Author Topic: Enough!!!!!  (Read 2887 times)

Offline Razor

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« on: December 16, 2000, 09:19:00 PM »
Look....I left AirWarpier because it was a hacked piece of trash and the Gamestorm staff didn't give a flying **** what their customers wanted. Mage lied to a whole lotta folks, and some right to their face at the con. So heres the deal and don't roadkill me. Has this game been hacked? The things I've seen happen lead me to believe it has. I'm not talking about the inherent delays and other anomalies that are expected with an online sim. I'm talking about a P-51(the one that is SUPPOSED to have 6 50cal's) which can shoot down a LANC with 2 pings. This happened to others besides myself. I've not been able to accomplish this amazing feat. I zoomed a LANC with a Tiffie 3 times and the thing still flew. Oh sure it was smoking,big deal, but when the pony can pop one in 1 pass I expect a little more out of the tiffies guns. And now the GV's..are the Panzers in this game equipped with laser range finders and computer controlled fire systems? No??? Could've fooled me. I can't count the number of times I've been hit from extreme range while travelling at top speed. I've used the F3 view to watch the shells pass over me and STILL I took hits. Every time I get hit in an Osti the guns always go first...always. One more gun. Why is that the fuel tank never springs a leak, or the tracks come off, or the engine dies,or ANYTHING but the main ******* gun?!?!? I've read the boards and try to keep up with the latest. I have spent a LOT of time in the training arena and played a lot offline before starting. I also read a lot of WW2 tech stuff. This is a sim oriented around the war machines of that period. So lets go back and review...6 50's kill a LANC 2 way in hell. And don't give me this shot the pilot crap either,the guy came in high 6. Panzer hits a moving target at a distance of 2k first shot...again, no way in hell. As I understand it 2k represents 2000 yards which is 5000 feet, which is 280 feet short of a mile. Still think its possible? First shot?
So again I ask...has this game been hacked? Have there been people caught and kicked out? I really want to know. The monthly fee may not be a lot of money but I still expect a flight sim to at least come close to real where the flight and damage models are concerned. That includes the laws of physics as well. For the most part this sim does and its the best one I have played so far. But if its been hacked I'd like to know. That way I can cancel my account,save 30 bucks a month and finish remodeling my house way ahead of schedule. I'll wait for the next sim and try it. Skidog out.

Offline rosco-

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« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2000, 09:44:00 PM »
 Man you need to go into a dark room and lie down for an hour or so!

 Ack pinged me once tonight and killed me.
 Chog pinged me once tonight and killed me.
 Had a jug warp clear off my monitor.
 Had an ostwind ping me once and killed me..14 or 15 times.

  Now i attribute it all to the over taxed, piddly connection to the internet that is mine, and the nature of the internet in general. (cept the ostweenies and chogs as they are "features"   I am willing to bet that  90% of my 1 ping deaths looked rather different on the other guys fe.

 Being a layed back kind of person i can take all this in stride and still have fun. Learn from my example, quit or give yourself an ulcer, as it isnt much different than any other online flight sim.


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« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2000, 09:56:00 PM »

I can answer one of your questions. When you see a round from a PZR come at you, the reason it passes overhead is that the AH engine models shots funny.. basically, wherever the gun is pointed, the round will go. And it's an estimation, too. (dinger, you explained this to me during AK) So, when you see a PZR firing at you, you'd better fire back and range his bellybutton quickly.

The ground war is always exciting..

Offline wolf37

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« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2000, 10:02:00 PM »

yes there has been people that have hacked in and been caught and given the boot. and yes I am sure there are a few people that have hacked in and made very monor changes so it is not easy to spot them. but no matter what kind of online sim you play. there will be those low life gutter slugde losers that will hack in and make changes do to the fact they are so pathetic they have to cheat to win.
If you feel you would be better off leaving aces high in hopes of a online sim that nobdy hacks into, well good luck to you in your search. and if you should find such a game, please let the rest of us know so we can decide if we would like to move over.
Now I am not sure if this sounds a little bit like im been a jerk, I am not trying to be. It is the problem with all online sim games that there will be hackers.  they ruin it for everybody, now HTC is trying to find them and then they can boot them. If you decide to stay, film all your sorties and if you see something that does not seem right, send the film to HTC and give your reasons as to why you think something is wrong. dont expect a reply from them, they are busy, and I have sent two films in the last 3 or 4 months and no reply. so maybe there was nothing wrong and they dont reply to those ones, I dont know. Now if you do think somebody has hacked in, DON'T POST IT ON THE BB. like I said, just send the film to HTC, if you post it and they read it they may change the hack and wait a while and HTC may not find them.

well what ever you do, it is your choice and your money, nobody can tell you other wise.
May you find the sim that makes you happy.


