Author Topic: A better FM/DM balance?  (Read 3214 times)

Offline 1K3

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A better FM/DM balance?
« Reply #30 on: November 23, 2005, 01:52:24 AM »
wtf have you been smoking??? by 800-1000 yards the 50 cals effectiveness gets weak and it tickels the plane!
Some people are pointing out that 50 cals in AH2 got neutered.  50 cals cant kill acks while RAF/LW/VVS/IJN/IJA plane armed cannons only need  shots to kill acks.

Offline straffo

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A better FM/DM balance?
« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2005, 03:18:10 AM »
@Knegel : I didn't had the time to see your film.
According to the posts of those who see it it look like you prooved it's possible to kill at 800 yard.
It's certainly not new !

Offline I can kill the liberator at 1.2 with a Yak9T (I did it in the MA twice also,but you have to be very lucky)
Usually in the MA trying to have a kill a such distance is a good way to get killed.

In H2H, where the planes often have much more amo, its even more easy to get such a kill.

Well, it's not a normal setup don't you think ?

Originally posted by 1K3
Some people are pointing out that 50 cals in AH2 got neutered.  50 cals cant kill acks while RAF/LW/VVS/IJN/IJA plane armed cannons only need  shots to kill acks.

Strange ,I've not trouble killing ack with .50 ...

PS : Knegel I expected a combat film
« Last Edit: November 23, 2005, 03:22:55 AM by straffo »

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2005, 03:18:47 AM »
Given it was a deflection shot it probably went in the side and not through the pilot armor.  Armor on fighters was very limited.

As to those films, you weren't going slow enough to be unstable.  You were matching the drons which go 200-225mph as I recall, well into stable flight.   Yes, it was a deflection shot, but it was a stable one against a target that allowed you to ping it up repeatedly without altering your aiming calculations.

I can do the same thing you show with .50 cals using MG151/20s or Ho-5s.  The drones are easy kills.
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Offline Tilt

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A better FM/DM balance?
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2005, 06:20:32 AM »
Originally posted by Knegel

To show the strange dragload setting of the La7 in AH you also can make deceleration tests.  Use a 190D9, a 109K4 and a La7, accelerate at sea level to around 350mph, push X (autoleveler) and cut down the throttle to zero. Take a stopclock and count the time from 300mph to 200mph.

As result i get the K4 as fastest decelerating plane(around 17,5sec), then the 190D9 with around 18,5sec and then the La7 with around 19sec.

Looks like the 1000kg and the resulting inertia, which limit the climb of the 190´s so much, dont count while decelerating. The 109K had next to the more streamlined engine also a smaler wingarea, therfor i guess its drag wasnt more big than that of the La7, while it had more weight, so the faster deceleration looks strange too.

I have some sympathy with this claim but admit to not knowiing how great the effect is upon the "trueness" of the model.

Timing deceleration in level flight presumably factors in both lift related drag as well as pure drag. Albeit that showing the time for a higher speed will increase the pure drag effect.

Would another test be to take the ac to 10k set the auto speed to 350 (or what ever the max is)then switch off the engine and time the descent between say 5000 and 0?

Then we have a high constant speed dive test that emphasises the effect of pure drag and minimises the effect of induced drag. The higher drag should hit the ground quickest .

Hence an La5FN should hit the ground quicker than an La7 (it  has a poorer pure drag coefficient)

109's should all hit pretty much the same time as each other with the heavier and less slip streamed later models hitting just ahead of the earlier models.

Based upon Tsagi/VVS trials I have the La7 should hit the ground before the 109G2.

I have never noted any comment from HTC re how drag is modelled..............and indeed this might rightly be treated as a confidential matter by HTC.

knegel rightly states that there is a large grey area open for opinion about the RL actuality.

I struggle with understanding of Knegels  ebleed arguements during manouvering..............main ly because I dont understand.

