to get my kid out of the local crap junior high (basically a holding facility until the kids can be moved to the Oregon state pen), we had to put him into one of those 'everybody's a winner' work at your own pace schools.
it worked out well because they allowed him to work above his grade level in many subjects but the social aspect was just terrible. subjects like 'power walking' and 'non-competitive athletics' as PE electives weren't too great either. a kid that pitches for his LL team and boxed since he was 6 can barely say non-competitive, let alone understand it. "if we don't have a winner how do I prove I'm better than you?"
at one point I had to have a meeting with the principle because they wanted to put him back into the other school because he didn't fit in with the non-competitive aspect of the school.
I wish I had a pic of the look on the principles face when I told him I had it handled and it wouldn't be a problem, then turned to my son and said "Look, your mom went to a lot of work to get you into this school, you only have to the end of this year and you are going to make it work, you are not going to waste the time and effort she put into this.
they want you to be non-competitive, thats the way the game works here, and you are going to do it. I expect you to be the most non-competitive kid at this school for the rest of this year. I'd appreciate not having to hear of anyone being better at it than you. do we have a problem?"
"no problem, these kids can't beat me at anything."
"good", then to the principle "problem solved. does that work for you?"
he really couldn't think of anything to say, he just nodded and we wrapped up the meeting.