Hi everyone,
"Welcome to the new Axis Vs Allies forum"!
(trumpets in the background play announcement piece)
(loud applause)
At this time, I want to thank you all for coming into the AvA. The staff of the AvA look forward to serving you during this new and exciting era of online combat.
(loud applause)
All we ask is that all players follow some general guidelines when flying in the Axis Vs Allies Arena (AAA or the triple-A).
First, you must remember to have fun. Enjoy the time you spend with squadmates and peers.
(strong applause)
Second, respect other pilots, players, and posters. The triple P for the triple A. Nuff said.
(strong applause)
Finally, make all feel welcome. When you encounter a new pilot in the arena, introduce yourself, say hi, salute all combats. We're not the MA, and we are also not the DA. We're the A v A.
(loud applause)
For those of you who do not wish to komply with diz rules, we have vays of dealink vit vem. (evil laugh in the background)
all and welcome to the AvA.