I look upon the balance as being

Kinetic Energy =thrust + (mass* accel) - total drag

In manouvre I believe total drag is predominently induced drag and this  is a function of G incurred which as we know also carries a large mass*accel component along with some sort of efficiency factor for the wing profile.

Also in manouvre thrust is "out of plain" such that eventually the thrust vector is displaced and the total drag increased to a point where the manouver cannot be sustained.

We have curves/diagrams that show this. I would comment that most folk who test AH's curves in this respect with RL curves seem to think that AH models stuff very near to actuality........... better in fact that most other sims.

Of course there are no such RL curves  for Yaks or Lavochkins! or at least I have never seen one.

What we do know about these ac is

Various max speeds, climb rates, sustained turn times at speeds/angles, roll rates, weights, wing loadings, wing profiles, generic dimensions, engine power and prop dimensions.

Even given all this I would expect a model to have to have some gaps filled in re drag and wing efficiencies................. . but then what do I know?
Ludere Vincere

Offline Tilt

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« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2005, 03:34:05 PM »
OK I ran the above test both at max and min rpm during an engine off dive with auto speed on at 350 IAS.....all tests had the speed stabalised from 5000 to the floor.

All ac were 100% fuel with no externals.

Times are from 5000 ft to Sea level

Max rpm (max engine brake)

La7=37, La5FN=34, 109K4=34, 109G6=31, 109G2=31

Min rpm (min engine brake)

La7=46, 190A5=43, La5FN=41, 109K4=41, Yak9U=39, 109G6=37, 109G2=37

IMO we can learn nothing imperical from this but we can see some interesting comparisons.

The La7 does have significantly less drag than the it should.

The 109K4 has less drag than the 109G2&6.

This does not seem right.

Infact if we consider the pure drag to be equal then its induced drag due to heavier weight should have penalised it. Yet it glided further during our constant speed dive test.

The La7 has significantly less drag than the 109K4 and a massive drag advantage over the  109 G2&6.

This does not seem right either.

The fully laden weight of the ac is not so different. Further we know that in a sustained (powered dive) a 109G4 could (once initial acceleration was overcome) out dive the La7. trials VVS 11 Oct 44 Chief Eng A. Repin ac # 45210203 prod batch july 44 plant 21 with Me 109 G4  Suggesting that the la7's pure drag hindered its acceleration in a dive beyond normal level speeds.

if AH were to model this then (by comparison) the 109's would have glided longer then the lavochkins.

I threw in the FW190 A5. I have no data on where this should be but would expect it to have also been worse than the  109's where infact it seems to glide for longer even though again its heavier. Compared to the Lavochkins it is not as drag free as the La7 (which I would expect) but has lower drag than the La5FN which I suppose is possible.

The potential misnomer is that it is impossible to totally eliminate AH's engine braking in these tests.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2005, 04:19:31 PM by Tilt »
Ludere Vincere

Offline Knegel

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« Reply #35 on: November 24, 2005, 01:36:29 AM »
Hi Tilt,

you forget that the factor is dragload not drag!!!

The dragload determine the sincrate and deceleration without power!!

The K4 simply reach the ground faster cause its more heavy, thast ok!

But why the La7, with its smal aspectratio, is so much better than the 109G2(same wingload, but better aspectratio) is a miracle to me.

The test you made is a high AOA test, the test i made was a smal AoA test.  In both cases the La7 is the best plane and thats a bit strange.

The La7 is the 'Eier legende Wollmilchsau'( oviparous woolmilksow).

I can imagine that its drag at highspeed was smal, although it has a radialegine, cause a smal aspectratio wing is better able to shift away the airmasses, but since the 109K4 and La7 had a pretty similar Vmax with very similar power the drag of both planes at highspeed should be relative similar.
Therfor the more heavy plane should decrelerate more slow out of highspeed.
While flying with AoA´s and so for the indieced drag, the aspectratio, is a most important factor.

