I proposed hosting this side switch to give everyone a chance to see the other side.
I am not interested in reopening registration and doing it all over again. I offered to host the rerun so the Axis and Allies TEAMs had an opportunity to see the event from the other side with the same people they flew with before.
The allies may lose people due to the suckage that has been promoted as the Axis Conditions. This would logically assume that the Allies would be pigpiled with requests to be on the Allies side.
Personally, I don't see many people bailing from the former Allies team.
If Both Teams are not fully interested, then it would be a waste of time.
The Conditions Will Remain The Same, No changes to the setup, no changes to the roster, walkons would go to the Lowest Side with the disadvantage. Simple event. I don't want to implement setup changes that might occur in another complete run, only to open up cries of Unfair or complaints that one side didn't get to do what this new side got etc.
I am willing to host this in early January, as there is a gap between events, and that should give ample time to practice and plan.
Again, having Not heard from NASO, I am making no committments that this will run. It's still conceptual and based entirely on the level of participation and or complaints
Talk me into this if you want it.