Author Topic: SWulfe, Hangtime, mrfish..  (Read 3238 times)

Offline AKSWulfe

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SWulfe, Hangtime, mrfish..
« Reply #60 on: December 27, 2001, 05:38:00 PM »
Just to clarify things, so losers like Hblair (j/k) don't think I'm a total handsomehunk, pothead, burnout....

I was busted over a year ago, I did my stuff on my own to get through it. At the time I was smoking it heavily- everyday, and staying pretty much braindead throughout the day too.

Since then, I have kept it to "recreational" use. When I'm at home, and nothing important to do (that would need my brain power) or when I'm just hanging out with my friend's on the weekends.

See? I'm not a handsomehunk, but I was!  :)

Offline aknimitz

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« Reply #61 on: December 27, 2001, 06:20:00 PM »

AKNimitz, Plaintiff


All you Potheads, but really just Swulfe and Hangtime

Whereby, it is my legal duty having taken the oath of law to turn you all over to the property authorities.  Please submit to me in writing you address, and please include the telephone number.  Also, I need the best time to send the authorities over for a full body cavity search of yourself and the premises.  Please also submit your usage history, to include: amount on hand so the authorities know how much to illegally seize, your dealers and how we can get in touch with them.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, I am confident you will all understand.

Nim, Esquire
   :cool:   :D

Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #62 on: December 27, 2001, 06:33:00 PM »
Well said HB,

I have custody of my children because I quit and the "egg donor" didn't.

I think I made a pretty good trade.  ;)

Offline capt. apathy

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« Reply #63 on: December 27, 2001, 07:39:00 PM »
one thing i enjoy about not getting high is i seem to have more cash.  
 a freind of mine said he couldn't quit because he 'needed a puff' to help relieve him of the stress in his life.  i pointed out that i had alot less stress in my life since i stopped letting that stoned guy handle my money

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #64 on: December 27, 2001, 08:43:00 PM »
LOL!! See.. told yah this one was a 'no win' topic.  :D

Hell yes Hblair, of course we're still kewl.

I'm not 'addicted'.. I doubt any recreational smoker is. From the time my kid turned 12 till last year I never sparked a number once. Did I miss it? Sure. Just like I miss summer when it's 10 degrees outside and snowing. Am I addicted to summer? I'd guess that alcohol is more addictive than weed is, but accept the fact that dependencies are problematic for some folks.

My daughter went thru an incredible hell.. her friends turned her on to weed when she was 12, Xtasy and acid before 14, heroin at 15.. and when they did, I was right there; kickin bellybutton and taking names. What followed was 5 years of skirmishes and battles for control of her life and now at 18 she's clean and has been for over a year. She is very much in control of her life... and now has strong anti-drug inclinations.

In me she's confessed; she had an adversary that was almost inhuman.. every step of the way I was there, blocking access, denying her ability to 'do what she wanted'. And she's glad of it. She's made it very clear that the risk was from her peers.. not from her parents.

I'm glad my kid made it through.. for a LONG time it seemed like it was a hopeless struggle; I was always certain the cause of her demise would be my final straw. The sobering thing here was the reality that she was at signifacntly more risk from her peers than she ever was from her parents... but I'll never forget the momentous first major confrontation : DADDY!! YOU SMOKE IT TOO!!!!

My answer was direct, immediate and forceful... "There are MANY things that adults may chose to do that CHILDREN cannot... Drinking, sex, drugs and smoking are on THAT list. Kid, I'm your father, and I WILL NOT allow you to smoke that toejam, steal, drink, hang out in bars, car date at 13, spend the night with you boyfriend at his cabin on the lake, run for president, sell cars, or pilot a diddlyin airliner at the age of 13! GOT IT???

*sigh* It was rough.. it went on for YEARS.. stroke; counter stroke, battles with her mother (at that time, soon to be my ex) battles with the schools, the clinics.. the financial expense alone has wrecked all our lives.. 5 years gone into a great sucking hole.

Is the problem weed? No. The parents? I've seen many parents do all the 'right' things.. in the proscribed order... only to lose everything. None of them had 'any idea at all' as to what happened and why... till it was way too late to act. In my case, only having prior knowledge of the signs from personal experience kept me in the game. Ignorance and denial of the subject matter spells disaster for most 'straight' parents.

I blame our miserable moraly bankruptm public education system, and the weak incompetent parents out there that refuse to get in there and fight for the souls of their young. Don't assume that because YOU don't smoke, THEY won't.. and don't assume that beacuse you DID they WILL.

Assume that their young lives are at risk every second they are out of your sight. Assume that Public School is no less a criminal training ground than a State Prison. Attempt to enrich their lives with REALITY.. not TV.

And FIGHT for them. If you don't... they won't.
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline mrfish

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« Reply #65 on: December 27, 2001, 08:47:00 PM »
somebody mentioned the magic word earlier: responsibility

why is it that so many people have trouble with that as their mantra?

ever been to europe(for ex.)? notice how they can drink in moderation with dinner etc and not go around staggering drunk?

 you dont have to go for broke every time you open a bottle
 same with weed.

put in a full days work or study or whatever then do what you want. dont get wasted and go to class - wait til you're out for cryin out pete!

sometimes i just have "special" tea if i have something intense to do that requires more attention- it doesnt knock you out so hard like bong-rips do, it just kinda pleasantly buzzes in the background.

ya gotta be creative and in control. i think lots of people act stupid because they think they're supposed to. they change their whole lifestyle because they think they need to be "a stoner".

