There was not actually much changed in the new 109 compared to the old one. The areas marked with red were visible in old 109, now they are thicker. The general impression just seems much more restricting... maybe partly because of teh darker colors (almost black)

The above mentioned 1-sided polygon approach could actually be used to compensate the lacking light refraction phenomena in thick armoured glasses... like in the 109 windshield. COmpare the photos and game screenshots.... straight ahead... (frames appear about 1/4 thinner in real life)

... and slightly from the side (about 1/3 thinner in real life)

I honestly think that even this slight change would mean a lot with e.g. deflection shots. With longer distances the thicker appearing frames make a bigger difference since the larger hidden angle hides more and more area.. and planes.
Therefore the 1-sided polygon approach could be fairly easily utilized to the 109 windshield frames. They would still appear the same from outside, but they would appear thinner from inside. Could this be done, please?