Author Topic: Will the USA green up its act?  (Read 5656 times)

Offline mora

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Will the USA green up its act?
« Reply #150 on: December 14, 2005, 02:50:34 PM »
Not all euro countries have a higher population density than the US. Finland has a population density of 40 per square mile, and the US has 76 per square mile. The spread of the population doesn't actually raise energy consumption that much. The cool weather is a much bigger factor. We do have a well working public transportation system, so you can't really say that it's impossible to do. It just needs to be better controlled and more punctual than Greyhound. Again, it wouldn't do that much good if everyone would switch to public transportation. The effect on total CO2 emissions would likely be around 5%.

Offline Rotax447

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Will the USA green up its act?
« Reply #151 on: December 14, 2005, 02:51:49 PM »

Wonder of wonders, I agree with you again.  Placing solar attenuators in orbit is BS, because they would probably work too well!  The largest contributor to global warming is not CO2, methane, or water vapor; it is UV radiation from the sun.  Block that, and we would have icebergs forming  in the South Pacific.  You have passed the second reality check I threw at you with flying colors:-)

Moving back to the first reality check.  Pick up your pen and paper.  Write to your MP and EU representative, and tell them to stop this nonsense of adding ethanol to gasoline.  If they what to subsidize European farmers, or Brazilian farmers, fine, but at least tell them to call it what it is.  Take the corn, sugar, or whatever the crop de jour is, and ship it to Africa where it can at least feed people.   If you want to do something really useful, lobby your representatives to put pressure on the Brazilians.

Do not expect Americans to lower their standard of living over a little global warming.  When England starts slipping back into the azure waves, well, maybe we will think about it.  For now, the biomass (North American biomass alone increased by 30% since 1950) knows (The Gaia effect?) that there is surplus CO2 in the atmosphere, and the biomass is growing like a weed to absorb it.

No one knows when, or even if, the Greenland or Antarctic ice shelves will melt.  Nature has this funny way of regulating itself.  Even if they do melt, it would not be the first time, and it sure won't be the last.  Personally, I am far more concerned about being hit by a random chunk of rock, or ice, whizzing through the solar system.

All in all this has been a good thread with a lot of useful information.  Perhaps your care to start one on religion or politics next:-)

Offline mora

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Will the USA green up its act?
« Reply #152 on: December 14, 2005, 02:53:18 PM »
Originally posted by Skilless
The view from my livingroom window.

Nice truck! Is it yours?

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Will the USA green up its act?
« Reply #153 on: December 14, 2005, 02:59:17 PM »
Originally posted by mora
Nice truck! Is it yours?

It's an old pos we use to haul brush in the summer and plow snow in the winter (used to, hireit done now).

Offline Rotax447

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Will the USA green up its act?
« Reply #154 on: December 14, 2005, 07:12:31 PM »

Since you started this thread, I guess it is only fitting that I give you the news that will render this thread, moot.  First, let me explain to you how physics works.   You presented  me with a problem.  You have this ball which is absorbing short wavelength UV radiation.  As the ball heats up, it will emit long wavelength IR, radiation.  At some point, the ball will reach a state of thermal equilibrium, and the temperature of the ball will remain constant.

Then, you threw a sabot (sorry straffo:-) into the works.  The ball is surrounded by an ever increasing CO2 gas, which is blocking a portion of the IR energy.  The surface of the ball is heating up.  What to do?

Physics 101.  Build a small shack or shanty in your backyard.  Place glass panels on the roof.  Glass will pass UV radiation, and block IR radiation, so it acts in exactly the same manner as atmospheric CO2.  Put one thermometer on the wall inside the shack, and one thermometer on the wall outside the shack.  Wait a few hours after the sun comes and read the thermometers.  You notice that the temperature inside the shack is higher than the temperature outside the shack.  What to do?

Remove a few of the glass panels on the roof .  Wait a few hours and take another reading.  Great!  The temperature in the shack has come down.  You now realize that if you reduce the CO2 gas surrounding the ball, you will achieve the same effect.  But wait, we are doing physics, not politics here remember, so is this the only way to lower the temperature?

You have noticed that at night, the temperature between the inside, and the outside of the shack is the same.  The next day you replace glass panels on the roof, wait a few hours after the sun comes up, and take another reading.  Sure enough, it is hotter inside the shack than outside the shack.  You place a large, picnic, umbrella over the roof, wait and few more hours, and take another reading.  Great!  The temperature in the shack has once again come down.

I gave you one solution, plant more trees to absorb the CO2.  You said there was not enough time for the saplings to mature.  Yet, you claim that if the Americans simply cut their greenhouse emissions, we can save the planet.  Is that claim based on physics, or on politics?

