Originally posted by funkedup:
More like:
If I stole $5, and I promised to give back $4 to the rightful owner tomorrow, I'd better not spend more than $1 today.
[ 07-25-2001: Message edited by: funkedup ]
If its the federal government your talking about, later that night they'd be saying "I can't believe I spent $100 today, Guess we'll have to take more from the slaves tomarow"
PS. Rip,
Isn't it funny how the last thing the dems did when they had congresional power was raise taxes (largest increase in US history) and within 3 or 4 months of them getting power back in the senate they've already suggested it again.
Just let me know when it's time to revolt, I'm about ready to whack some tax-n-spend MOFO"S!!!!! F*ckin thieves, both parties....
[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Udie ]