Author Topic: US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now  (Read 2699 times)

Offline miko2d

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2001, 11:03:00 AM »
Originally posted by bike killa:
let me ask you a question...who (what nation representatives) have biggest accounts in US banks? or maybe owe US banks?    
let's say that i'm interested in it...

 We know the answer to that question.
 Would you venture an opinion why jews are disproportionately rich in US and many other countries?
 Would you like me to offer my explanation? I have a good one IMO.

 The israeli society are as divided as any other. They have plenty of people who argue for building a "Berlin Wall" and not letting palestinians work in israel or enter it altogether.
 It would not solve the problem of shelling from palestinian territories and Lebanon, but  it would help a lot with suicide bombers and other terrorists in Israel itself.
 Despite refugee palestinians living in arab countries for decades, those do not give them citizenships because they need desperate homless people fighting Israel for them.


[This message has been edited by miko2d (edited 04-18-2001).]

Offline Cabby

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #31 on: April 18, 2001, 12:24:00 PM »

Of course i don't think all German's are Nazis.  I'm of German extraction myself. Big deal.

AFAIK, the use of German troops in Yugoslavia is the first time i had seen the  Cross in action outside of Germany since WWII.  To allegedly stop "Ethnic Cleansing" no less.  To me, that is extremely newsworthy.  And if you think the Serbs watching German armored vehicles roll by in their homeland and the thought "Nazis" didn't cross these people's minds........

As for "Union Jack" vs. "Union Flag" i can't tell the difference.  How about i just call it by it's old Imperialist name:  "The Bloody Rag"......

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Offline Ram1

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2001, 12:54:00 PM »
I don't know the answer, and I think this is a pretty anti-semitic path you are heading down, you sure you want to go there?

In fact I find alot of the tone in this post to be borderline anti-semitic and am surprised by some of the posters, guys I thought would know better and who I have flown with and still do in some cases. I guess its good to know where some of you stand.


Originally posted by miko2d:
  We know the answer to that question.
 Would you venture an opinion why jews are disproportionately rich in US and many other countries?
 Would you like me to offer my explanation? I have a good one IMO.

Offline Fishu

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2001, 01:51:00 PM »
Originally posted by cabby:

Of course i don't think all German's are Nazis.  I'm of German extraction myself. Big deal.

AFAIK, the use of German troops in Yugoslavia is the first time i had seen the  Cross in action outside of Germany since WWII.  To allegedly stop "Ethnic Cleansing" no less.  To me, that is extremely newsworthy.  And if you think the Serbs watching German armored vehicles roll by in their homeland and the thought "Nazis" didn't cross these people's minds........

As for "Union Jack" vs. "Union Flag" i can't tell the difference.  How about i just call it by it's old Imperialist name:  "The Bloody Rag"......


People are way over reacting on such things..
Too many people thinks FAF insignia 1918-1945 as nazi swastika, even though only its generic shape is same, but otherwise in different angle and color.

Offline miko2d

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2001, 03:04:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ram1:
I don't know the answer, and I think this is a pretty anti-semitic path you are heading down, you sure you want to go there?

In fact I find alot of the tone in this post to be borderline anti-semitic and am surprised by some of the posters, guys I thought would know better and who I have flown with and still do in some cases. I guess its good to know where some of you stand.


Originally posted by miko2d:
  We know the answer to that question.
 Would you venture an opinion why jews are disproportionately rich in US and many other countries?
 Would you like me to offer my explanation? I have a good one IMO.

 I am surprised you had that impression from my post, Ram1.
 I was actually offering to post quite rational (as it seems to myself) and definitely not anti-jewish explanation. I just wanted to see if there is any interest in it and what is his version, if any.

 Most people are very ignorant about jews other then the perceived disparities of income and influence. Those are quite real in most cases - it's just that there is a completely reasonable explanation for them - not the "world conspiracy", a different one.


Offline Dowding

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2001, 04:24:00 PM »

So your point is what exactly? It was carried at the time on the reports I saw and read, but I guess most people think the world has turned.

And if you think the Serbs watching German armored vehicles roll by in their homeland and the thought "Nazis" didn't cross these people's minds........

To be frank, many of them were thinking far worse thoughts than that. Some of those thoughts translated into actions; take Srebrenica as an example.

As for "Union Jack" vs. "Union Flag" i can't tell the difference. How about i just call it by it's old Imperialist name: "The Bloody Rag"......

Call it what you like, it really wouldn't bother me one iota. But ignorance is such an ugly trait and it's a shame you display it like a Palestinian waving a kerosene doused "'Old' Glory".