I gave you another solution.  Block some of  the incoming UV radiation.  This is perfectly valid physics, but for someone with an agenda, it is really bad politics.  Your response was to laugh and laugh, and then float a a large BS sign.  I wonder why Beetle ... physics, or politics?  My concern was that it would cool down the planet too much ... and what was the cause for your hysteria?

Let me give you some real good physics here Beetle.  Place a 1000km concave Fresnel lens, that is a few mm thick, at the Lagrange 1 point  between the earth and the sun.  Spin the  lens to keep it rigid.  Every twenty days or so, give it a slight nudge, since the solar wind will tend to push it away from L1.  NASA engineers said it will cost about ten billion dollars to build, and another ten billion to maintain over the life of the lens.   The reduction in solar energy will be about 1%, more than enough to offset any increase in CO2 emissions.  Yes, Beetle, you can google this one.

I don't know what scam you Greens are going to dream up next, but I am sure it will be fun to watch.  As far a global warming goes, well, as your lawyer friend Bill Clinton would say, it is moot.  If anyone asks me about global warming, I am going to point to the Fresnel lens.  Feeling a bit warm, then take ten billion Euros out of your economy, and build the lens.  Meanwhile, leave my economy, and my SUV alone.

Adios Beetle, see you in the next thread:-)


Offline Simaril

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Will the USA green up its act?
« Reply #155 on: December 14, 2005, 07:16:33 PM »
Thanks, Rotax, and welcome to the OC. You're a delightful addition to the mix.
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Wisdom is realizing I will be an idiot in the future.
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Offline moot

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Will the USA green up its act?
« Reply #156 on: December 14, 2005, 07:31:04 PM »
I dunno how beetle didn't see that one coming.
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Offline Rotax447

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Will the USA green up its act?
« Reply #157 on: December 14, 2005, 07:32:23 PM »
Originally posted by Simaril
Thanks, Rotax, and welcome to the OC. You're a delightful addition to the mix.

Thank you sir, I do enjoy the company.


Yes Beetle , that includes you:-)

Offline moot

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off topic question
« Reply #158 on: December 14, 2005, 07:42:25 PM »
Is that after the same Rotax that makes engines for Aprilia, or is it a different company?
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you

Offline Gh0stFT

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Will the USA green up its act?
« Reply #159 on: December 14, 2005, 07:45:43 PM »
Originally posted by Rotax447
I am going to point to the Fresnel lens.  Feeling a bit warm, then take ten billion Euros out of your economy, and build the lens.

sorry but LOL LOL, do you know  how large this fresnel lens would be?
i doubt any company today on earth can build such a huge thing.
Its simply not possible, maybe in some dreams.
The statement below is true.
The statement above is false.

Offline Rotax447

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Will the USA green up its act?
« Reply #160 on: December 14, 2005, 08:08:08 PM »
Originally posted by Gh0stFT
sorry but LOL LOL, do you know  how large this fresnel lens would be?
i doubt any company today on earth can build such a huge thing.
Its simply not possible, maybe in some dreams.

Yes, I know how large it would be, and if you had bothered to read the post, you would know too.  Guess what, it does not need to be built in one really, really, big piece.  It can be built using a marvelous trick of American engineering called ... segments!

And you are so, so right.  No company in Europe could build it, because the Greens would burn the plant down to the ground

Sigh, I can see already that once again, the American are going to have to save the European oh so toasty little behinds, by building it ourselves.

Oh yes, Thomas Edison had a dream; he was an American.  The Wright brothers had a dream; they were Americans.  Robert Noyce had a dream, and you are typing this message on his dream; he was an American.  It must be really sad to live in countries where people no longer dream.

BTW, are those really LOL coming from our Green cousins; sounds an awful lot like SOS to me.

Offline Rotax447

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Re: off topic question
« Reply #161 on: December 14, 2005, 08:18:19 PM »
Originally posted by moot
Is that after the same Rotax that makes engines for Aprilia, or is it a different company?

Kind of an inside joke among my squaddies.  The 447 is the smallest engine that Rotax currently builds.  I always said that when we received the P-47N, I would change it to Rotax912.

Offline beet1e

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Will the USA green up its act?
« Reply #162 on: December 14, 2005, 08:21:09 PM »
ROFL Rotax-  all that wall of text, from a silly grin. :rofl

Offline Rotax447

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Will the USA green up its act?
« Reply #163 on: December 14, 2005, 08:53:54 PM »
Originally posted by beet1e
ROFL Rotax-  all that wall of text, from a silly grin. :rofl

They say ignorance is bliss, Beetle, I guess that is true.  I think it is a pity that you can't comprehend what that text means.

Offline Masherbrum

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Will the USA green up its act?
« Reply #164 on: December 14, 2005, 10:00:19 PM »
Originally posted by beet1e
ROFL Rotax-  all that wall of text, from a silly grin. :rofl

Beetle, I read your great wall of china text in this thread.  However, I saw the angle with which were gonna take it.  Hook, Line and Sinker.

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