Author Topic: Freedom  (Read 1049 times)

Offline Sandman

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« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2001, 12:01:00 AM »
Originally posted by Tyro48:
Rocky Mountain National Park #36 bud.

The U.N. has no business being involved in or on U.S. soil, we had and have done just fine with out them, how ever if you couple this with what is mentioned in the first web site I pointed out you might see a connection, in between 1928-1933 secret meetings were held in Geneva, where the U.S. was declared bankrupt and insolvent, re-read that web site and all the side bars it brings up, look into the footnote supports.

It's #36 on the Quinn and Rose whack job site.

Information on UNESCO Biosphere reserves can be found at:

Information on UNESCO World Heritage Sites can be found at:

As far as I can tell, the U.S. is (or has been) paying money into this fund, not taking money out of it.

Still don't see the big deal. Having other countries concerned with what we do to the forests in the U.S. is no different than our own people getting all in a bunch over the deforestation of the Amazon wilderness.

I think it's an attempt to look at the world as an entire eco-system and to realize that what we do to our forests and what other countries do to their own may have consequences beyond national boundaries.

Offline Tyro48

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« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2001, 12:50:00 AM »
Check out

Several things wrong with this little setup:
did we the people get to make any input on this? nope

Yellowstone is setting up the buffer zone as suggested by the U.N. , caused a mine to be shut down, owner-operater had a chance to recover over 650 million in gold he got bought of with 65 million 25 million he has to use for clean-up.

Is the clean up a good idea, most likely it is. Is having the U.N. direct what goes on in OUR national park a good idea no damn way.

You like your independance or you don't not much room for a gray area here.

The U.N. wants Yellowstone to become a scientific study area and severly restricting the area and access to it, that pisses me off! It's our national park not the gawd damn U.N.'s

The mine situation suggests what will happen to personal propert if it's in an area that gets designated a Biosphere, even with eminate domain you get fair market value, the owners of the mine so to speak got shafted!

Guess Woody Guthery (sp?) was wrong when he penned This land is our land, he couldn't have seen this coming and most folks standing around saying oh yeah this is a good thing!

Most of this has been done be executive order which by-passes congress and therefore you dont have any say, exactly how the folks in Utah lost one of their coal areas. Excutive orders themselves are suspect, Preseidents weren't every supposed to have powers this broad just for this very reason, laws were to be takin care of by the judicial, now we have our Presidents "Inviting" the U.N. into our presence to help us out! Sweet Jesus how many gawd damn agencys we have to take care of this sort of thing and now we need the U.N.? You mean to tell me a country that has accomplished what we have in 200 yrs. needs the U.N. to "make suggestions" as to how we handle our National Parks?

You see it as a good idea, I don't things were going just fine, therefore we don't need the U.N. involved unless of course they really do control all that happens in America and we don't have any say, as the situation stands it appears that is exactly what is happening and it starts quietly in little bits and pieces until we're at a point we're just left with our mouth open wondering what happened! We donnn need no stinking Biospheres!

Hand the U.N. their collective baggage and kick em the hell outta here, let em go set up shop somewhere else and lets keep our freedom and independence and decide our own fate!

What thinkest the rest of you?

Offline Raubvogel

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« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2001, 12:58:00 AM »
Wow, sounds like you need to dig a bunker in your backyard and start stockpiling ammunition.  :rolleyes:

Offline eagl

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« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2001, 01:12:00 AM »
Plenty of ways to protest, civil disobediance being one of the best...  Organize a few hundred unarmed people to walk through the entry gate of a national forest without paying their damned access fee.  Roller skate up a park road without paying a vehicle access fee.  Hike into a national forest without using an access road, and pitch a tent.  When the forest rangers show up, make them haul you out.  When you get out of jail, go back and do it again.  Make sure you videotape the whole thing (better yet, have someone else videotape it but have him run away before getting tossed in jail) and send the tape to CNN and the Fox news network.  

In California, it now costs $5/day to drive a vehicle on roads through federal land that are already existing and maintained through funds appropriated from other sources for very good reasons (fire roads, etc).  The rangers and BLM officers seem to agree that it's a BS law as enforcement seems to be spotty and dependent on if you hassle the officer or are a good sport about things.  Civil disobedience is the way to go especially when it concerns non-destructive access to public resources.

One of the only places where I'd recommend against this is in California where they banned firearms from all parks at the same time that the local mountain lion population recovered and surged well past what the region can handle.  Carry in a gun and you're an instant felon, go in unarmed and risk being cougar food.  They're finding more and more pissed off and hungry mountain lions in residential areas, so you can imagine how hungry they must be in the parks to be driven into town to get food.  I've seen pictures of some hikers that got attacked, and my Dad (a retired highway patrol officer) had to deal with a wounded mountain lion wandering on a highway in town.  But in any other case (heh), a few hundred people quietly breaking the rules over and over can sure make the politicians rethink their position.

Oh yes, reading the next line is a violation of the DMCA, so read on and civilly disobey  ;)  Consider this a copyright notice of the next line and by law, you can only legally read it with my $500 decoder mirror.

!detpyrcne si ti siht dear t'noD
Everyone I know, goes away, in the end.

Offline Tyro48

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« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2001, 01:42:00 AM »
Nope Raub not the case at all you've misread it bud, don't own any firearms at all dont have a grudge against anyone that does either, point is Rockefeller shafted us all and we need to do somethin about it, I'm not sure what but puttin it out there for a collective mind to chew on is a good thing, in the case of the U.N. they are nothing more than the biggest "were from the government and were here to help you" oranization there is, the "bud" if you will of the "New World Order" "One World Government" thousand points of light crap etc. what ever your favorite sound bite is.

Don't need a bunker and the ammunition would be useless here, ideas, points of discussion are whats important, making others aware that they might want to look at a few things is always good.

I'm not paraniod I know there out to get me <G>

Jefferson was right when he said bankers are dangerous!