[This message has been edited by Dowding (edited 04-18-2001).]
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Offline leonid

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #36 on: April 19, 2001, 11:19:00 AM »
I find it sadly ironic that what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians is pretty much what the Nazis did to the Jews.  Another case of 'doomed to repeat history once again."
ingame: Raz

Offline Ripsnort

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2001, 11:27:00 AM »
Originally posted by leonid:
I find it sadly ironic that what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians is pretty much what the Nazis did to the Jews.  Another case of 'doomed to repeat history once again."

At what point does one meet his tolerance?  At the point where your 12 yr olds are waiting at a bus stop for school in the morning, and another 12 yr. old who is Palestian walks up and detonates a small bomb...then the local police knock at your door and ask if you can come and identify your child by any indentifying birthmarks that may be intact on the lump of flesh they have at the morgue?

At what point do we all say "Enough is enough!"???

Offline Toad

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #38 on: April 19, 2001, 11:33:00 AM »
Originally posted by leonid:
I find it sadly ironic that what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians is pretty much what the Nazis did to the Jews.  Another case of 'doomed to repeat history once again."

...and the Palestinians are doing to the Israelis pretty much what the Jews did to the Nazis?

Point to Ripsnort.

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Offline Eagler

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #39 on: April 19, 2001, 11:41:00 AM »
Originally posted by leonid:
I find it sadly ironic that what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians is pretty much what the Nazis did to the Jews.  Another case of 'doomed to repeat history once again."

I don't see any death camps with ovens burning 24/7. Think you are exaggerating the Palestine side leonid. DO you think the Israelites would continue their attacks if the Palestine ceased theirs? I do not. Did the Jews attack the Nazis - Nope. Full of holes, your comparison.

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Offline mrfish

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #40 on: April 19, 2001, 01:51:00 PM »
Originally posted by Eagler:
Can't recall the last time an Israelite blew up a bus full of women and children via a suicide nutcase bomber, can you? Who's the bigger animal?

wow eagler, somewhere a news executive is clapping. you have the exact response you've been trained to have. isreal good and innocent, palestinians bad ugly smelly and evil.  please chuck norris come save us!

i didnt hear you mention their frequent rocket attacks against political enemies and yes they have cut short many palestinian children's lives. a recent demonstration in san francisco laid out some 200 coffins, each with the picture of a slaughtered palestinian innocent. so yes, talking to real live palestinians and seeing the faces of their dead childre i do think the israelis are animals.that isn't on cnn very often though is it? you are always to be counted on to have the mass media opinion though so im not surprised.

if you want to educate yourself past the reactionary level, and think twice about what the government is spoonfeeding you, you could start by reading the palestinian news and there is a great book by ahron bregman (a jew) and jihan el-tahri called 'israel and the arabs' which is informative. it works toward peace but descriobes how the jews stole israel from the palestinians and how they went from owning 8% of the land with a population equalling 1/3 of the total to owning 50% of the land - stealing it from the rightful owners. also how they bribed united nations votes and rejected a resolution wherin both sides would have equal representation - kinda like errrr i dont know... our govt? why did the us vote to give total control to the jews and not a rep system when our country is founded on those principals? as one dedicated to freedom and not prone to suckle knowledge from the teat of the media i have serious concerns about that decision.

by the way eagler, the seminoles want florida back and even though they make up a small minority, they are going to live where your house is. you and your family will have to move to the trailer park side of jacksonville and they will  make the laws and if you dont follow them you will be executed or jailed - no trial necessary. but youve been there for years what abouyt your jib and your family...?if you dont like it tough they are in charge now. you offer a deal wherin you propose splitting control equally over the whole land instead of splitting it up but the seminoles have big backing and they dont like you having any power.

they have a huge country with supporting them so dont bother resistance. oddly the huge country's population is also only 2% seminole but they seem to have disporportionately high amounts of seminoles in positions within the media and big business, sciencce and government.

you see tampa is actually the seminole 'promised land' so you really have no claim to it. the seminoles have been persecuted elsewhere so you have every moral right to move so they can have a pl;ace of their own. of course states like alabama and georgia and mississippi will be sympathetic and try to support you. the brave lone seminoles will have to fight "a war of survival" because of the inherently agressive nature of those states (i mean reallly dont they understand its the seminole promised land? why are they trying to help you get your land and home back - animals?) if you resist you will slandered by the big county's media and negatively protrayed in films. daily, the news will reaffirm your lowly devilish status and people will loathe you. so get packin after all fair is fair right?

Offline Eagler

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2001, 02:38:00 PM »
thanks for the comparison. some days I'd give this hot humid bug filled now waterless state right back to the Seminoles. Don't know if I could resort to blowing up a bus load of Seminole women and children or have my child throwing rocks or gas bombs at soldiers with tanks and guns unless I didn't care if he lived or died.
both sides have blood on their hands. The Israelis are not innocent nor have I ever stated such. But if the Palestine have been "conquered" they should act as such or expect the consequences. So are you telling me the only reason the Palestine and the rest of the Arab world hates America is because we support Israel? Don't believe it. THey hate us to hate something and we are an easy target we have and they have not. With that amount of hate towards the US in that region of the world, I'll support Israel before I side with terrorists.