Greetings, Knegel

Offline Tilt

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« Reply #36 on: November 24, 2005, 03:54:03 AM »
Originally posted by Knegel
Hi Tilt,

you forget that the factor is dragload not drag!!!

The dragload determine the sincrate and deceleration without power!!

The K4 simply reach the ground faster cause its more heavy, thast ok!

The K4 did not reach the ground faster than the G2, G6............thats what seemed wrong............. it is heavier than the G2&6, it would be "dirtier" than the G2 & G6 (just a little) hence both induced drag and pure drag would be higher yet it glided longer.

If we were to assume that the trial time for the K4 was correct then the G2 & G6 times should be longer than the K4 and closer to the Lavochkins.

Equally the 190 A5 is both heavier and (one would think) less drag efficient than the 109G2&6 (Its aspect ratio is the worst of all those tested). Yet we see here that indeed it glides further than the 109's!. Comparing it with the Lavochkins one would say that it seems "in the ball park".

the key aspect of the dive trial is the constant high speed inducing a higher pure drag for the trial period. I realise that induced drag is still present........... that due to this the weight becomes a factor.

My main concern over the validity of the trial is the engine breaking component.................... .

Looking at the marked difference in glide times between full and minimum rpm it seems to me that AH engine braking is a very significant factor in the engine off drag model.

Minimum RPM is by no means as low as 50% rpm at these speeds and even if the "engine braking effect:rpm" is not linear I think its creating a significant component (rather than a minor error) which is messing up the data.

Given this another test would be a full throttle dive test at say 400 IAS at min rpm. Its a pain because you have to climb to 20 k just to get the 400IAS stabalised by 5K.....and the time to impact is so short that the differences are not so stark. However it would take the engine braking out of the equation for the purposes of comparison.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2005, 04:22:01 AM by Tilt »
Ludere Vincere

Offline Tilt

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Aspect ratio
« Reply #37 on: November 24, 2005, 04:14:29 AM »

We can see that whilst the overall dimensions are very similar the La7 has

a greater frontal fuselage area
a greater area of wing at the wing root joint.
a greater depth of fuselage (not shown)
a greater area of tail and elevator surfaces.

Its depth of wing is on a par with the 109 (in fact the La7 has a thinner wing than the Spitfire!)

What we do know is that the La7 had very low drag thru panel joints etc.

The bulk of the fuselage and wing surfaces were varnished smooth and the engine cowl shape and joints were sealed and smooth. Its lines were much cleaner than the 109.

This would explain why an La7 could be considered the most (pure) drag free radial engined fighter of its time.

It does not mean it would be lower in drag than a 109G.
Ludere Vincere

Offline Tilt

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« Reply #38 on: November 24, 2005, 12:48:39 PM »
Originally posted by Tilt

Given this another test would be a full throttle dive test at say 400 IAS at min rpm. Its a pain because you have to climb to 20 k just to get the 400IAS stabalised by 5K.....and the time to impact is so short that the differences are not so stark.

Dumb idea............  guess I need to get the prop shot off to do any meaningfull test.:(
Ludere Vincere

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #39 on: November 24, 2005, 01:18:50 PM »
Originally posted by Knegel
Why the target always explode is a miracle anyway, AP amo should have problems to do this.

Did you ever notice that the offline drones dont quite act like the ingame player controlled planes?

Offline Knegel

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« Reply #40 on: November 24, 2005, 11:59:55 PM »
Hi Tilt,

you be right, i made a reading error!!

The aspectratio you can calculate rather exact by this formula:
(wingspan x wingspan) / wingarea

La7 = 5,5
Me109E = 6
Me109F/G/K = 6,1
FW190A/D= 6
Ta152H = 8,8
P38 = 8,2
Spit= 5,6
Hurri= 6,5
P47= 5,2

The aspectratio is a good idicator for the atltitude where the airframe is made for. To give a smal acpectratio plane a good high alt performence it need a extreme good engine or a very smal wingload. To make a high aspectratio plane to a good low altitude fighter it need a high wingload or good engines(the three different wingtips of the Spitfire follow the same logic, same like the 'panning' wings of modern jets).

