Originally posted by BlauK
Dred, the frames seem to be correct when viewed from outside. Simply scaling them would ruin the outlooks
The solution is not difficult though. It is just moving the other side of one polygon a bit and defining another polygon as 1-sided instead of 2-sided. Possibly that latter polygon could be divided as two separate polygons.
This same 1-sided polygon thing has been used in the new P-51 model already... there is really nothing to it
Most of the above discussion is really only to prove that the 109 deserves a wider view in the front windshiled.
Wouldnt the outside art be created seperate from the inside art?
I fail to see what the art on one has to do with the other.
Leave the outside art the same if that looks correct. and it probably is correct on the outside
The problem is that inside is incorrect. And in my mind there is absolutely no doubt it is incorrect. Both in the placement of the uprights, and the gun hubs.
And the view from the inside is the most important part.
Veiwing the planes from the outside is mere eye candy while being able to see from the inside can dramatically effect gameplay.
Personally outside of the position of the uprights (to the right and left) the angle and view of the depth is probably off a tad as well.
And those uprights either need to be twisted slightly to the left and right. If you loook closely at the uprights in the RL pick you can see they are very slightly angled outward and not perfectly square to the pilot.
Also they are probably tapered slightly outwards to accomidate the fitting of the glass.
On thinking about it We are assuming that those uprights from inside to out are at perfect 90 degree angles when they were probably tapered a bit being narrower inside then out otherwise installing,removing and replacing the glass would be a real PIA particularly considering its thickness.
Meaning that if we were looking at a cutaway of the right upright and down on it instead of front to back it would probably not look like
l but more like this
/ (only slightly less dramatic)
They would be more narrow on the inside then the out to prevent the glass from being blown back into the cockpit and would also provide more support for the glass over a wider area then if it were perfectly square being more wedgelike then peglike