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Offline miko2d

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #42 on: April 19, 2001, 05:37:00 PM »
 There was never a question of jews and palestinians living in a common state. Why would jews want to live in a fundamentalist islamic state?
 Equal representation? Why would palestinians and many other arab regimes not want to exterminate jews if they lived in the state with equal representation?
 Even if that did work, have you compared the birth rates? How long would the equal representation last before judaism was outlawed?
 Last time palestinians has a slight disagreement with one of their main supporters, they tried to murder him and grab his country - remember what heppened in Jordan?

 The UN decided to create two states. Once british withdew, arabs attacked first and have kept at it since. If they hadn't, the palestinians would have had their state and Israel would have been much smaller now.
 No arab country helps palestinians - they are not welcome anywhere and they are not granted citizenships even if they were born there and lived 30 years.


Offline mrfish

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #43 on: April 19, 2001, 06:26:00 PM »
well hmmm - i know you are an israeli supporter through your many posts praising israeli's and how kind they are - family maybe? - i have to disagree with you however on the facts.

earnest bevin, the british foreign sec. decided to leave the decision up to the united nations - declaring that the uk had no power to give palestine to the jews.

they offered 2 proposals:

1. a partitioned state, equally jew and arab. this proposal was favored by the jews and rejected by the arabs. which isnt suprising considering they owned 92% of the land. why would they give up 42% of their homeland?

2. was a unified state - it was in fact proposed - ask some of your people who lobbied against it. it would be one state providing proportional democratic representation for each of the indigenous groups (christian, moslem, hindu, jew). sound familiar? kinda like....errr....i dont know...the u.s.? this of course was rejected by the jews - they wanted to boot the existing palestinians - plain and simple.

a UNSCOP committee, headed by swedish judge emil sandstrom met to consider the matter. remember this was up to the united nations (about 1 yr old at the time) and not britain who decided to no longer administer the san remo treated and announced their withdrawal in '48 regardless.

on nov 27th the UN met to vote - the arabs had a majority of votes at that time, but the vote was delayed due to thanksgiving in the US. the jews used this time to shamelessly bribe, threaten and coerce anyone they could.

-     for example: robert nathan, one of many rich and influential american corporate destroyers threatened to round up other business jews and boycott people like harvey firestone who had huge rubber plantations in places like liberia and brazil unless he used his influence to sway the vote. liberia changed their vote at the 11th hour - imagine that....

-     26 us senators who were major recipients of jewish campaign contributions pressured the phillipines threatening to withhold US credit if they didnt change their vote.guess what.....

-     jewish organizations produced a 5 million dollar loan from old quiet jew money in the states to bribe haiti

-     prince wan of thailand, feeling pressured and threatened by jews left the country to avoid voting - another former yes vote gone....

and this is only the 1st stage! they only get more ruthless form here!

i could go on and on but at the risk of disgusting a nation any further i'll stop. i invite everyone to check it out. this only came up once in my education history, my 10th grade history teacher, mr feinberg, didnt spend much time on this subject.just long enough to villify the arab and sanctify the jews.

the media and you mikod would have the israelis planting flowers and kissing babies. i however sympathize with an indigenous people who were swindled from their home. americans wouldnt stand for it - how can we support our governments advocacy of a nation of bandits?

i saw a commercial form an org. called 'wings of eagles'. a guy was standing in a memorial orchard in israel. each tree was planted to honor a non-jew who helped them  through their persecution. he thanked the people who freed them in wwii but asked the audience why there were not more? why more non-jews hadnt helped? he insuated that they should feel guilty about that and then send $350-$1000 to them to fly a jew from russia to israel. the ad was meant to appeal to guilty christians - he stated that russian jews might be subject to religious persecution and in need of immediate help -

why not ask the exceedingly wealthy american jew community? why hit up christians to save your people? wasnt cutting the lock at dachau and aushwitz enough? wasnt sending thousands of american to die on the beaches of normandy enough sacrifice? many heartbroken and wives mothers in the 40's thought so.

where is the support for the kurds or armenians? the kurds are the largest ethnicity without a homeland. why dont we partition turkey and iraq and get them started? i mean they are being just as persecuted as the jews - why isnt this a big deal to us? it is a matter of perspective thats why - there arent nearly as many influential kurds pulling favors and muscling people around.

opinions can be tainted and easily manipulated in a nation of overfed sheep but the facts will always be a matter of record.someday the facts will come to bear and the israelis will get what's coming to them......

Offline StSanta

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #44 on: April 19, 2001, 11:57:00 PM »
"Israelis" have already gotten what's coming to them. Several times through history.

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