--->that's<---- stupid, just be yourself and use your head.

use it's nonaddictive nature to your benefit - if you have a big test coming up, then dont smoke for a few days. if you are training at work then lay off for a while.

i smoked my way thru classes that would make you humanities majors' skin crawl so personally i dont see what the big deal is but if it gets you, then back off of it and give it a break.

the bottom line is- if you think that smoking weed makes you some slack jawed hippy then you'll start to become that -

"hmmmm i'm a stoner, guess i have to go get a tye dye and start saying far out...."

if you use it to find an identity for yourself or to be a part of some social club then you get what you pay for, you'll be an bandana wearing dirty microbus driving idiot surrounded by other people acting the way they think they're supposed to act too

...otherwise if you are smart enough to just enjoy the high and get past the stereotype you'll do fine...

don't be a stereotype in whatever you do....   ;)

edit: oh yeah, happiy holidays merry xmas and all that jazz everyone - i'll be in the desert for the next few days, if i turn up missing call wylie coyote  ;)

[ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: mrfish ]

Offline Am0n

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« Reply #66 on: December 28, 2001, 07:44:00 AM »
Originally posted by Tah Gut:
LOL, I first thought about quitting when my 4 yr old daughter was talking to our nieghbor. He was bagging up his lawn clippings in a big hefty bag, when she told him her daddy put his grass in a little bag.

Kids are smarter than you think.

what are ya doing blazing infront of your kids ya banana!  :D

Offline Am0n

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« Reply #67 on: December 28, 2001, 08:05:00 AM »
HB i really has to disagree with your veiws. I can smoke grass and still funtion properly, may it be some dramatic occasion or just playing AH. Someone dies, if your stoned or not they are dead theres not much you can do there, stoned or sober. Seems like some people have problems getting high but not being a "stoner".

Some would feal you cannot be "serious" when high on pot, which i really disagree with.. once the novelty of being hi is disreguarded you stop acting and thinking like some hippie idiot.

I smoke pot everyday, i wont lie and say i use it in moderation either. I never come to work stoned, or go to my families stoned or even try to go out in public stoned, unless i need to but even then its not a big deal to me. I have the most borring job outta anyone you know, i can almost garauntee that, any network ADMIN should be able to vouch for me. Im a security server network admin so i have even LESS users to worry about then most.. and yet i still do not come to work stoned because i have R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-I-L-I-T-Y .

Someone who is so against pot smokers is more than like simply angry with them selves that they cannot function in society, stoned.

[ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: Am0n ]

Offline JAGED

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« Reply #68 on: December 28, 2001, 09:03:00 AM »
Anybody going to Amsterdam for the Cannabis Cup 2002 competition?
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Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #69 on: December 28, 2001, 09:26:00 AM »
Never did AmOn. Which added to my surprise.

Hang, thank you for sharing, I went through a similar experience with my oldest daughter. Suffice to say she is now living independently, going to college, bought a new car, and best of all came up to me about 2 months ago, gave me a big hug and told me how sorry she was for the pain and suffering. She has also become a great ally in raising her little sister.

Kinda made it all worth while.

Offline Am0n

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« Reply #70 on: December 28, 2001, 09:45:00 AM »
My veiw is, if someone knows your high, or knows you smoke pot in your own home, eg. your teenage son/daughter, with out your telling them, they smoke.

I didnt know my aunt smoked grass until i was 17 years old, and she watched me for my mother nearly every day growing up. We even found a joint she had stashed as kids and never knew what it was. She smoked the whole time i was growing up.. always wondered why they would all go hide in her room some nights when they were playing cards with friends over.    :)

She tells me stories of smoking with my mom and dad while i was growing up and i never knew that they did either. Maybe you should hide your stuff better, like hangtime pointed out about Sex, you dont have sex with your bedroom door wide open do you??

[ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: Am0n ]

Offline Eagler

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« Reply #71 on: December 28, 2001, 10:15:00 AM »
kids of parents who smoke dope, smoke dope earlier - fact.

the younger one starts to smoke dope, better chance of screwing up his/her life or limiting his/her life opportunities - fact.

<S> Hang and TahGut, glad it turned out ok in the end. For every story like yours, I'm afraid there are many who don't.
My little brother, wrapped his car around a tree - killing him and his roommate, leaving her 3 year old parentless - that's how his story ended...  
hey but don't worry, that can't happen to you. It always happens to the "other guy". I thought that to til I got the call at 2am ...

Party on Dudes !!

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Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #72 on: December 28, 2001, 10:19:00 AM »
Ok, She was 4 when this occurred (the talking to my neighbor thing), she was 8 when I quit altogether, and received custody of her and her little sister. I have not done any drugs (OK occasional beer, and 18 yr. old scotch) since Sept. 1990.

[ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: Tah Gut ]

Offline Am0n

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« Reply #73 on: December 28, 2001, 11:14:00 AM »
So if someone takes a gun and shoots someone with it, is it the guns fault?

Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #74 on: December 28, 2001, 11:45:00 AM »
No! Its that damn bullet!