i saw one of those college protests at san francisco state...it was in front of the "ceasar chavez student center" which is located at the far end of "malcom x plaza" no kidding.
most of the people out there were protesting as a sort of accessory for their look.
in other words they had the white boy dreadlocks, the pachouli oil and the tye die dad bought for them in an attempt to be cool last visitation weekend, so what else will you do but protest?
around town the counter-protestors were just as boring and predictable.
it's like everyone gets a program for their head called liberal 1.0 or conservative 1.0 and just gets updates throughout their lives.
that's why everyone spits out the same tired garbage.....everytime a war comes around, regardless of the circumstances, liberals will be out there protesting because they think they are supposed to.
likewise conservatives will be keeping gmc in business and coming up with tear-jerking, earthy, tough-sounding one-liners like "a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do..." <you gotta kinda shuffle and get that 1000 yd stare when you say that for maximum impact btw>
imagine a conservative who opposed a war for good reasons and went to protest....or a liberal who felt war was just! it's rare because everyone is so typecast.
we're really a nation of tired archetypes...