Ding, I don't see it as the Euros and Japanese ganging up on the Americans.
I see it as the Americans not wanting to take part in an agreement.
For once, the US big muscles won't beat other countries into submission. The US is quite isolated in its approach to dealing with by not dealing with unhealthy emissions.
It's important that the US economy doesn't slow down. It's equally important that the EU one, which is of comparative size doesn't either. Or the Asian one which is sizeable as well.
It's also very important that we do not screw ourselves on the long term by thinking short term.
So, the biggest polluter in the world does not want to take part - well, if the current countries do, it still means significantly lower emissions.
Twice as much polluting as the EU - and you do not produce *that* more goods and services in the US
For me, this isn't a "world vs US" or anything relating to countries in that effect. It's simply dealing with the side effects of pollution, and unfortunately this has to be done across borders.