As your picture show, the 109 had a much smaler fuselage, a smaler tailwing/vert stab and a smaler wing, therfor i guess it dont had a more big drag(at very highspeed, this could change due to the higher aspectratio).

The same time for the G6 and G2 also looks strange, could that be a measurement mistake??

Greetings, Knegel

Offline straffo

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« Reply #41 on: November 25, 2005, 02:56:40 AM »
Originally posted by Knegel
The aspectratio is a good idicator for the atltitude where the airframe is made for. To give a smal acpectratio plane a good high alt performence it need a extreme good engine or a very smal wingload. To make a high aspectratio plane to a good low altitude fighter it need a high wingload or good engines(the three different wingtips of the Spitfire follow the same logic, same like the 'panning' wings of modern jets).  

You confused aspect ratio with wetted aspect ratio IMO.

PS : what do you think of the aspect ratio of a glider ?
Is it really to make the wing efficient at high altitude ?

PS : high aspect ration usualy mean lower roll rate nothing more.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2005, 02:59:27 AM by straffo »

Offline Tilt

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« Reply #42 on: November 25, 2005, 09:34:18 AM »
Originally posted by Knegel
The aspectratio you can calculate rather exact by this formula:
(wingspan x wingspan) / wingarea

La7 = 5,5

According to this formula the aspect ratio you use would be the same for the La5FN as the La7.

Yet we know that pure drag was substantially decreased between the two ac just by attention to a detailed air flow analysis around and under the fuselage during the development of the La7.

This coupled with a 3% reduction in weight and a more efficient prop are the only performance related differences between the two ac yet the  performance differences were significant.

I think there is more to pure drag than just aspect ratio...................

Thinking on this further the accel of the La7 and La5FN should be nearly the same at low speeds the La7 superior at high speeds. Which would explain why the climb rates and sustained (slow) turn  rates of the two ac are nearly identical whilst the max speeds were significantly different.
Ludere Vincere

Offline fuzeman

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A better FM/DM balance?
« Reply #43 on: November 26, 2005, 10:17:53 AM »
I was unable to detect the LCG in the film. Is this something that you can detect from the guts of the film or is it related to setting on my computer or a graphic limitation.
Being in the TA quite often I am familiar with enableing it and what it looks like.
It would be nice to be able to see it in a film, IMO.
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Offline Knegel

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« Reply #44 on: November 27, 2005, 03:25:50 AM »

straffo, a glider is made to fly most effective with slow IAS, the aiframe of a glider would work pretty good for high altitude!

The wing aspectratio is the most important factor in calculating the wing effectivity, if the Airfoils are similar and we assume a similar surface quality.

The aspectratio influece a 'bit' more than the roll rate, or do you think the cunstructors all was stupid?? They all would have used a smal aspectratio if it dont  would influece more and gliders also would have a smal aspectratio.

Tilt, as the formula show, i talk about the wing aspectratio and particular to its influece to the drag, not about the drag in general. That the airframe of the la7 got more streamlined dont change the fact that the smal aspect ratio wing of both La´s have the tendency to produce less drag at highspeed than a same sized wing with a more big aspect ratio and the other way around at slow speed IAS(more big aoa).

I agree to your La7/5 assumptions, only that the la5 wasnt allowed to climb with WEP(overheating in a few sec)  and that the WEP was a real short time WEP to disengage, while the La7 could use it up to 10min.
Therfor the La5 i would count as a 1650HP plane, while the La7 is more a 1850HP plane(same like the 109G2 is more a 1310/1400@2000m plane, while the late 109G6 was more a 1475/1520@2000m plane.

fuzeman, what is LCG??

« Last Edit: November 27, 2005, 03:28:54 AM by Knegel »