Offline Dago

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« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2000, 10:05:00 PM »
You bring up a good question.  I am starting to wonder the same thing.

I have been playing AH a while now, and have seen some interesting things a couple times.

No, a P51 should not be able to easily takedown a Lanc.

And, yes, I have seen a Panzer shoot me on the first try from way the heck away. Repeatadly.  Same guy, shoots me as I approach, long ways from where I would consider a good easy shot. A long ways.
And he does this to others too, all on differant approach lines.  Since enemy vehicles have no icons showing range, I find this very interesting and highly unlikely.
I dont know if he was cheating somehow, and dont want to throw around accusations, but it was amazing the range from which this guy could hit me from on the first shot virtually every time. I dont know if it is possible to hack something like this, probably not.

But I will tell you this, if there is cheating in AH, it is extremely rare. Some players are good, some not, but I rarely have any reason to even wonder about hacking.

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

Offline Westy

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« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2000, 10:19:00 PM »
 I would say leave the AW baggage behind but definately question a P-51's ability to take down a Lanc with what seems to be very little ammo. But never ever base it on your ability, or inability, to do the same whether it's with a different aircraft and different guns or not.

 We've seen proof hackers once fudged ordinance and troop loads. Could they mess around with chanign gun types, increasing calibre sizes or even change flight performance?  I think not on the FM part but the rest maybe. Not sure what HC did to stop the ordinance load-out hackers.  

 Don't forget though.  AH has a damage model light years ahead of AW3. A good shot could take out the pilot in a Lanc with no problem. Aces Hiogh does not have a gradual build up of generic damage points like AW has.  Here you CAN aim and kill the pilot if you're a good shot. Hitting the cockpit on a buff is a easy. Taking out engines, tails, wings, etc is very easy on buffs because they're so damned big and easy to line up on. Here there is no "hit bubble" so someone coming in from a high 6 could easily put their bullets into the cockpit. It's easier to aim ahead of the bombers nose and let it fly into your bullet stream allwoing maximum % on target.
 As for the Panzer/ground vehicle issue. It's not the first time I've heard this questioned.

[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 12-16-2000).]

Offline BigJim

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« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2000, 10:58:00 PM »
Heh well I was just shot down by chog which pulled 2 continuous loops at high G with NO E loss and then continued to run down my yak on the level my ias was 500 from the dive and he NEVER compressed.....impressive since I fly the Hog alot and have NEVER been able to accomplish what this pilot got out of his F4U-1C.  Is he hacked???? got NO WAY of knowing for sure but it sure as hell FELT like it was and there have been ALOT of things going screwy lately in AH, so I hope HTC puts in some kind of monitor on the packets cause if this continues the stampeed outta here will sure make some noise.


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« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2000, 11:17:00 PM »
RAM's replacement has officially been found!  


Offline Jigster

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« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2000, 11:37:00 PM »
Getting hit with the first shot in a panzer is easy to answer.

After 3k you don't see the tracer. The explosion of the shell kinda helped this (although stupid because an APCBC shell is very hard to set off by just impacting the ground) But they can range you while still far enough away where you won't hear it.

Leading at over 6000 yards isn't that hard if they keep in a straight line as well.

Offline Maverick

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« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2000, 12:29:00 AM »

You aren't the first to determine something is hacked. There was a blatant hack that Mitsu caught on film and HT dumped them. As others have posted thee are others who are either hacking or have found an exploitable "bug" in the game. I found and filmed one tonight. A B17 that was able to make instantaneous changes in direction including vertically. I sam sending the tape into HT to see if they can determine how this person did it and hopefully fix it.

So in answer to your question, yes the game has been hacked. If you want an unhackable game, good luck as there ain't no such thing. I wish you luck in your search.

