gallon of gas.

Saddam is a small time thug by comparison!  

Offline Ripsnort

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2001, 02:31:00 PM »
Originally posted by blur:
George Bush Sr. killed one hundred thousand Iraqis to save a buck on a gallon of gas.

Saddam is a small time thug by comparison!    

One of the students I went to college with (Returned to Kuwait after earning his degree) was tortured and killed by Iraqi troops during the occupation of Kuwait, would you like to tell his mother (Who resides in the U.S) that same narrow mind liberal opinion?

Edit:Never mind.

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 01-09-2001).]

Offline Yeager

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2001, 02:35:00 PM »

Are you just be a dipshit just for fun or do you really feel that way?

"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline Gunthr

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2001, 02:45:00 PM »
Blur, you can't possibally believe that... you must be trolling.

George Bush is an honorable man who got the job done... and the raping and pillaging Iraqi soldiers became a "hundred thousand points of light"  

And Bush had the support of the whole country.


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Offline Maverick

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2001, 02:56:00 PM »
Blur is a product of the ultra left wing kennedyland. (if he is being serious)

I can't take the time to explain the global implications of one dictator controlling the worlds petroleum reserves and the repercussions on everyone's economy to you. You need to find someone who can explain economics, petroleum dependency and politics to you. It wasn't about the price at the pump, but you likely will not believe it as the kennedyland liberals told you a fairy tale that you would rather believe.

Now aren't there any more child molesters to be released there?  

A Veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life."
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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2001, 04:46:00 PM »
The only thing Im unhappy with is that we didnt go ahead and kill Saddam, people say nobody knew where he was but I'd wager that they knew what kinda bunny slippers he wore in the morning and what color his toejam was, I guess they didnt want to throw the middle easte into turmoil and make saddam azssclod into a maryter to his "people"

Offline Dos Equis

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2001, 05:52:00 PM »
So I take it that "Three Kings" isn't a very popular film around here?



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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2001, 09:04:00 PM »
Not to bee off subject but Three kings is a masterpiece he way it mixed action comedy and drama,    back to the subject.......saddam needs a Drano enima.

Offline miko2d

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Saddam's Chip off the ol block
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2001, 04:02:00 PM »
Originally posted by Maverick:
....  As long, of course, he / she is a good politician. That factor mitigates ALL the killing in their own and other countries as well.

 Mav, read your post again and then read mine again.
 It is not a good style to put words in other people mouth they never said and then argue with them.

 You said that Saddam Hussein was an idiot and I stated that he is very smart.

 Neither term has anything to do with moral values of a person. There are many well-meaning idiots and there are quite a few evil geniuses. Of course you may be confused by the TV where all "evil geniuses" are actually idiots but that is not the case in real life.

 "Smart" or "genius" means that a person has high congitive ability (ability to process information). "Idiot" means that a person has low cognitive ability.
 Besides that there are such valuable human capabilities as dearing, decisivness, bravery, charisma, wisdom, education, realistic perseption of reality. Each of those may be posessed by evil as well as good persons.

 According to what I know of S. Hussein and A. Hitler careers they are/were very capable persons. I am sure that their I.Q. are very high.

 The fact that they engaged in murders genocide only indicates that they were evil people, not that they were stupid.
 Of course if you read A. Hitler's memoirs you may get an impression that he thought he was acting in the best interests of humanity and civilization, as he saw them. So he may arguably be called misguded rather then evil.

 The real idiots in this story are people who confuse evil genius with stupidity. You would think I mean you but actually I am talking about some of my ancestors who could read "Mein Kamph" for twelve years before Hitler even started genocide and underestimated him and did not get out in time. And politicians who allowed WWII to happen for exactly the same reasons.

 When we get to the moral judgements, I think that my statement "Thinking that just because someone is an enemy or evil he is automatically stupid is a big mistake." clearly indicates that I consider Hussein evil and our enemy.

 Nowhere did I indicate that S. Hussein was a "good" politician or that any of his actions were "wonderfull additions to the world" (as we perceive it). I just said he was a brilliant politician.

 Life would have been much nicer if all the evil guys were stupid and all the good guys were smart. That is mostly true when it comes to violent crime in US - a smart person is much less likely to commit one, but not in international politics.


[This message has been edited by miko2d (edited 01-11-2001).]