Well, well, well, the first KOTH of 2006 was a fine one indeed!
Congratulations and to BluKitty for the victory.The fight lasted over 4 hours with 14 matches. Over 40 people flew and we had 6 Wabbits
trying to win at the end.
BluKitty selected the Bf109-K4 for February's first ride.
The round by round results:
- TC in a Bf109-G14
- xNOVAx in a F6F-5
- Kermit in a A6M5b
- BluKitty in a Typhoon
- wetrat in a F4U-1D
- wetrat in a Ki-84a (Wabbit)
- Raptor01 in a Ki-84a
- Raptor01 in a P-38L (Wabbit)
- xNOVAx in a Yak-9U (Wabbit)
- WMLute in a P-47D-40
- WMLute in a D3A-1 (Wabbit)
- BluKitty in a C.202 (Wabbit)
- TC ina Spitfire MkVIII (Wabbit)
- BluKitty wins in a F4U-1
The logs for this event can be found at
http://www.ahevents.org/event_logs.php .
If you want to be added to the KOTH mailing list, send a request to:
AHKoth-subscribe@Topica.com2006 TOC invitations will be reserved for:
KOTH- BluKitty
Wabbits- wetrat, Raptor01, xNOVAx, WMLute, and TC
Thanks for attending and spread the word about it,
Dave 'fuzeman' Klopfer