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Author Unknown

Offline SC-DeMutt

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« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2000, 02:13:00 AM »

  1st; Kudos to Wolf37 on how to handle a percieved hack! (Why let 'em get away with it?!)

I just want to tell you that I understand your frustration. I too left AW3, Because of the BS, and empty promises. But as Razor said, There's always gonna be some punk trying to, And/Or suceeding, at hacking. No matter WHAT sim you fly! But if all the Honest, Fair minded folk leave because of a handful of knotheads who's only purpose is to create Hate and Discontent; Then they will win. And once they're bored with ruining what's left, Believe me, They'll find you again in they're search for new territory!!
  It's a sad fact of life, That good people have always paid the price for the actions of the Troublemakers. To Acknowledge them, is to give them the power they seek. So Ignore them, Or Quietly bust 'em on film. Then they'll get bored/Caught, and go away.

  Hehe, My 'Pet Peeves', are guys that circle over a freshly killed base, gettin all worked up, because nobody cared about their 15 or 20 Radio Snivels about "A-?? DEAD! NEED GOON/M3, A.S.A.P.!!". If you organize the Raid, Don't forget a goon! Or get one yourself, Fer crissakes! Or better yet, You cave in and help by grabbing a Goon, And get shot down as you begin to drop troops, While the same fool is still yellin' "Anybody gonna goon A-??" Right over your head! (LOL)
  Or the guy shooting you down won't return yer salute! Now THAT oughta get a body Steamed!!
  Or the.... Oh... Sorry, I got carried away again


Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2000, 02:30:00 AM »
Dago, I posted on a similar issue not so long ago (1 ping kills from 3k with panzer)

This guy's name doesn't happen to start with the letter 'M' does it?

Offline Regurge

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« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2000, 02:36:00 AM »
Originally posted by Razor:
...6 50's kill a LANC 2 way in hell. And don't give me this shot the pilot crap either,the guy came in high 6.

From the pilots perspective, the high 6 of a Lanc is mostly glass. It looks like there is armor right behind the pilot, but any shot other than dead 6 looks like it could hit the pilot directly.

Also, I think there are a few net-related things that could cause that, like lost packets, lag, and such.

Panzer hits a moving target at a distance of 2k first shot...again, no way in hell. As I understand it 2k represents 2000 yards which is 5000 feet, which is 280 feet short of a mile. Still think its possible? First shot?

Not to toot my own horn here, but 2k and less is an easy shot in a tank. I dont know about real-life, but it is in the game. The trajectory of an AP shell is very flat and makes getting hits very easy, especially at close ranges. With some practice, you can guess the range on a gv pretty accurately judging by its size in the scope.

On average, i get a hit on the 4th shot for ranges further than 2k. If the target is moving, the average is more like 5 or 6. Still, a number of times i  have hit with the first shot. That happens maybe 10% of the time for me.

One time, i hit a tank with the 1st shot from about 3.3k while i was moving. I was just ranging him to get a rough idea of his distance, but managed to deal a killing blow. Of course that has only happened once, and i was totally amazed at my luck.

Also, for some reason other people's shots always look long on your FE. I have watched other people get kills in tanks, but never have i seen their shells hit. It always looks to me like their shots sail overhead even though its scored a hit one the other guy's FE. The same is true when people are firing at me.

So again I ask...has this game been hacked? Have there been people caught and kicked out?

Yep, like any game, AH has been hacked. But i would say its extremely rare. I have been playing for about 4-5 months and have never seen a blatant hack(as far as i can tell).

What i have seen is that 90% of the planes i meet have average pilots. The other 10% are piloted by hangtime, torque, nash, and folks of that caliber. Chances are, if  somone makes me say "<curse word>, how did he do THAT!!!??", its one of those guys.


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« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2000, 03:08:00 AM »
Guys you can't see panzer tracers beyond 3k.  So if you are killed beyond 3k, the only shot you will know about is the one that hits you.

Offline Tyro48

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« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2000, 04:09:00 AM »
I would be willing to bet that there are check summs through out the code that can pick up even the smallest tweak, but your best bet is to have your film running and submit it if you think somethin's a half bubble of center in the game.