"Why do people always want everyone else to do their homework for them?
One word. Google.
Look man, I found you pictures, told you what inflicted the damage. If you dont like it, or dont beleive me, that's too dam bad. I honestly dont care. But when I see some dork saying that a bomb dropped near a tank, not on, but near a tank did nothing to the tank OR the crew inside it, it just irks me... Stupidity irks me. And I have no self control when it comes to keeping my mouth shut and not telling them how stupid they really sound. "
Hummm, seems to me that I have stated that I have looked and been unable to find a particular article. Google? What a concept. As for believe you or not? Morpheus I asked because I was interested. And if you would read my post about the bomb "near" the tank, is stated that the it would be effected but not the way people were suggesting. I read the comments as they would be killed by the shockwave. If that is in error, correct me. If you can't do this without feeling offended and trying to belittle me, I am sorry.
I don't know what your background is, obvously not a teacher, but you also do not know mine. I would like to know more about this, that is why I posted. And I tried to add input from my experiences. As with the rest of us, I was never in a Tiger that had a bomb dropped on or near me.
Direct hit OK, flipped crew could survive. Fix? Not a problem with uber AHII supplie Box.
Do you have any idea of the forces inficted on not only the tank, but to the crew inside? Again, better go do your homework."
I am curious what the forces infliced by falling off an 11,000 foot mountain are? Those uber supplies fix that just fine. Homework? This forum is a form of learning . . . . except for some.